More public sector job needed to jump start the economy.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

President Obama also reiterated, a number of times, that we need more public sector hiring. The private sector is fine, the president said, but more jobs need to be created in state and local government.
Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, said in a statement that “Mitt Romney promised to eliminate even more public-sector jobs

Obama may blame GOP for a bad jobs report but it's no subsitute for leadership | Fox News

Mr. Obama’s point at his news conference was that for more than two years, monthly jobs reports have shown growth in the private sector, but continuing cutbacks in the public sector as state and local governments slash jobs in their struggle to balance their budgets; the public sector — not the private sector — most needs additional government help.
"President Obama also reiterated, a number of times, that we need more public sector hiring."

He has been wrong on everything else but we should believe him on this?
"President Obama also reiterated, a number of times, that we need more public sector hiring."

He has been wrong on everything else but we should believe him on this?

Let's just take a look at the countries where they tried public sector hiring as a 'cure' for economic problems.... Italy? Not doing so great. Spain? Not doing so great. Greece? Nope, they're tanking worse that the previous two. Ireland? Ohhh, they destroyed their economy by public sector hiring.

The evidence is there - for anyone with the courage to look. But courage is not something that the left wing are familiar with.
Public sector jobs would be great if you could tax them enough to pay their own wages, otherwise you have to raise taxes on everyone or borrow the money, both a bad idea.
Public stimulus does not mean that the public sector can sustain an economy. Obama has been talking about jump starting the economy for 4 years now.... Auto bailouts, cash for clunkers, Obamacare, redistribution, taxing the rich, increased regulation, failure to shift America's dependence from foreign oil...... None of these have had the intended effect of jump starting the economy.

Do we really need 4 more years of costly failures to jump start the economy?
President Obama also reiterated, a number of times, that we need more public sector hiring. The private sector is fine, the president said, but more jobs need to be created in state and local government.

He's right, of course. The whole point of having a government is doing things and that takes workers.
President Obama also reiterated, a number of times, that we need more public sector hiring. The private sector is fine, the president said, but more jobs need to be created in state and local government.

He's right, of course. The whole point of having a government is doing things and that takes workers.

Bigger government...
Bigger Bureaucracy....
More people shuffling papers...
They don't produce any thing.
Public stimulus does not mean that the public sector can sustain an economy. Obama has been talking about jump starting the economy for 4 years now.... Auto bailouts, cash for clunkers, Obamacare, redistribution, taxing the rich, increased regulation, failure to shift America's dependence from foreign oil...... None of these have had the intended effect of jump starting the economy.

Do we really need 4 more years of costly failures to jump start the economy?

Stimulus programs are designed to temporarily boost employment and GDP. The 2009 stimulus did exactly that.

If conservatives don't want any more stimulus spending, then stop complaining about slow growth and high unemployment,

and btw, the GOP GOT the tax cuts they wanted that were supposed to 'stimulate' the private sector -

- apparently that strategy has failed too, if you ask, ironically, the GOPers.

President Obama also reiterated, a number of times, that we need more public sector hiring. The private sector is fine, the president said, but more jobs need to be created in state and local government.
Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, said in a statement that “Mitt Romney promised to eliminate even more public-sector jobs

Obama may blame GOP for a bad jobs report but it's no subsitute for leadership | Fox News

Mr. Obama’s point at his news conference was that for more than two years, monthly jobs reports have shown growth in the private sector, but continuing cutbacks in the public sector as state and local governments slash jobs in their struggle to balance their budgets; the public sector — not the private sector — most needs additional government help.

And what is wrong with more Private Sector Jobs instead of Public Sector Jobs?

Oh that's right, you a Big Government piece of dog squeeze :lol:

More jobs overall are needed to jump start the economy.

And if the highly exalted "Job Creators" aren't going to step up, then the government has to.
That there are even people in existence who think that more government jobs could jump start the economy is an indication of how little people know about economics. Growth in government workers is exactly what is devastating those nations that are nearing bankruptcy.
Federal government gets revenue from these sources in fiscal 2010
Please don't take my word for the below..
I went to this site and just consolidated Government Revenue Details: Federal State Local for 2010 - Charts

Points to consider in light of OBAMA and obviously the thread starter's TOTAL ignorance as to sources of Federal revenue!
Consider NON-Profits don't pay taxes! Duh.. that's cause they don't make a profit!
In 2006, there were over 1.48 million exempt organizations that had formally obtained recognition of their tax-exempt status from the IRS.
NCCS | Frequently Asked Questions

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