🐷 🇷🇺 Moscow empire's collapse is IMMINENT I VIDEO


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Regret I didn't find your channel earlier. A very sober look at mongol - Moscow empire. Now mr Putin wants Alaska…
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

This blogger Savage Sage only has a superficial knowledge on Russia. The Tartars conquered Kievan Rus' (Ukraine) by sacking Kiev in 1240. Moscow's eventual dominance was in large part attributable to the Mongols as Ivan I of Moscow became the chief intermediary between the Mongol overlords and the Rus'. Without the Mongol destruction of Kiev, the Rus' would not have unified into today's Russia.
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This blogger Savage Sage only has a superficial knowledge on Russia. The Tartars conquered Kievan Rus' (Ukraine) by sacking Kiev in 1240. Moscow's eventual dominance was in large part attributable to the Mongols as Ivan I of Moscow became the chief intermediary between the Mongol overlords and the Rus'. Without the Mongol destruction of Kiev, the Rus' would not have unified into today's Russia.

Moscow 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 ulus is getting closer to disintegration, that's why now in a panic their trolls are screaming that Western military aid will not save Ukraine and that the conflict should be frozen! Moscow ulus is at the point of breaking and now the West needs to give Ukraine everything they ask!!!

You‘ve been blathering about the “imminent collapse” of Russia for over two years.

Yet the warmongers in DC are claiming they now present a “grave threat” with their space nuke program.

Sounds to me like you’re all full of shit.
You‘ve been blathering about the “imminent collapse” of Russia for over two years.

Yet the warmongers in DC are claiming they now present a “grave threat” with their space nuke program.

Sounds to me like you’re all full of shit.

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