Moscow ‘using weapons smuggled by Iran from Iraq against Ukraine’. all you need to know about Nigeria with snow- PAPER TIGER !


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Moscow ‘using weapons smuggled by Iran from Iraq against Ukraine’​

Moscow HORDE is receiving munitions and military hardware sourced from Iraq for its war effort in Ukraine with the help of Iranian weapons smuggling networks, according to members of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias and regional intelligence services with knowledge of the process.

RPGs and anti-tank missiles, as well as Brazilian-designed rocket launcher systems, have been dispatched to Russia from Iraq as Moscow’s campaign has faltered in the last month, the Guardian has learned.

An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport.

all you need to know about Nigeria with snow, as I told here many times before Muscovy is a PAPER TIGER !



Moscow ‘using weapons smuggled by Iran from Iraq against Ukraine’​

Moscow HORDE is receiving munitions and military hardware sourced from Iraq for its war effort in Ukraine with the help of Iranian weapons smuggling networks, according to members of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias and regional intelligence services with knowledge of the process.

RPGs and anti-tank missiles, as well as Brazilian-designed rocket launcher systems, have been dispatched to Russia from Iraq as Moscow’s campaign has faltered in the last month, the Guardian has learned.
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An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport.

all you need to know about Nigeria with snow, as I told here many times before Muscovy is a PAPER TIGER !


View attachment 629421
Political posturing through minor weapons donations. Of course these are states heavily dependent on Russia.

Moscow ‘using weapons smuggled by Iran from Iraq against Ukraine’​

Moscow HORDE is receiving munitions and military hardware sourced from Iraq for its war effort in Ukraine with the help of Iranian weapons smuggling networks, according to members of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias and regional intelligence services with knowledge of the process.

RPGs and anti-tank missiles, as well as Brazilian-designed rocket launcher systems, have been dispatched to Russia from Iraq as Moscow’s campaign has faltered in the last month, the Guardian has learned.
View attachment 629422

An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport.

all you need to know about Nigeria with snow, as I told here many times before Muscovy is a PAPER TIGER !


View attachment 629421
You show a map like that and you still wonder why Putin acted against the WEF in Ukraine???
For what purpose? One of the world´s major arms exporter out of arms? Don´t tell me you believe that nonsense?
That is not about what I believe. The poster above asked about a possible route of shipment and I gave my answer based on what I had read a bit earlier about that.

The WEF, Soros, Kolomoisky and their Ukrainian Nazi have supplanted the USSR as the Evil Empire.

Reagan would be sending Putin Intel, if not weapons
Political posturing to help prop up the country they are most dependent upon.

That is not about what I believe. The poster above asked about a possible route of shipment and I gave my answer based on what I had read a bit earlier about that.
I rather believe this article is meant to make readers believe Russia is so weak. I just read an article of Germany´s second largest weekly news magazine (Focus) that Russia is out of troops.
So, lets sum up: No arms, no troops, the war is imaginary! That means all sanctions need to be lifted right now!
I rather believe this article is meant to make readers believe Russia is so weak. I just read an article of Germany´s second largest weekly news magazine (Focus) that Russia is out of troops.
So, lets sum up: No arms, no troops, the war is imaginary! That means all sanctions need to be lifted right now!
You were doing fairly well up to the last couple of statements in your post. Then you took a wrong turn off into crazyland.

Russia has gotten it's ass shot off but they are a long way off from being out of troops or equipment. They have almost certaily all but run out of their higher tech ordinance such as the Hypersonic Missiles.

Fortunately the Russian military can't afford to buy the best High Tech weapons and ordinance produced in Russia. Those are produced primarily for export.
I rather believe this article is meant to make readers believe Russia is so weak. I just read an article of Germany´s second largest weekly news magazine (Focus) that Russia is out of troops.
So, lets sum up: No arms, no troops, the war is imaginary! That means all sanctions need to be lifted right now!
Some Russian posters here push a narrative about Chinese tanks being sent westward for Russian army. I don't know whether it is true or just a piece of Russian propaganda.

Russian army is mostly old junk. No one says Russia doesn't have equipment and hardware. They have plenty of that. But maybe they need more relatively modern warfare, who knows.
Some Russian posters here push a narrative about Chinese tanks being sent westward for Russian army. I don't know whether it is true or just a piece of Russian propaganda.

Russian army is mostly old junk. No one says Russia doesn't have equipment and hardware. They have plenty of that. But maybe they need more relatively modern warfare, who knows.


The WEF, Soros, Kolomoisky and their Ukrainian Nazi have supplanted the USSR as the Evil Empire.

Reagan would be sending Putin Intel, if not weapons
ivan, do you take some heavy medicines ? even for olgion trolls you are over the top

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You were doing fairly well up to the last couple of statements in your post. Then you took a wrong turn off into crazyland.

Russia has gotten it's ass shot off but they are a long way off from being out of troops or equipment. They have almost certaily all but run out of their higher tech ordinance such as the Hypersonic Missiles.

Fortunately the Russian military can't afford to buy the best High Tech weapons and ordinance produced in Russia. Those are produced primarily for export.
These are all speculations that come together with claims that Russia is indiscriminately shelling civilian areas. Russia has destroyed a lot of stuff. Even if the Ukraine gets new tanks from Nato, they are not trained to operate them and they hardly can move them to the battlefields because they run out of fuel and their infrastructure is being destroyed. What they are doing instead is using civilian buildings as fortifications. That is perfectly fine as long as they let the residents go. Reports say, however, that groups like Azov don´t and even shoot them if they try to escape. What I think is that they will not get any reinforcements and thus their defeat will come building by building, street by street.

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