Most of these excesses are at their worst in the United States with its easily bought legislature


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The information revolution has made IP one of America's chief export earners. And the free-trade preaching Yanks have made advancing the interest of their IP exporters their chief priority in trade negotiations such as the present Trans Pacific Partnership deal.

As always, we have a tendency to give the Yanks whatever they want. Trouble is, as Harper points out, Australia is and always will be (and should be, given our comparative advantage in world trade) a net importer of intellectual property.

Abbott has a further temptation to be less than vigilant in pursuing Team Australia's best interests: his chief media cheerleader, News Corp, happens to be the twin brother of a primary beneficiary of the Yanks' efforts to advance the interests of their IP exporters, 21st Century Fox.

Read more: Abbott s choice competition v cronies
The information revolution has made IP one of America's chief export earners. And the free-trade preaching Yanks have made advancing the interest of their IP exporters their chief priority in trade negotiations such as the present Trans Pacific Partnership deal.

As always, we have a tendency to give the Yanks whatever they want. Trouble is, as Harper points out, Australia is and always will be (and should be, given our comparative advantage in world trade) a net importer of intellectual property.

Abbott has a further temptation to be less than vigilant in pursuing Team Australia's best interests: his chief media cheerleader, News Corp, happens to be the twin brother of a primary beneficiary of the Yanks' efforts to advance the interests of their IP exporters, 21st Century Fox.

Read more: Abbott s choice competition v cronies

easily bought? Please give your best example of admit to being a fool.
Google has ramped up its political contributions and spent more money on political campaigns this year than global investment bank, Goldman Sachs. The tech giant is looking to gain more political clout in Washington,it was revealed.

Google beats Goldman Sachs in political campaign donations RT USA

blame it all on liberals who want govt to be so powerful that everyone wants to buy it! Maybe they want it so powerful so that it will be worth a lot to sell.
If you really believe corporations make campaign donations because they are feeling generous, I've got a bridge to sell to you!
Spending by groups that don’t disclose their donors in the 2014 midterm elections has crested $100 million, a figure that is well ahead of what was spent on congressional races at this point in any other cycle. And the most is yet to come.

How much more? Probably at least another $100 million, if past experience is a guide. In the last seven cycles, going back to 2000, more than 54 percent of the eventual total dark money spending, on average, occurred in the final weeks before the election. In only one cycle, 2008, had more than half of it been spent by Oct. 8. In all other cycles, anywhere from 50 to 72 percent of dark money outlays came after that date. (All figures are based on spending that the groups reported to the FEC.) Money in Politics -- See Who s Giving Who s Getting
The excesses of America's free market and moneybags democracy in particular make the pattern re-occur in intense series of booms and busts. Phillips identifies three distinct U.S. historical cycles--we are at the end of the third--in which the egalitarian policies of moderate GOP Presidents Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, and Richard M. Nixon get replaced "conclusively by the language of Wall Street, Darwinism, and tax-cut worship." The result each time has been a greater concentration of wealth and power at the top.

Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer - Businessweek
The excesses of America's free market and moneybags democracy in particular make the pattern re-occur in intense series of booms and busts. Phillips identifies three distinct U.S. historical cycles--we are at the end of the third--in which the egalitarian policies of moderate GOP Presidents Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, and Richard M. Nixon get replaced "conclusively by the language of Wall Street, Darwinism, and tax-cut worship." The result each time has been a greater concentration of wealth and power at the top.

Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer - Businessweek
and the rich/corporations are hoarding cash..not reinvesting in the US and stifling entrepreneurship by Americans...
" The result each time has been a greater concentration of wealth and power at the top.

dear, we know who the wealthy are and we live in a free country don't we? If you don't like that Bill Gates has so much money you are free not to buy his products and to encourage others to do the same.

I'm sure as a brain dead liberal you want the govt to steal money from Bill Gates on your behalf but you must be careful as he may get there first and use the govt to steal from you. Its better to renounce violence theft altogether. Do you understand?

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