More From the Whacky NK


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Now it's being reported in the BBC, like Hitler=Bush is odd, what's really odd is that the BBC has been at the forefront of that analogy. :rolleyes:


North Korea likens Bush to Hitler
North Korea has described US President George W Bush as an "imbecile" and a "tyrant that puts Hitler in the shade".
A Foreign Ministry spokesman was responding to comments President Bush made last week in which he described the North's Kim Jong-il as a "tyrant".

The spokesman also reiterated that North Korea will not attend a working meeting ahead of the next round of six-party talks on its nuclear programme.

The working group is due to meet later this month in New York.
Kathianne said:
Now it's being reported in the BBC, like Hitler=Bush is odd, what's really odd is that the BBC has been at the forefront of that analogy. :rolleyes:


The BBC is funded by the state, and characteristically demonstrates a socialist tilt. Much of the European media is primarily funded by taxation of the citizens, with the funds directs by state apparatus. Private funding relative to viewership choices and subsequent revenues reliant upon individual choice is something only American broadcast media generally practices.

Collection of this revenue is primarily based on ownership of a television, regardless of a viewers choice to actually tune into BBC by choice.

And interestly enough, the highest authority of oversight over the BBC, consists of a board of appointees who are nominated by none other than... the Queen of England!

And with such a vast responsibility to be consistently "fair", as the BBC is mandated to be, it's kind silly how they quote Kim Il as a "tyrant" according to Bush, as if there is doubt in the editors mind.

But as fair as it purports to be, they sure have a problem with Isreali reports and rarely apply quotes appropriately.

It's actually kind of funny when I checked out their middle east section and scanned each article on Isreal... every single one injected the same statement regardless of the story:

In July, the World Court issued an opinion that the barrier was illegal.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an advisory ruling that the West Bank barrier is illegal.
Settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.

I guess something like this is out of the question:

Settlements are considered "illegal" under "international law", though Israel disputes this.

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