More Immigration Means More Democratic Votes


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
The truth comes out. Democrats want more illegal immigration for one reason- VOTES.

Democratic Presidential Candidate: More Immigration Means More Democratic Votes
Democrat presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee said Friday that support for increased immigration will result in more votes for the Democratic Party.

“We’re right on immigration,” said the former Rhode Island governor and senator, during the Democratic National Committee’s summer meeting in Minneapolis.

“The fastest growing voting bloc in the country,” Chaffee added. “Of course we want that people to be treated with respect and to vote Democratic.”

Read more: Democratic Presidential Candidate: More Immigration Means More Democratic Votes
We've realized that this was the end game for the D's. A permanent underclass to keep Democrats in power for eternity.

Why don't Republican leaders get it?
If they didn't vote Democrat, the Democrats would be securing the border and deporting every Mexican they could find who couldn't prove citizenship.
This administration just might have put the final nail in our coffin. He's been flooding us with illegal immigrants renaming them, refugees.

he promised transformation. He just didn't tell you it was going to be into a third world hellhole where Illegal immigrants have more rights than you the American citizen.

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