More Selective Reporting from FOXNEWS


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024

According to the magical Nexis machine, in the past week, Fox "news" has mentioned, on air, the horrific scandal involving dead children, soldiers, and terrorism victims, and its parent company, News Corp a grand total of just once, on Bret Baier's comedy hour of alleged news, and just to say that Rupert Murdoch's son is shutting down the News of the World because its employees bribed cops and hacked into phones of dead kids. The story lasted about 30 seconds.

CNN has been all over the controversy, which has resulted in the arrest, among others, of a former official for David Cameron. MSNBC has at least spent a little time. But, as with most things, Fox viewers are blissfully unaware. (By the way, we're at the tip of the huge iceberg of awfulness involving one of the largest media companies in America and its CEO, who is, you know, a naturalized American. One would think that the American media would be all over this.)


Well lookie here Front page under World News
World -
They said it on Fox & Friends and in the next show called America's Newsroom and Bret Baier's show
They talked about the arrests and them shutting down of the paper.
Fox viewers are very much aware of it.
Your link to a lefty bloger is wrong Synthaholic.
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Well lookie here Front page under World News
World -
They said it on Fox & Friends and in the next show called America's Newsroom and Bret Baier's show
They talked about the arrests and them shutting down of the paper.
Fox viewers are very much aware of it.
Your link to a lefty bloger is wrong Synthaholic.
That's not FOXNEWS Channel, dope.
Well lookie here Front page under World News
World -
They said it on Fox & Friends and in the next show called America's Newsroom and Bret Baier's show
They talked about the arrests and them shutting down of the paper.
Fox viewers are very much aware of it.
Your link to a lefty bloger is wrong Synthaholic.
That's not FOXNEWS Channel, dope.

They've been reporting it all day long.
Well lookie here Front page under World News
World -
They said it on Fox & Friends and in the next show called America's Newsroom and Bret Baier's show
They talked about the arrests and them shutting down of the paper.
Fox viewers are very much aware of it.
Your link to a lefty bloger is wrong Synthaholic.
That's not FOXNEWS Channel, dope.

They've been reporting it all day long.

No, that can't be right.... a left wing blogger has said so.... the left wing never lies. Only Fox do that. :lol::lol:

So, now the question is.... how many hands does Synthia need to hold his ass now it's been handed to him? :lol:

According to the magical Nexis machine, in the past week, Fox "news" has mentioned, on air, the horrific scandal involving dead children, soldiers, and terrorism victims, and its parent company, News Corp a grand total of just once, on Bret Baier's comedy hour of alleged news, and just to say that Rupert Murdoch's son is shutting down the News of the World because its employees bribed cops and hacked into phones of dead kids. The story lasted about 30 seconds.

CNN has been all over the controversy, which has resulted in the arrest, among others, of a former official for David Cameron. MSNBC has at least spent a little time. But, as with most things, Fox viewers are blissfully unaware. (By the way, we're at the tip of the huge iceberg of awfulness involving one of the largest media companies in America and its CEO, who is, you know, a naturalized American. One would think that the American media would be all over this.)



LOL, of course CNN would "be all over it". Its their one big chance to go after their biggest threat and the company that is beating them.

And I know the OP/source link is full of shit, I've heard FoxNews mention the story a couple of times while listening to it yesterday. So I know they've talked about it more than "once".
Well lookie here Front page under World News
World -
They said it on Fox & Friends and in the next show called America's Newsroom and Bret Baier's show
They talked about the arrests and them shutting down of the paper.
Fox viewers are very much aware of it.
Your link to a lefty bloger is wrong Synthaholic.
That's not FOXNEWS Channel, dope.

Yes it is. Fox & Friends, America's Newsroom, they have been reporting about it all morning long.

According to the magical Nexis machine, in the past week, Fox "news" has mentioned, on air, the horrific scandal involving dead children, soldiers, and terrorism victims, and its parent company, News Corp a grand total of just once, on Bret Baier's comedy hour of alleged news, and just to say that Rupert Murdoch's son is shutting down the News of the World because its employees bribed cops and hacked into phones of dead kids. The story lasted about 30 seconds.

CNN has been all over the controversy, which has resulted in the arrest, among others, of a former official for David Cameron. MSNBC has at least spent a little time. But, as with most things, Fox viewers are blissfully unaware. (By the way, we're at the tip of the huge iceberg of awfulness involving one of the largest media companies in America and its CEO, who is, you know, a naturalized American. One would think that the American media would be all over this.)



I don't know what kind of research your source does. I suspect Shoddy is the term most appropriate.

I've seen stories aired on FOX in the Brett Bair show, Shephard Smith and on Fox and Friends if memory serves. I usually watch all of Brett Bair's show, about 10 minutes of Smith's show and Fox and Friends as I walk past it in the morning.

I listen to news on the radio and NPR in snipets through the day driving around and I check headlines in papers on the internet and watch the local news.

I have not seen this story reported in a featured way on any of these other outlets.

My research like that of your source, is shoddy.
I find it funny that the head of News Corp was responsible for hacking the phone of a murdered child and may have deleted messages that might have saved her life, hacking the phones of dead and wounded british Iraqi and Afghan vets and hacking the phones of celebrities, royals and high profile business people illicits very little outrage from the very people said to want to perserve freedom and liberty.

Well lookie here Front page under World News
World -
They said it on Fox & Friends and in the next show called America's Newsroom and Bret Baier's show
They talked about the arrests and them shutting down of the paper.
Fox viewers are very much aware of it.
Your link to a lefty bloger is wrong Synthaholic.
That's not FOXNEWS Channel, dope.

Typical Liberal, can only focus on one thing. :lol:
I find it funny that the head of News Corp was responsible for hacking the phone of a murdered child and may have deleted messages that might have saved her life, hacking the phones of dead and wounded british Iraqi and Afghan vets and hacking the phones of celebrities, royals and high profile business people illicits very little outrage from the very people said to want to perserve freedom and liberty.


The Brit's are very outraged about this

Had it happened here we would all be outraged about it too.
I find it funny that the head of News Corp was responsible for hacking the phone of a murdered child and may have deleted messages that might have saved her life, hacking the phones of dead and wounded british Iraqi and Afghan vets and hacking the phones of celebrities, royals and high profile business people illicits very little outrage from the very people said to want to perserve freedom and liberty.


The Brit's are very outraged about this

Had it happened here we would all be outraged about it too.


Because "it happened there and not here" you guys are not "outraged".

I find it funny that the head of News Corp was responsible for hacking the phone of a murdered child and may have deleted messages that might have saved her life, hacking the phones of dead and wounded british Iraqi and Afghan vets and hacking the phones of celebrities, royals and high profile business people illicits very little outrage from the very people said to want to perserve freedom and liberty.


The Brit's are very outraged about this

Had it happened here we would all be outraged about it too.


Because "it happened there and not here" you guys are not "outraged".


What do you want? For Americans to get out on the streets and protest? What would be the point?
The paper is shuting down and many are in a lot of hot water. Good, they should be.
This thread has a delivery for Synthia:

My shoddy research is becomg less incomplete. On NPR this morning, I heard mention of this story.

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