More Lies


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Remember the first excuse they gave us? "Bergdahl was near death"

That turned out to be a load of shit. Besides the last video they had of him was back in December. Six months ago. If they were so worried, they should have sent in some Rangers or SF.


Then they come out with, "We had to keep it secret 'cause the Taliban is mean and they said they'd kill Bergdahl."


Well, now we find out that's another load of shit....

(NRO) - A State Department spokeswoman admitted to reporters that President Obama’s team had no specific information suggesting that Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl’s life would be in danger if news of the recent prisoner swap went public before the exchange took place, even though the Obama team has cited the danger to Bergdahl as a reason for declining to give Congress the legally required advance notice.

“There were real concerns that if this were made public first, his physical security could be in danger more by either the Taliban walking away or about an individual Taliban member who perhaps was guarding him – again, I’m speaking generally, not in reference to any specific piece of information – but someone guarding him that possibly wouldn’t agree and could take harmful action against him,” spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters Thursday.

Harf’s public statement seems to contradict the claim made by an anonymous administration official “that we had both specific and general indications that Sgt. Bergdahl ’s recovery — and potentially his life — could be jeopardized if the detainee exchange proceedings were disclosed or derailed,” as reported in the Associated Press. She also reiterated the administration’s explanation that a proof-of-life video suggested that Bergdahl’s health was declining.

How incredibly pathetic. I mean, is anybody here stupid enough to believe that load of crap? Besides our resident dimocraps, of course.

Then there's this...

Freed Taliban Terrorist: Oh Hellz Yeah I'm Going Back to Afghanistan to Fight Americans
Ace of Spades HQ

Bowe Bergdahl just emailed me to say "I hear that."

"After arriving in Qatar, Noorullah Noori kept insisting he would go to Afghanistan and fight American forces there,” a Taliban commander told NBC News via telephone from Afghanistan.

Once again, the Taliban is more forthcoming and candid with the American people than one Barack Hussein Obama.

AllahPundit quotes from Noori's Gitmo file (at Long War Journal).

Another leaked JTF-GTMO file described Noori as a "senior Taliban military commander" who was engaged in hostilities "against US and Coalition forces in late 2001." Noori is “wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims."

Declassified memos authored at Guantanamo provide more details about Noori's al Qaeda ties. Noori "fought alongside al Qaeda as a Taliban military general, against the Northern Alliance" in September 1995. Noori also "hosted al Qaeda commanders” and "met a subordinate of Osama bin Laden to pass a message from the Taliban supreme leader" – that is, a message from Mullah Omar.

There comes a time when you just have to declare that you have to be a special kind of scumbag to defend this lying, criminal regime.

You really do.
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