Most Support Obama's Stimulus Plan


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
A new national poll suggests most Americans favor an economic stimulus package even if it comes with an $800 billion price tag, although that support doesn't indicate the public wants to see a new era of big government.

Poll: Most support Obama's $800 billion stimulus plan -

What "most Americans" apparently don't realize is that the $800 billion is either going to be printed or borrowed, which is part of the problem in the first place. The government needs to quit making the situation worse and simply allow this correction to happen.
This depends on your financial situation if you still have a job most likely you dont like this plan if you dont have one you want your cut. Its like the automotive bailout most people were saying no they shouldnt give no money but most of us are selfish if it doesnt affect us we dont care. If it doesnt affect my job, my little world then i dont care but when it does affect my job or my little world i want money too the company i work for needs money, why my gas so high (early last year) the government should do something about it. Most people are just plain hypocrites sad to say.

Its like this you have a family with 2 kids, about to lose your job and finding a job is almost nearly impossible. What do you do you want help from the federal government. Especially if you worked for the state and got laid off. Do you still have your job be happy but dont get uptight because others want help because in that situation you want help to.
This depends on your financial situation if you still have a job most likely you dont like this plan if you dont have one you want your cut. Its like the automotive bailout most people were saying no they shouldnt give no money but most of us are selfish if it doesnt affect us we dont care. If it doesnt affect my job, my little world then i dont care but when it does affect my job or my little world i want money too the company i work for needs money, why my gas so high (early last year) the government should do something about it. Most people are just plain hypocrites sad to say.

Its like this you have a family with 2 kids, about to lose your job and finding a job is almost nearly impossible. What do you do you want help from the federal government. Especially if you worked for the state and got laid off. Do you still have your job be happy but dont get uptight because others want help because in that situation you want help to.

I have been laid off quite a few times, once from a Chevrolet dealership. I'm aware that it's not a good situation and that people may not be in a good place right now. It doesn't, however, excuse the government when it makes matters worse. Where does the money for this stimulus come from? The government doesn't have $800 billion just sitting around collecting dust. Eventually, the people will have to pay this money back. Either through inflation or through direct taxation.
Yeah i know it will have to be paid back. It always has too be one way or another. But the big thing is people need jobs they are not as lucky as your or me, they want to work alot are taking jobs in the fast food industry so they can have any kind of paycheck. But in the end which would be worse letting these people lose thier jobs, homes and insurance in the end we pay for it anyways. Thats the rub we will pay one way or another. Do you try to stop or just let everything happen, like the housing crisis people were talking about support money back last Jan to keep people afloat then during the summer they were talking about the same thing but it was 10 times bigger. Dont forget if they are unemployed or under employed they will get foodstamps which the government pays for and the hosipitals will have to take a loss with the people getting sick which they get a little from the state and federal for that too. So add all that up would you rather have people working for the government or sponging off it.
People never ask what gets destroyed with borrowing $800B away from the economy? Jobs. And lots of it.

Borrowing is absolutely no different than direct taxation... except the former is promised a pay back, eventually.

Keynesian economics is just wrong:
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Poll: Most support Obama's $800 billion stimulus plan -

What "most Americans" apparently don't realize is that the $800 billion is either going to be printed or borrowed, which is part of the problem in the first place. The government needs to quit making the situation worse and simply allow this correction to happen.

They didn't need a poll for this. Americans are becoming more uneducated and programmed all the time. To borrow a term from another USMB member who is indelibly programmed, these Americans are simply 'Ideologues' that simply parrot what they're hear from their masters. It's only going to get worse.
Misguided expectations?

Obama sees a recession in the US as do all of us. Unfortunately the roots of the recession are global, and his stimulus package does not address the global problems.

We need energy self sufficiency, totally, completely and cheaply.

If he can not deliver that, we are screwed and will continue to be screwed as long as the Arabs and Iran can continue to bid up the oil futures.

They panicked and stopped their recent game when they saw that manipultion of the Futures Market brought an economic collapse to the Western World.

Though Osama is so happy, he is dancing in the streets, the rest of the Islamic world realized that this recession is hurting them as well. So, they have backed off for the time being.

Once the collapse has been stymied, they will be back to their old games but will use moderation again to keep the price of Oil at about $110 a barrel to maximize their profits but not hamper economic growth. We need to produce oil for $35 a barrel to keep the price low.

It is called economic war. It is real and we need to win it.
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Poll: Most support Obama's $800 billion stimulus plan -

What "most Americans" apparently don't realize is that the $800 billion is either going to be printed or borrowed, which is part of the problem in the first place. The government needs to quit making the situation worse and simply allow this correction to happen.

Well... that certainly would be one way to deal with this problem.

Tell me, what do you think would happen to America while this "correction" was happening?
Well... that certainly would be one way to deal with this problem.

Tell me, what do you think would happen to America while this "correction" was happening?
Personally, edi, I am afraid to think of what COULD happen. No effort at all could lead to another Great Depression.

I'm an ex sailor. I know the ocean. Cargo ships are being laid up in river estuaries. That happened last during the Great Depression. Thank heavens those laid up ships from the thirties were available to be used to run the Atlantic during the height of the German U-boat offensive.

Fact remains that this is a very serious economic contraction. When the ships get laid up, we are in serious trouble. Remember, we are still the leading manufacturing country in the world. We are looking at Depression.
Well... that certainly would be one way to deal with this problem.

Tell me, what do you think would happen to America while this "correction" was happening?

It's not going to be a good time for a lot of people. I like Peter Schiff's medicine analogy, he says that sometimes we have to take medicine we don't like to cure our problem.

The alternative to this, however, is to simply make the recession longer and worse when it comes.
Who's really to say for sure how long it would last if the government didn't try to reflate?

It could very well be short. It might only be a year. Maybe even two. Is two years so bad, when at the end it would lead to REAL prosperity again?

At this point, if the government did somehow manage to pull a rabbit out of it's ass and reflate again, what happens when the NEXT inevitable bubble pops?

Will we be smart enough to see it coming this time and act accordingly? I doubt it, because after the tech bubble we ALREADY should have been smart enough. At the very least, we should have been able to understand asset valuation, and that no asset's value can rise to infinity. It seems to me that consumers thought houses would never devalue again, and that it was completely worth it to jump into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, because it was a "lucrative investment".

We'll see, I guess. Maybe we can buy another 5 years of boom with all this new money, again. We'd pretty much need another bubble, though. It's what keeps confidence high in the market. I shudder to think of what the next bust will look like, though. I'm positive of one thing, we'll all look back at this one and wish we could have IT, instead.

I'll be prepared at least, anyway.

Will YOU?
Personally, edi, I am afraid to think of what COULD happen. No effort at all could lead to another Great Depression.

I'm an ex sailor. I know the ocean. Cargo ships are being laid up in river estuaries. That happened last during the Great Depression. Thank heavens those laid up ships from the thirties were available to be used to run the Atlantic during the height of the German U-boat offensive.

Fact remains that this is a very serious economic contraction. When the ships get laid up, we are in serious trouble. Remember, we are still the leading manufacturing country in the world. We are looking at Depression.

I happen to agree with you. Watching the manufacturing sectors go down one by one in Portland, Oregon, it really looks like we are in for a really rough time. Whether or not any action can prevent the Depression, I don't know. But you are correct that the absolute best thing we can do is pursue every avenue to energy independence.

The first action is to set up a distributed grid capable of picking up the average homeowners few kws of solar as well as a gw nuclear plant. Then expand the grid to the areas where we have ample sources of power. Like the Interstate system, this would have to be done by the government. And like the Interstate system, the government would not create the power, or build the power stations, private enterprise is entirely capable of doing that. The government would just charge the equivelant of a road tax for the electricity put on the grid. There are very rural areas in Oregon and Montana that have enormous potential in wind, particulary Montana, and, in Oregon, wind, geothermal, and solar in all the same area.
This depends on your financial situation if you still have a job most likely you dont like this plan if you dont have one you want your cut. Its like the automotive bailout most people were saying no they shouldnt give no money but most of us are selfish if it doesnt affect us we dont care. If it doesnt affect my job, my little world then i dont care but when it does affect my job or my little world i want money too the company i work for needs money, why my gas so high (early last year) the government should do something about it. Most people are just plain hypocrites sad to say.

Its like this you have a family with 2 kids, about to lose your job and finding a job is almost nearly impossible. What do you do you want help from the federal government. Especially if you worked for the state and got laid off. Do you still have your job be happy but dont get uptight because others want help because in that situation you want help to.

So since 93% of us that want to work, have a job, I guess only 7% like the bailouts.... We have unemployment insurance, welfare, soup kitchens, salvation army and flop houses....
Well... that certainly would be one way to deal with this problem.

Tell me, what do you think would happen to America while this "correction" was happening?

The kick in the nuts we all have coming and all DESERVE. We are nation of whining, self-indulgent WHIMPS. The government should butt-out, and let happen what is supposed to happen. A country of spoiled whiners getting a good, hard SPANKING.

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