more "responsible"reporting


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
Sat Oct 30 2004 16:31:19 ET

Former CBSNEWS anchorman Walter Cronkite believes Bush adviser Karl Rove is possibly behind the new Bin Laden tape.

Cronkite made the startling comments late Friday during an interview on CNN.

Somewhat smiling, Cronkite said he is "inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."

Interviewer Larry King did not ask Cronkite to elaborate on the provocative election eve observation.

On Drudge

great job Walter :wtf:
There is a nutjob at another site I visit. He believes it is an actor protraying UBL and using "reverse psychology" to influence the vote. :happy2: Oh brother, the conspiracy loons are in full panic mode now.
LMAO Ain't it the truth---gets wackier by the second---I can't wait for todays liberal enquirer to come out !! :teeth:
This guys names has been poping up as I have perdicted, They even have a new movie out about him.

The tactics that he has pioneered is really a disservice to democracy and the nation.
America needs to get away from using propaganda in politics; this is not good for the future of free and democratic nation.
White knight said:
This guys names has been poping up as I have perdicted, They even have a new movie out about him.

The tactics that he has pioneered is really a disservice to democracy and the nation.
America needs to get away from using propaganda in politics; this is not good for the future of free and democratic nation.

What does this have to do with the UBL statement and Cronkite's comments??
dilloduck said:
Sat Oct 30 2004 16:31:19 ET

Former CBSNEWS anchorman Walter Cronkite believes Bush adviser Karl Rove is possibly behind the new Bin Laden tape.

Sad to see a once lucid mind deteriorate. Embarrassing to see the process taking place on national television. Cronkite has truly gone around the bend.
Merlin1047 said:
Sad to see a once lucid mind deteriorate. Embarrassing to see the process taking place on national television. Cronkite has truly gone around the bend.

that's true. wonder if he has developing alzheimers or something else?
MtnBiker said:
I have no doubt, wonder if he is going to respond to my question though?

You're probably on his "ignore" list. That list probably includes nearly everyone on the board by now.
Karl Rove likes to get his opinion over on people who dont listen.....something like, those lwho keep the volume tuned down on their tvs. He is VERY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES....SPIN .....AND I WOULD NEVER UNDERESTIMATE HIM.

Maybe you remember during the Nixon era during the campaign that in an attempt to discredit the Students for a Democratic Society , a group of hooligans was employed by the administration to "infiltrate and encourage "violent protesting, even bombing (such places as induction centers).

I have been listening alot to instances of voter fraud and interference past and present. I have come to the conclusion that what I considered to be a minor problem is actually a big problem, widespread, and in many cases intentional. It is the intentional fraud that worries me most. Both parties are guilty and just recently one of GWs men Jeffrey Tobin resigned from his position in the campaign for election tampering.

It is dangerous to doubt the determination or tactics of those in the background, who are minipulating the puppets to do their bidding.
NATO AIR said:
what was he doing at yellowstone?

He did some big nature show a few years back on microbes or something growing in geysers - it was suppsoedly a big deal. (The last real work he had?)
Sagegirl, I'll ask you the same question that I asked White Knight. What does you post have to do with UBL's statement or Cronkite's comments?
What a sad, sad man. There can be no more battles about the mainstream press having bias, it has been proven over and over again this election. It is a good thing that we have more news source choices than ever before, these people have even lost their will to attempt to hide thier bias.
sagegirl said:
Karl Rove likes to get his opinion over on people who dont listen.....something like, those lwho keep the volume tuned down on their tvs. He is VERY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES....SPIN .....AND I WOULD NEVER UNDERESTIMATE HIM.

Okay, perhaps you have a point. Since the vertical hold is out on my crystal ball, I am unable to divine Mr. Rove's thoughts or his motives.

But I'm curious - you deride Karl Rove's motives, yet you make no metion of that Democratic cockroach McAuliffe. Why is that? McAuliffe is a professional liar who has barely evaded jail time for some of his financial shenanigans (not related to kerry campaign).

Do you think that George Soros is squandering his millions in an altruistic orgy? Do you believe that he expects no quid pro quo for the millions he has pumped into the kerry campaign?

And why do you suppose that the kerry campaign will not comply with disclosure laws?
According to the current OpenSecrets data, Bush's stats are:

Full Disclosure: $156,147,934 (93.0%)
Incomplete: $2,378,738 (1.4%)
No Disclosure: $9,309,250(5.5%)

Kerry's, on the other hand, are:

Full Disclosure: $85,533,842 (76.4%)
Incomplete: $762,427 (0.7%)
No Disclosure: $25,619,547 (22.9%)

Bush's 93% compliance seems quite in line with OpenSecrets' 91% average from past Congressional campaigns, but Kerry's number, at 76%, is wildly out of wack.
Yes, politicians and their campaign supporters spin the facts. Most of them even lie a little. But some of them lie a LOT. And it appears to me that the overwhelming majority of the latter are in the kerry camp.
Merlin1047 said:
Okay, perhaps you have a point. Since the vertical hold is out on my crystal ball, I am unable to divine Mr. Rove's thoughts or his motives.

But I'm curious - you deride Karl Rove's motives, yet you make no metion of that Democratic cockroach McAuliffe. Why is that? McAuliffe is a professional liar who has barely evaded jail time for some of his financial shenanigans (not related to kerry campaign).

Do you think that George Soros is squandering his millions in an altruistic orgy? Do you believe that he expects no quid pro quo for the millions he has pumped into the kerry campaign?

And why do you suppose that the kerry campaign will not comply with disclosure laws?
According to the current OpenSecrets data, Bush's stats are:

Full Disclosure: $156,147,934 (93.0%)
Incomplete: $2,378,738 (1.4%)
No Disclosure: $9,309,250(5.5%)

Kerry's, on the other hand, are:

Full Disclosure: $85,533,842 (76.4%)
Incomplete: $762,427 (0.7%)
No Disclosure: $25,619,547 (22.9%)

Bush's 93% compliance seems quite in line with OpenSecrets' 91% average from past Congressional campaigns, but Kerry's number, at 76%, is wildly out of wack.
Yes, politicians and their campaign supporters spin the facts. Most of them even lie a little. But some of them lie a LOT. And it appears to me that the overwhelming majority of the latter are in the kerry camp.

I mentioned Rove because he was mentioned in the thread. As to the others I actually have little respect for them too. The whole lot exaggerates, lies, spins, insinuates. It is my opinion however, that in an all out get down in the mud scenario the Republicans win everytime. They are good at mudslinging and the Dems just tend to plod along just trying to keep from putting their foot in their mouth.

As far as financial disclosure goes, I dont know whats been disclosed or who,
Im quite sure lobbyists, ooportunists, and big contributors manage to cloak some of their support, so I think anyone just skimming the surface could easily be misled. (Not saying that applies to you) . You have made me curious, I'll visit your link and others, thanks.
sagegirl said:
that in an all out get down in the mud scenario the Republicans win everytime. They are good at mudslinging and the Dems just tend to plod along just trying to keep from putting their foot in their mouth.
:eek2: :rotflmao:

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