More US kids get paralyzing illness causes is still unknown


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
And then we'll discover the cause, make a vaccine against it... and you'll whine about that, too....
More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
CDC WARNING: Mystery Virus Causing Paralysis in Children
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning yesterday about a mysterious polio-like virus that’s causing acute neurological illness and paralysis in children. The virus seems to be related to the nationwide epidemic of EV-D68 that we reported on during the first weeks of the outbreak.
The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68
What is obvious is that Barack Obama does have the best interests of children at heart: illegal immigrant children harboring viruses and communicable diseases. American children who are defenseless against the onslaught, not so much.
Protesters in Manhattan call on Obama to stop feds from deporting illegal immigrants - NY Daily News

"In the Mexican community, families are paralyzed by fear ... Our communities are more than statistics ... they are people, with families and lives that are being threatened by our government's inability to fix our broken immigration system," Lucero said.
Instead of the people being paralyzed by fear, now they are paralyzed by EV-D68.. Elections have consequences and when you vote for the people who harbor diseased illegal criminals who broke our law by crossing our border, then you deserve all the misery those folks FORCE upon you. When an illegal coughs next to you, it could be you next.....
More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
CDC WARNING: Mystery Virus Causing Paralysis in Children
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning yesterday about a mysterious polio-like virus that’s causing acute neurological illness and paralysis in children. The virus seems to be related to the nationwide epidemic of EV-D68 that we reported on during the first weeks of the outbreak.
The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68
What is obvious is that Barack Obama does have the best interests of children at heart: illegal immigrant children harboring viruses and communicable diseases. American children who are defenseless against the onslaught, not so much.
Protesters in Manhattan call on Obama to stop feds from deporting illegal immigrants - NY Daily News

"In the Mexican community, families are paralyzed by fear ... Our communities are more than statistics ... they are people, with families and lives that are being threatened by our government's inability to fix our broken immigration system," Lucero said.
Instead of the people being paralyzed by fear, now they are paralyzed by EV-D68.. Elections have consequences and when you vote for the people who harbor diseased illegal criminals who broke our law by crossing our border, then you deserve all the misery those folks FORCE upon you. When an illegal coughs next to you, it could be you next.....
Embarrassing Stormfront white supremacist puke nonsense....
More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
CDC WARNING: Mystery Virus Causing Paralysis in Children
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning yesterday about a mysterious polio-like virus that’s causing acute neurological illness and paralysis in children. The virus seems to be related to the nationwide epidemic of EV-D68 that we reported on during the first weeks of the outbreak.
The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68
What is obvious is that Barack Obama does have the best interests of children at heart: illegal immigrant children harboring viruses and communicable diseases. American children who are defenseless against the onslaught, not so much.
Protesters in Manhattan call on Obama to stop feds from deporting illegal immigrants - NY Daily News

"In the Mexican community, families are paralyzed by fear ... Our communities are more than statistics ... they are people, with families and lives that are being threatened by our government's inability to fix our broken immigration system," Lucero said.
Instead of the people being paralyzed by fear, now they are paralyzed by EV-D68.. Elections have consequences and when you vote for the people who harbor diseased illegal criminals who broke our law by crossing our border, then you deserve all the misery those folks FORCE upon you. When an illegal coughs next to you, it could be you next.....
Embarrassing Stormfront white supremacist puke nonsense....
Notice not one of my presentations were debated, just the typical uneducated response from the retarded leftist, to call me a name. Now run along you petulant little girl.

meh, it's probably caused by chem trails or alien abductions messing with their DNA. . . . :tinfoil:
More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
And then we'll discover the cause, make a vaccine against it... and you'll whine about that, too....

How do you know it isn't caused by a cocktail of new and cheaper adjuncts in vaccines?
More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
CDC WARNING: Mystery Virus Causing Paralysis in Children
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning yesterday about a mysterious polio-like virus that’s causing acute neurological illness and paralysis in children. The virus seems to be related to the nationwide epidemic of EV-D68 that we reported on during the first weeks of the outbreak.
The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68
What is obvious is that Barack Obama does have the best interests of children at heart: illegal immigrant children harboring viruses and communicable diseases. American children who are defenseless against the onslaught, not so much.
Protesters in Manhattan call on Obama to stop feds from deporting illegal immigrants - NY Daily News

"In the Mexican community, families are paralyzed by fear ... Our communities are more than statistics ... they are people, with families and lives that are being threatened by our government's inability to fix our broken immigration system," Lucero said.
Instead of the people being paralyzed by fear, now they are paralyzed by EV-D68.. Elections have consequences and when you vote for the people who harbor diseased illegal criminals who broke our law by crossing our border, then you deserve all the misery those folks FORCE upon you. When an illegal coughs next to you, it could be you next.....
Embarrassing Stormfront white supremacist puke nonsense....
Difference between you and me Storm, is that I continue to get educated every day, not like you who has to hide away in your smelly cavity.

More US kids get paralyzing illness, cause is still unknown
NEW YORK (AP) — More children have been diagnosed with a mysterious paralyzing illness in recent weeks, and U.S. health officials said Tuesday that they still aren't sure what's causing it.

Oh but move along nuttin to see , just live in your little bubbles pretend it's all ok and maybe you and yours won't get effected. It's always special to plow through life with rose colored glasses if it makes it easier for you to face life.
And then we'll discover the cause, make a vaccine against it... and you'll whine about that, too....

Or..It's some shit that fucked up..and should not be here, dumbass.

You should go get a Flu shot, faggot.
If this turns out to be something other than shit you can blame on brown people -- that's cool..

We have plenty of other made up shit to blame brown people for if this doesn't pan out..

That is the luxury of being a xenophobic racist, you don't have to make sense

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