Mountie ‘taken to task’ for criticism of RCMP’s response to Moncton shootings


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is typical RCMP protocol. They are the greatest Group Think agency in Canada, and they, along with the OPP and TPS are not only have leadership which are self serving cowardly rat bastards, but they are a threat to our allies.

I've outed a few of them in emails to politicians and media and have dared them to charge me with a crime. These agencies of neo-communists who would open the door to the German Gestapo in the 1940's don't have the courage to do that.

This guy dare challenge the horrible response from the RCMP which lead to three dead officers. They wonder why Canadians in a poll overwhelmingly don't trust the RCMP to even babysit their kids. They do not learn and are as arrogant as they come. It's no wonder Canadas economy is dropping in world ranking and once NAFTA is dealt with, we are headed to Second World status.


Mountie ‘taken to task’ for criticism of RCMP’s response to Moncton shootings | Toronto Star

MONCTON, N.B.—An RCMP corporal who was friends with three Mounties killed in New Brunswick says he has been rebuked for publicly calling on the force’s top brass to start listening to its officers.

Cpl. Patrick Bouchard said he received a document stating that comments he made Sept. 29 were unacceptable, though he disagrees.

“I really don’t believe I did anything wrong by speaking out about the truth,” Bouchard said in a phone interview. “I challenged the senior brass and their lack of support, and I’m being taken to task.”

Bouchard spoke out last month following a New Brunswick judge’s decision finding the RCMP guilty of failing to provide its members with adequate weapons and training in the 2014 Moncton shootings that killed Constables Fabrice Gevaudan, Dave Ross and Doug Larche and wounded two other officers.

The 15-year veteran, who is stationed at the detachment in Miramichi, N.B. said the decision exposed the divide between RCMP’s top ranks and Mounties on the ground, noting a conspicuous absence of senior managers in the courtroom.

Bouchard said a performance log indicated that due to his comments, which had been televised, he did not meet the “basic competencies” required by his position. The RCMP’s code of conduct requires its members “behave in a manner that is not likely to discredit the Force.”

The 40-year-old corporal said he has not been disciplined for the comments, but he feels further consequences may be in the works.

The Canadian Press could not immediately reach the RCMP to comment on the matter, but the force told the CBC last week that it does not comment on internal issues involving employees.

The RCMP said the force was represented by counsel when the decision was handed down in a Moncton court, and would not comment on whether senior managers intended to show up at the sentencing hearing in November.

“There’s no change in the RCMP. I’m hopeful that there can be change, but senior brass not showing up . . . demonstrates to me that the willingness to change might not be there,” said Bouchard.

“It would have helped a lot if you want to start the healing process if someone from senior management could have shown up and showed that our safety, our security, our health, is top priority for them.”

While many of his concerns about officer safety have fallen on deaf ears, Bouchard said, the force has taken some steps to improve equipment and training for its members in the wake of Justin Bourque’s shooting rampage in June 2014.
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