More guns did not create more gun crime or gun suicide.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
More data showing that more guns did not increase the gun crime rate.....

The number of firearms in private hands has been rising for at least 75 years. During the last 25 years, the number of murders, murders with guns, and violent crimes with guns dropped sharply, then leveled. It has risen a fraction of the drop in the last three years.

The per capita rate of firearms ownership has increased significantly.

Fatal gun accidents are at an unprecedented low. The rate of fatal gun accidents has dropped 94% in 85 years and has leveled off.

The data show while the per capita ownership of guns has increased, and the rate of suicide has increased, the percentage of suicides with guns has decreased from the 1990s to 2006, then leveled off.

The percentage of suicides with guns dropped from a high of 61.1 % in 1990 to a low of 47.5% in 2018.

Several studies have found changes in gun laws have no effect on overall suicide rates but may change the number of suicides committed with guns.

Guns have many positive uses, including defense of self and community, hunting, and recreation.

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We have over 350 million 2021 6 of those people used guns for mass public shootings...


Total killed?


Ladders kill 300 people a year

Deer kill 200 people every year

bathtubs kill 350 people a year.....

Cars kill over 40,000
No.....they have guns in Canada......we are told this all the time. They just don't have people who take their guns and shoot up schools.

It really is as simple as dumb ass.
They just banned another whole series of guns in Canada. You can't buy an AR... in Canada.
We have over 350 million 2021 6 of those people used guns for mass public shootings...


Total killed?


Ladders kill 300 people a year

Deer kill 200 people every year

bathtubs kill 350 people a year.....

Cars kill over 40,000
Nice made up numbers. Fool.
More data showing that more guns did not increase the gun crime rate.....

The number of firearms in private hands has been rising for at least 75 years. During the last 25 years, the number of murders, murders with guns, and violent crimes with guns dropped sharply, then leveled. It has risen a fraction of the drop in the last three years.

The per capita rate of firearms ownership has increased significantly.

Fatal gun accidents are at an unprecedented low. The rate of fatal gun accidents has dropped 94% in 85 years and has leveled off.

The data show while the per capita ownership of guns has increased, and the rate of suicide has increased, the percentage of suicides with guns has decreased from the 1990s to 2006, then leveled off.

The percentage of suicides with guns dropped from a high of 61.1 % in 1990 to a low of 47.5% in 2018.

Several studies have found changes in gun laws have no effect on overall suicide rates but may change the number of suicides committed with guns.

Guns have many positive uses, including defense of self and community, hunting, and recreation.

The Guns used by Criminals are never registered weapons. They are either stolen or bought on the Black Market. The vast amount of these weapons come in via Mexico.

Suicide by firearm is almost always deadly — 9 out of 10 firearm suicide attempts result in death.

In 2019, 23,941 Americans died by firearm suicide.
They just don't have people who take their guns and shoot up schools.
So WHY do we have people take guns to school/clubs/crowds and kill people?


You know why, It is NOT because of gun laws, it's about HATRED, caused by DIVISION.

Whose to BLAME, everyone that bullies someone else.
Including Politicians with BIG VOICES that cause division.

It's OK to beat up or pick on the school wimp, because you know, White Alpha MALE rocks. Everyone should be an Alpha Male, and when they are NOT, you call it unnatural.
Total killed?


Ladders kill 300 people a year

Deer kill 200 people every year

bathtubs kill 350 people a year.....

Cars kill over 40,000
STOP, just stop with this bullshit.
Those are accidents, accidents happen.

Mass Murders are NOT accidents.

Suicide by firearm is almost always deadly — 9 out of 10 firearm suicide attempts result in death.

In 2019, 23,941 Americans died by firearm suicide.

And in Japan, South Korea, and China, with almost total gun control, they have more suicides than we do...guns are not the issue with suicide.

Also.....look at American statistics over more Americans own guns, our suicide rate has gone down...

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world.

According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.
Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).
Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).
Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)
Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.

The data show while the per capita ownership of guns has increased, and the rate of suicide has increased, the percentage of suicides with guns has decreased from the 1990s to 2006, then leveled off.

The percentage of suicides with guns dropped from a high of 61.1 % in 1990 to a low of 47.5% in 2018.

Several studies have found changes in gun laws have no effect on overall suicide rates but may change the number of suicides committed with guns.
Guns have many positive uses, including defense of self and community, hunting, and recreation.

Update: Percent of Suicides Committed with Guns v. Per Capita Number of Guns
And in Japan, South Korea, and China, with almost total gun control, they have more suicides than we do...guns are not the issue with suicide.
Unfortunately, in Japan, South Korea, and China most people do not view suicide as a sin. In France, most people are Atheist. Thus they have high suicide rates.
Unfortunately, in Japan, South Korea, and China most people do not view suicide as a sin. In France, most people are Atheist. Thus they have high suicide rates.

It doesn't matter how they vies suicide, you dunce....they have limited access to guns and still manage to kill themselves at higher rates than we do............

You say that guns make suicide easier...the Japanese, South Koreans, Chinese and other European countries say you don't know what you are talking about...

Canada....more young people in canada commit suicide

STATCanadaUnited States
Ages 15-2415 per 100,000 people
Ranked 4th. 9% more than United States
13.7 per 100,000 people
Ranked 7th.
Ages 25-3418 per 100,000 people
Ranked 8th. 18% more than United States
15.3 per 100,000 people
Ranked 10th.
Ages 35-4419.2 per 100,000 people
Ranked 8th. 25% more than United States
15.3 per 100,000 people
Ranked 12th.
Ages 45-5418.5 per 100,000 people
Ranked 10th. 29% more than United States
14.3 per 100,000 people
Ranked 13th.
Ages 55-6415.1 per 100,000 people
Ranked 11th. 14% more than United States
13.3 per 100,000 people
Ranked 13th.
Ages 65-7412.1 per 100,000 people
Ranked 14th.
15.3 per 100,000 people
Ranked 11th. 26% more than Canada
Ages above 7512.2 per 100,000 people
Ranked 15th.
22 per 100,000 people
Ranked 10th. 80% more than Canada
SOURCES: GECD Society at a Glance 2001, Statistical Annex Table D3

Canada vs United States: Crime > Suicide rates Facts and Stats

Methods in japan..

And yet Scotland has a higher suicide rate than the U.S......Japan, where only criminals and cops have guns, has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Sweden has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Denmark has a higher suicide rate than the u.S.....





New Zealand




South Korea


15.7 suicides per 100,000

In 2019?

16.7 suicides per 100,000.

And in the U.S.?

13.93 per 100,000

Suicide facts and figures

South Korea 24.7

Hungary 21

Japan 19.4

Belgium 18.4

Finland 16.5

France 14.6

Austria 13.8

Poland 13.8

Czec Republic 12.7

New Zealand 11.9

Denmark 11.3

Sweden 11.1

Norway 10.9

Slovac Republic 10.9

Iceland 10.3

Germany 10.3

Canada 10.2

United States 10.1

A new report by Unicef contains a shocking statistic - New Zealand has by far the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world.
A shock but no surprise - it's not the first time the country tops that table.
The Unicef report found New Zealand's youth suicide rate - teenagers between 15 and 19 - to be the highest of a long list of 41 OECD and EU countries.
The rate of 15.6 suicides per 100,000 people is twice as high as the US rate and almost five times that of Britain.

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