More UK Muslims Fighting for ISIS than the British Military


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Britain has a problem.

It is likely that there are now more British Muslims fighting for the Islamic State than for Britain's military.

Britain's Ministry of Defense confirmed to USA TODAY that there are approximately 600 British Muslim servicemembers in its armed forces of almost 200,000 people. Official government estimates put the number of British Islamic State fighters operating in Syria and Iraq at up to 800. The Foreign Office cautioned Thursday that it is difficult to provide precise numbers. ...

Khalid Mahmood, a member of Parliament from an area with a high proportion of Muslim residents, said government estimates of the number of British Islamic State fighters currently in the Mideast is far too conservative. He told Newsweek magazine this week that at least 1,500 extremists are likely to have been recruited to fight in Iraq and Syria over the last three years.

"There are an unacceptable number of Britons fighting for jihadist forces," he said.

More British Muslims fight for Islamic State than Britain
Er, doesn't it stand to reason that Muslims are more inclined to further the interests of their own militants, rather than serve in an army that is actively engaging, i.e. - shooting at, people most muslims in Britain support, in spite of the usual, empty platitudes from the British Council of Muslims, who most Muslims see as sell-outs?

Britain does indeed have a "problem". It's called "diversity", which always, always leads to greater conflict than racial or religious harmony. Only until the mainstream narrative ackowledges this, the "problem" is here to stay. Expect the symptom so many European politicians are afraid of and trying to ignore grow rapidly in N. America over the next few years.
I wonder how many British jews have gone to Israel and joined the IDF ?

While this is an apt comparison, your habit of attempting to completely derail any discussion about Muslims and terrorism into a discussion about Israel is not only obnoxious but deceitful as well. Please take your arguments to another thread, or withhold them until they become relevant to the conversation.
I wonder how many British jews have gone to Israel and joined the IDF ?

While this is an apt comparison, your habit of attempting to completely derail any discussion about Muslims and terrorism into a discussion about Israel is not only obnoxious but deceitful as well. Please take your arguments to another thread, or withhold them until they become relevant to the conversation.

How about a big :fu:just for you. ... :eusa_angel:
There are more British Muslim terrorists fighting overseas than there are enlisted in the British military.

The UK has a major problem in that a large portion of the country is dominated by hostile insular Muslims who are succesfully forming semi-autonomous regions under Sharia Law and generally have political power way beyond their numbers,

In a case like this, diversity and multiculturalism is virtually all bad, all dangerous take and no give and a recipe for disaster.

With the complacent government and politicaly correct ethnic population there is little hope for the once proud Britannia.

It's all down the drain from here on.
Britain does indeed have a "problem". It's called "diversity", which always, always leads to greater conflict than racial or religious harmony. Only until the mainstream narrative ackowledges this, the "problem" is here to stay. Expect the symptom so many European politicians are afraid of and trying to ignore grow rapidly in N. America over the next few years.

I agree, with a slight variation. Multiculturalism, I think, is what is to blame here, not necessarily the diversity aspect although that is certainly very much related to it.

I met a German once who told me about immigration in his country. In the 1970's, the main source of immigrants coming to Germany was Turkey, as it remains today. However, the Turks back then came to Germany to become Germans--they adopted the culture, the language, the lifestyle, and the mindset. The Turks of today--along with most other immigrants--don't care about being German in the least, they merely flood in to exploit the benefits system and attend prestigious German universities. This, I think, is the standard immigration situation in many Western countries today.

People of Nigerian, Turkish, Irish, Polish, and English descent can co-exist within the same country. The only question is whether they hold a warped, extremist view of their own culture, or if they've adopted the culture of their host country.

The UK (and other countries, such as France, Germany, and Sweden along with it) has been importing bottom-of-the-barrel immigrants for years now. It seems to me that the problem has gone beyond having an open borders policy or taking in too many refugees; rather, I am given the impression that the governments of these countries (or, more likely, merely elements within them) are deliberately, actively seeking out troublemakers and hardliners in third-world countries and bringing them to the West with the express intent of causing chaos.

That the British government protected the "right" of foreigners to stage a rowdy protest of soldiers on Remembrance Day, even including their signs which read "SOLDIERS GO TO HELL," would certainly seem to feed into this suspicion.
There are steps Western countries can take towards stemming the tide of citizens who want to go on Jihad and fight with ISIS.
One step is to revoke the citizenship status of anyone identified as joining ISIS. Granted, some will go anyways, but others would stop and think twice knowing, that if somehow they survive, they cannot return to the standard of living that they left behind.
But, instead, our policymakers act like a deer caught in headlights when dealing with home-grown Jihadists.

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