More Fun with PC


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
News Item, and a proposal:

WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – A study shows that most Hispanics do not prefer the term “Hispanic” or “Latino” when it comes to describing their identity.

According to a new poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, 51 percent of Hispanics would rather be identified from their family’s country of origin, instead of describing their identity as “Hispanic” or “Latino.”

“Half (51%) say that most often they use their family’s country of origin to describe their identity,” the Pew Research Center survey says. “That includes such terms as ‘Mexican’ or ‘Cuban’ or ‘Dominican,’ for example. Just one-quarter (24%) say they use the terms ‘Hispanic’ or ‘Latino’ to most often to describe their identity. And 21% say they use the term ‘American’ most often.”

This would be added to the lonnnnnnnnnng list of alerts we receive about words that may offend, I'm sure glad they brought this to our attention. Whew.

Okay, so here's the proposal:

1. President Obama should appoint a Political Correctness Czar so that all of us can stay up to date on words we're allowed and not allowed to say.

2. Give it all kinds of taxpayer money, because as we know, the more bureaucracy the better. So we need a big office building and plenty of marble flooring.

3. Launch a web site within ninety (90) days that is updated regularly so that none of us can use the "Aw shit, I didn't know" excuse when we use a word that may "offend" someone.

4. Since the list of words we're not allowed to say changes with such frequency, we'll need to set up another bureaucracy for maintenance and updates of the site. More marble floors, baby, you got it.

5. Give the site an appropriate name, like www. PCpolice .gov, www. WatchWhatYouSayOrWeWillGetYou .gov, something like that.

6. Anyone who is caught uttering or writing a word that is not allowed is summarily dispatched to the local soccer stadium and shot. Wait. Wrong country. Never mind. Strike that one.

Just trying to think out of the box here.

What will happen to me....or you....if we refer to someone as a hispanic or a latino? Will we be jailed? Fined?

Boy, I don't know. Good question. Worse than that, we might be called the "R" word if we "offend" the right, er, wrong person. Trying to rub THAT stink off will be tougher than rubbing the stink off the Bush presidency.

Too hideous to contemplate.

I dont see where they said those terms offend them.....
I dont see where they said those terms offend them.....

Read the post. I said "may" offend. I'm trying to be proactive here.

One can never be too careful.


Well, in all honesty it's a disengenuous thread. "fun with pc" when there's none actually being demanded.

They were solicited with the question of preference, which is not the same as "pc," tbh. Just sayin.' :razz:
"Mexicans" works ok.
If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.
Asians dont seem to have a problem being called Asians, even though they come from dozens of different countries.
I dont mind being called an American, even though that is not technically correct and I am from TN.
Why would anyone even care?
"Mexicans" works ok.
If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.
Asians dont seem to have a problem being called Asians, even though they come from dozens of different countries.
I dont mind being called an American, even though that is not technically correct and I am from TN.
Why would anyone even care?

Tennessee isn't American? You're so fuckin' weird.

What the fuck does this even mean: If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.

So00oo fucking weird.
"Mexicans" works ok.
If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.
Asians dont seem to have a problem being called Asians, even though they come from dozens of different countries.
I dont mind being called an American, even though that is not technically correct and I am from TN.
Why would anyone even care?

Tennessee isn't American? You're so fuckin' weird.

What the fuck does this even mean: If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.

So00oo fucking weird.

Tennessee is America. So is California. but I wouldnt want to be known as Californian.
Mexico is also America. So is Ecuador. Check the map.
"Mexicans" works ok.
If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.
Asians dont seem to have a problem being called Asians, even though they come from dozens of different countries.
I dont mind being called an American, even though that is not technically correct and I am from TN.
Why would anyone even care?

Tennessee isn't American? You're so fuckin' weird.

What the fuck does this even mean: If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.

So00oo fucking weird.

Tennessee is America. So is California. but I wouldnt want to be known as Californian.
Mexico is also America. So is Ecuador. Check the map.

Being called an American, if you're from Tennessee, is technically correct.
Tennessee isn't American? You're so fuckin' weird.

What the fuck does this even mean: If we're talking about criminals then "spics" would get it.

So00oo fucking weird.

Tennessee is America. So is California. but I wouldnt want to be known as Californian.
Mexico is also America. So is Ecuador. Check the map.

Being called an American, if you're from Tennessee, is technically correct.

Being called an American if you're from Bolivia is technically correct too. So what?
Tennessee is America. So is California. but I wouldnt want to be known as Californian.
Mexico is also America. So is Ecuador. Check the map.

Being called an American, if you're from Tennessee, is technically correct.

Being called an American if you're from Bolivia is technically correct too. So what?

So what, is that you said it wasn't technically correct in your first post, dumbfuck.
What will happen to me....or you....if we refer to someone as a hispanic or a latino? Will we be jailed? Fined?

Well, not being a progressive, I don't group people by ethnicity or gender, so I don't see this being an issue in my life.

But it is funny that this kinda stupid shit keeps becoming a hot topic.
Being called an American, if you're from Tennessee, is technically correct.

Being called an American if you're from Bolivia is technically correct too. So what?

So what, is that you said it wasn't technically correct in your first post, dumbfuck.

It's not technically correct in the sense that it isn't limiting or descriptive. ANyone in this hemisphere is an American. Technically I am a citizen of the US.
What will happen to me....or you....if we refer to someone as a hispanic or a latino? Will we be jailed? Fined?

Well, not being a progressive, I don't group people by ethnicity or gender, so I don't see this being an issue in my life.

But it is funny that this kinda stupid shit keeps becoming a hot topic.

No, just by political persuasion :cuckoo:
What will happen to me....or you....if we refer to someone as a hispanic or a latino? Will we be jailed? Fined?

Well, not being a progressive, I don't group people by ethnicity or gender, so I don't see this being an issue in my life.

But it is funny that this kinda stupid shit keeps becoming a hot topic.

No, just by political persuasion :cuckoo:

Oh, absolutely.... but that's a choice. Also my friend, some people of some political persuasions have some fairly sinister ambitions.

This is a far cry different from grouping people based upon the melanin content of one's skin or their genetalia or sexual proclivities.

:cuckoo: Indeed.
The Rabbi is from Tennessee.

I never would have guessed.
TRULY the intellectual brain stem of the republican party.
It's guys like you that make me ashamed to be a republican sometimes.
The Rabbi is from Tennessee.

I never would have guessed.
TRULY the intellectual brain stem of the republican party.
It's guys like you that make me ashamed to be a republican sometimes.

You've already been outed as a liberal poseur from DU. What the fuck else do you want?
Yeah, personally I can understand why people do not want to be called hispanics, Latins and so forth.

The differences between people of different nations and even the difference in the CLASSES within those nations makes lumping them all together seem rather stupid.

But stupid is what most people really are, so I wouldn't expect those terms to fade away anytime soon.
The case some of you need an explanation, was just another attempt by Mac to suggest that we are losing our freedom of speech in this country. In the past, Mac has laid blame for things "PC" on liberals and has equated instances of "PC" with a loss of freedom.

The entire premise and the "facts" used to support premise.......miss(es) the boat.

There is a chance that someone may be offended if I label them with a word that they don't prefer. I would then make a decision to use it or not based on how much I give a shit. But I will not be jailed or fined for using it. I might get my face punched.....or lose a customer........but I have not lost my right to free speech.

And........liberals are anti-PC. Ask the ghost of George Carlin. True story.

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