More than 280,000 dead in Syria war, monitor says in new toll/ Who cares?


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2015
More than 280,000 dead in Syria war, monitor says in new toll/
who cares? they are arabs

More than 280,000 dead in Syria war, monitor says in new toll
Very sad situation, and this comes as a result of the monitoring nations who claim they are trying to help, but instead are weak and confused as to their own plight in this world now, so they increase the pain and suffering instead of relieve it. This world needs a strong leadership to arise in it, and it should be one that is met with respect over it's compassion to do the right things, and to use common sense solutions to address the problems faced in these countries where their governments have lost total control over their situations.
More than 280,000 dead in Syria war, monitor says in new toll/
who cares? they are arabs

More than 280,000 dead in Syria war, monitor says in new toll

the Syrian war was created by the SHIITE SHIT of Iran -------the only people saying
----"they are only arabs. who CARES"? are Iranian Shiite shit. For those who do not know--------something I DO------Iranians despise arabs. I learned about that weird fact LONG ago------when I encountered lots and lots of Iranians ---young
medical school graduates. I was the "part time front desk clerk" --------short---quiet and dark haired--------all the boys "talked" to me
We need a leadership in the world that isn't held back when it comes to going after the bad guy's in a righteous an common sense way. It's time.
More than 280,000 dead in Syria war, monitor says in new toll/
who cares? they are arabs

More than 280,000 dead in Syria war, monitor says in new toll

the Syrian war was created by the SHIITE SHIT of Iran -------the only people saying
----"they are only arabs. who CARES"? are Iranian Shiite shit. For those who do not know--------something I DO------Iranians despise arabs. I learned about that weird fact LONG ago------when I encountered lots and lots of Iranians ---young
medical school graduates. I was the "part time front desk clerk" --------short---quiet and dark haired--------all the boys "talked" to me
you thin arabs are human ? even camels are smarter than arabs :biggrin:
the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
I'm not saying it isn't important.

What I'm saying is that war isn't the answer. Only more people will die.

The reason all those people are dying is because the US, Israel and their allies got involved in the first place to destabilize Syria.
the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
I'm not saying it isn't important.

What I'm saying is that war isn't the answer. Only more people will die.

The reason all those people are dying is because the US, Israel and their allies got involved in the first place to destabilize Syria.
. War is the answer if it is fought to win. The problem with America, is that it fights wars for political reasons, and not for righteous, moral or humanitarian reasons. Until we change our stance, we should stay out of wars.
the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
I'm not saying it isn't important.

What I'm saying is that war isn't the answer. Only more people will die.

The reason all those people are dying is because the US, Israel and their allies got involved in the first place to destabilize Syria.
. War is the answer if it is fought to win. The problem with America, is that it fights wars for political reasons, and not for righteous, moral or humanitarian reasons. Until we change our stance, we should stay out of wars.


War is only an option if the American people are attacked. Otherwise it is immoral and none of our business.

We can act as an impartial mediator if two sides are ready to negotiate, but the fact of the matter is, our elites have an interest in who wins.

There for, we have been getting clandestinely involved, just like the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese have been getting involved.

The "humanitarian" crises is a bullshit excuse to try to pull at American heart strings to try to get us further involved. The reason there is a crises is because we funded the rebels and caused there to be a crises.

If America and her allies and funded so many rebel factions, perhaps the Syrian government could have long ago wrapped up this civil war. This whole business is none of our concern. However, due to the regional resources and politics, we are making it our concern.

Imperialism is SO last millennium. I can't believe our leaders are this draconian and immoral.
the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
I'm not saying it isn't important.

What I'm saying is that war isn't the answer. Only more people will die.

The reason all those people are dying is because the US, Israel and their allies got involved in the first place to destabilize Syria.
. War is the answer if it is fought to win. The problem with America, is that it fights wars for political reasons, and not for righteous, moral or humanitarian reasons. Until we change our stance, we should stay out of wars.


War is only an option if the American people are attacked. Otherwise it is immoral and none of our business.

We can act as an impartial mediator if two sides are ready to negotiate, but the fact of the matter is, our elites have an interest in who wins.

There for, we have been getting clandestinely involved, just like the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese have been getting involved.

The "humanitarian" crises is a bullshit excuse to try to pull at American heart strings to try to get us further involved. The reason there is a crises is because we funded the rebels and caused there to be a crises.

If America and her allies and funded so many rebel factions, perhaps the Syrian government could have long ago wrapped up this civil war. This whole business is none of our concern. However, due to the regional resources and politics, we are making it our concern.

Imperialism is SO last millennium. I can't believe our leaders are this draconian and immoral.
. So it's not for us to go help anyone in the world in order for them to understand how well our system works for us here anymore, and this as according to you right, and also we should stop humanitarian abuses around the world along with our allies, and that is what you suggest we no longer do right ? So just shelve the powers that have been granted to us by he who is the Lord Almighty, and to ignore those instructions for whom he has written unto us through his deciples of every single issue that we still face in this world to date, and by what has been faced by the world in the past ? Heck America no longer needs to worry about the world being bad, and you might be right because we are allowing the world to come here now, and to infiltrate us doing terrible things to this nation now, so yes you might be right that the enemy is no longer without, but is now within the gates. We can't forsake our allies, so it's out of the question that we can ignore the problems in the world, but we had best get our house in order before we become the one who is under attack by outside and inside forces.

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the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
I'm not saying it isn't important.

What I'm saying is that war isn't the answer. Only more people will die.

The reason all those people are dying is because the US, Israel and their allies got involved in the first place to destabilize Syria.
. War is the answer if it is fought to win. The problem with America, is that it fights wars for political reasons, and not for righteous, moral or humanitarian reasons. Until we change our stance, we should stay out of wars.


War is only an option if the American people are attacked. Otherwise it is immoral and none of our business.

We can act as an impartial mediator if two sides are ready to negotiate, but the fact of the matter is, our elites have an interest in who wins.

There for, we have been getting clandestinely involved, just like the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese have been getting involved.

The "humanitarian" crises is a bullshit excuse to try to pull at American heart strings to try to get us further involved. The reason there is a crises is because we funded the rebels and caused there to be a crises.

If America and her allies and funded so many rebel factions, perhaps the Syrian government could have long ago wrapped up this civil war. This whole business is none of our concern. However, due to the regional resources and politics, we are making it our concern.

Imperialism is SO last millennium. I can't believe our leaders are this draconian and immoral.
. So it's not for us to go help anyone in the world in order for them to understand how well our system works for us here anymore, and this as according to you right, and also we should stop humanitarian abuses around the world along with our allies, and that is what you suggest we no longer do right ? So just shelve the powers that have been granted to us by he who is the Lord Almighty, and to ignore those instructions for whom he has written unto us through his deciples of every single issue that we still face in this world to date, and by what has been faced by the world in the past ? Heck America no longer needs to worry about the world being bad, and you might be right because we are allowing the world to come here now, and to infiltrate us doing terrible things to this nation now, so yes you might be right that the enemy is no longer without, but is now within the gates. We can't forsake our allies, so it's out of the question that we can ignore the problems in the world, but we had best get our house in order before we become the one who is under attack by outside and inside forces.

Could you reorganize this religious wackadoodle paragraph something more coherent?

We should have the MOST POWERFUL militarily in the world for DEFENSE only. Sadly our military has devolved into an offensive enforcement agency for the western multi-nationals, and a for hire mercenary force.

John Kerry reveals Arab countries have offered to PAY America to carry out full-scale invasion of Syria
the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
I'm not saying it isn't important.

What I'm saying is that war isn't the answer. Only more people will die.

The reason all those people are dying is because the US, Israel and their allies got involved in the first place to destabilize Syria.
. War is the answer if it is fought to win. The problem with America, is that it fights wars for political reasons, and not for righteous, moral or humanitarian reasons. Until we change our stance, we should stay out of wars.


War is only an option if the American people are attacked. Otherwise it is immoral and none of our business.

We can act as an impartial mediator if two sides are ready to negotiate, but the fact of the matter is, our elites have an interest in who wins.

There for, we have been getting clandestinely involved, just like the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese have been getting involved.

The "humanitarian" crises is a bullshit excuse to try to pull at American heart strings to try to get us further involved. The reason there is a crises is because we funded the rebels and caused there to be a crises.

If America and her allies and funded so many rebel factions, perhaps the Syrian government could have long ago wrapped up this civil war. This whole business is none of our concern. However, due to the regional resources and politics, we are making it our concern.

Imperialism is SO last millennium. I can't believe our leaders are this draconian and immoral.
. So it's not for us to go help anyone in the world in order for them to understand how well our system works for us here anymore, and this as according to you right, and also we should stop humanitarian abuses around the world along with our allies, and that is what you suggest we no longer do right ? So just shelve the powers that have been granted to us by he who is the Lord Almighty, and to ignore those instructions for whom he has written unto us through his deciples of every single issue that we still face in this world to date, and by what has been faced by the world in the past ? Heck America no longer needs to worry about the world being bad, and you might be right because we are allowing the world to come here now, and to infiltrate us doing terrible things to this nation now, so yes you might be right that the enemy is no longer without, but is now within the gates. We can't forsake our allies, so it's out of the question that we can ignore the problems in the world, but we had best get our house in order before we become the one who is under attack by outside and inside forces.

Could you reorganize this religious wackadoodle paragraph something more coherent?

We should have the MOST POWERFUL militarily in the world for DEFENSE only. Sadly our military has devolved into an offensive enforcement agency for the western multi-nationals, and a for hire mercenary force.

John Kerry reveals Arab countries have offered to PAY America to carry out full-scale invasion of Syria
. Should be a defensive force as well as an offensive force that protects liberty, freedom and the humble, meek, and poor who represent our values, morals, and standards in the world. We can not forsake the world's unprotected who are vulnerable to attacks and inhumane practices orchestrated by rogue governments against them. We must remain engaged in the world, but not let the world dictate to us on the type of leadership we should use in the world when engaged. We also have to protect our vital interests in the world.
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the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered in massive numbers is
important to some people
I'm not saying it isn't important.

What I'm saying is that war isn't the answer. Only more people will die.

The reason all those people are dying is because the US, Israel and their allies got involved in the first place to destabilize Syria.
. War is the answer if it is fought to win. The problem with America, is that it fights wars for political reasons, and not for righteous, moral or humanitarian reasons. Until we change our stance, we should stay out of wars.


War is only an option if the American people are attacked. Otherwise it is immoral and none of our business.

We can act as an impartial mediator if two sides are ready to negotiate, but the fact of the matter is, our elites have an interest in who wins.

There for, we have been getting clandestinely involved, just like the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese have been getting involved.

The "humanitarian" crises is a bullshit excuse to try to pull at American heart strings to try to get us further involved. The reason there is a crises is because we funded the rebels and caused there to be a crises.

If America and her allies and funded so many rebel factions, perhaps the Syrian government could have long ago wrapped up this civil war. This whole business is none of our concern. However, due to the regional resources and politics, we are making it our concern.

Imperialism is SO last millennium. I can't believe our leaders are this draconian and immoral.
. So it's not for us to go help anyone in the world in order for them to understand how well our system works for us here anymore, and this as according to you right, and also we should stop humanitarian abuses around the world along with our allies, and that is what you suggest we no longer do right ? So just shelve the powers that have been granted to us by he who is the Lord Almighty, and to ignore those instructions for whom he has written unto us through his deciples of every single issue that we still face in this world to date, and by what has been faced by the world in the past ? Heck America no longer needs to worry about the world being bad, and you might be right because we are allowing the world to come here now, and to infiltrate us doing terrible things to this nation now, so yes you might be right that the enemy is no longer without, but is now within the gates. We can't forsake our allies, so it's out of the question that we can ignore the problems in the world, but we had best get our house in order before we become the one who is under attack by outside and inside forces.


Sure, let's help Assad bring stability to his nation and crush those rebels that would seek to overthrow a legitimately elected government.

What ever.

The thing is, all the media you consume to get you to believe this or that way on a particular issue is done, just for that reason, to get you to WANT to intervene. It is done to get you to believe exactly what you are posting now. It's all bullshit. It has nothing to do with you. If you intervene, you gain nothing. If you don't, you lose nothing.

We have no allies and no compelling interest in that part of the world.

We have never been, "infiltrated." If you believe we have, you have been a victim of propaganda and a dupe of the Deep State.

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