More evidence Trump obstructed justice

No wonder Trump stripped Brennan from his clearance after exposing this administration and this election as being totally illegal; Brennan: Trump's increasing erratic behavior

And therein lies lunacy. Hillary lost, you're just going to have to deal with that.
"Lunacy" and the "truth" are usually not synonymous with each other. And at this moment, the "truth" of Trump's obstruction to stop an investigation into him, for cooperating and aiding in an illegal election with foreign nationals, is carrying a tremendous amount of weight these days. As opposed to an imaginary "lunacy" in your noggin.

There wasn't anything illegal about the election. Trump won.
If you had proof of that, you would have provided it. You didn't. So that's a lie.

On the flip side, I've provided a ton of evidence that tells us with 100% accuracy, that this was not only an illegal election, but a multi-pronged illegal election, involving many people, and many illegal maneuvers.
It is up to you as the leader of a new generation to pick up your weapons and storm the white house. Remove the usurper by force and carry Hillary on your shoulders to her rightful place.
We'll, seeing that the Left chooses to use resources at their disposal, by using the "rule of law", something you may have heard of, while crowning me their new leader, we are going to let the "rule of law" administer its force against the WH.

"Weapons and storming the WH" is something a bunch of losing Trump cowards might do, when the criminal misconduct ceases to be a force, and the ruling of their president has finally revealed his inarguable criminal activity. We will see how courageous they are when that time comes?
There is no such thing has having "granted Constitutional authority" to obstruct justice. Ask Nixon. He had the same list and was impeached for it. This "authority" you speak about does not exist. How do I know? Because you are not going to produce such an "authority" written from the Constitution, that allows a president to silence a government official who is a witness to an investigation that is investigating him. Show us the Constitutional writings for such a thing.
Brennan's speech isn't being restricted. What is being restricted is his access to government secrets. Trump is right to execute that presidential power.
What's right about it?
Trump Admits He Revoked Brennan’s Security Clearance Over “Rigged Witch Hunt”
What? You mean Trump took away Brennan's security clearance because the Russia investigation is a witch hunt? Wow, that lines up with the same story Trump told Lester Holt, is the same story he told the Russians, and is the same corroborating story Comey claimed in his testimony. Not that we needed more evidence of obstruction of justice by this criminal, disguised as a president, we just confirmed even more evidence. At this point, obstruction of justice is just a matter of making it a formality. The evidence is not only overwhelming, it is inarguable at this point.

And the majority in Congress? Yea, those criminal cowards who took an oath. Where are they?

When the dust has finally settled, this administration and Congress will go down as the most corrupt this country has ever known.

He's a civilian. Why does he need a clearance?

He doesn't. He's just a US citizen like you and like me.

If they ever need his expertise on something they can issue him a new clearance. Its done all the time.

This whole issue is nothing but bullshit.
If we ever need help on which Communist Party candidate for office to vote for, we can always call Brennan for advice.
You Alt Right Fake News lie does not hold water with anyone.
Trump Admits He Revoked Brennan’s Security Clearance Over “Rigged Witch Hunt”
What? You mean Trump took away Brennan's security clearance because the Russia investigation is a witch hunt? Wow, that lines up with the same story Trump told Lester Holt, is the same story he told the Russians, and is the same corroborating story Comey claimed in his testimony. Not that we needed more evidence of obstruction of justice by this criminal, disguised as a president, we just confirmed even more evidence. At this point, obstruction of justice is just a matter of making it a formality. The evidence is not only overwhelming, it is inarguable at this point.

And the majority in Congress? Yea, those criminal cowards who took an oath. Where are they?

When the dust has finally settled, this administration and Congress will go down as the most corrupt this country has ever known.

He's a civilian. Why does he need a clearance?

He doesn't. He's just a US citizen like you and like me.

If they ever need his expertise on something they can issue him a new clearance. Its done all the time.

This whole issue is nothing but bullshit.
If we ever need help on which Communist Party candidate for office to vote for, we can always call Brennan for advice.
I'm still trying to find something in your posting on this thread that is true. Haven't I already called you a liar before? If I didn't, i'm calling you one now.

And by the way, attacking Brennan still doesn't excuse Trump from obstruction; Fmr. intel chiefs rebuke Trump, but POTUS feels emboldened

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Good research that a youthful Brennan did indeed vote for Gus Hall in 1976, was never a member of the CPUSA, and did pass a polygraph test when entering the CIA.

IOW, Brennan was honest and served his country brilliantly.

IOW, Trump reeks of unsavory immorality and is serving his country horribly.

ps: all the Trumpees love Russia anyway so they are blood brothers and sisters to Brennan.
So, since Trump doesn't care about obstruction, he doesn't really know what obstruction really is. He thinks by taking Brennan's clearance away, he thinks in his mind that Brennan is one less witness to this "witch hunt". Except he isn't, and it proves Trump is obstructing in the process because of what again? "Motive"! That's what Mueller is looking for, and he's got it.

I think you're wrong about the motive. The Trumpy is making an example of Brennan, using the power of his office to punish a critic, in order to intimidate other (potential) critics, to dissuade them from speaking out. Trump may be stupid, but even he's not stupid enough to believe that revoking the security clearance prohibits Brennan from testifying. It's rather about his public image, and the thin-skinned narcissist with the feeble ego can't allow that to happen without hitting back, sending a warning to others, Mob boss style.
So, since Trump doesn't care about obstruction, he doesn't really know what obstruction really is. He thinks by taking Brennan's clearance away, he thinks in his mind that Brennan is one less witness to this "witch hunt". Except he isn't, and it proves Trump is obstructing in the process because of what again? "Motive"! That's what Mueller is looking for, and he's got it.

I think you're wrong about the motive. The Trumpy is making an example of Brennan, using the power of his office to punish a critic, in order to intimidate other (potential) critics, to dissuade them from speaking out.
Critics have been speaking out against presidents ever since there have been presidents. If he can't handle free speech, he's in the wrong line of work. No, I'm not wrong.
Trump may be stupid, but even he's not stupid enough to believe that revoking the security clearance prohibits Brennan from testifying.
It prevents Brennan from communicating with Mueller in the event Mueller needs to advance the investigation into different territory.
It's rather about his public image, and the thin-skinned narcissist with the feeble ego can't allow that to happen without hitting back, sending a warning to others, Mob boss style.
For references, he has others on the hit list; ttps://

It's not about mob boss ego, it's about Russia. He knows they are fast closing in. The more PR attention he gets away from Russia, the better.
Trump revoking the security clearance in this case is a political tool to suppress dissent.

It can be indictable in impeachment charges.

Please explain how revoking a security clearance prevents Brennan from testifying.
It's not about testifying. I just explained all this.

Then why the wailing about him being silenced?
Wow, you folks can't possibly be this dense. On purpose , maybe?

I've said this so many times before. The Right sees the trees, they just can't see the forest.

Trump's whole premise/tactic is about PR. Getting the most out of public opinion. Trump no longer cares about obstruction, or conspiracies to defraud the country. He knows those two are coming his way. It's why he has denied them for a year and a half. He and Giuliani are focused on public opinion. Even if he has to obstruct all the way to do it. The problem lies in the fact that he should care about obstruction, because this move of his on Brennan, goes straight to motive.

So, since Trump doesn't care about obstruction, he doesn't really know what obstruction really is. He thinks by taking Brennan's clearance away, he thinks in his mind that Brennan is one less witness to this "witch hunt". Except he isn't, and it proves Trump is obstructing in the process because of what again? "Motive"! That's what Mueller is looking for, and he's got it.

In the mean time, Trump's foolish Sheep mount these ridiculous off the wall counter arguments, equal to what a bunch of middle school kids would try and pull off, and are going no where with their arguments. They pretend to not know what is going on, but really do. Just like a bunch of foolish kids.

I agree, but I will add another as aspect to this. Trump hates his job. He is not in control. He wants out. He is coming off a two week vacation. Now he is taking his weekly vacation at one his golf resorts. This is a man who is not enjoying his role as President. His maniacal tweets prove it.

However, he likes being the center of attention. Put all this together and what do you have? You have a President who wants to be impeached. He constantly incriminates himself. Mueller has reams of evidence just from Trump's tweets, statements, and decisions. He gave away the ranch at Singapore and got nothing in return. He was treasonous at Helsinki. Does that sound like a man who wants to be President?

Impeachment is the answer to his problem, and guess what? The impeachment of a sitting President is the ultimate center of attention scenario.

Trump wants to be impeached, because win or lose, he wins attention forever.
Trump revoking the security clearance in this case is a political tool to suppress dissent.

It can be indictable in impeachment charges.

Please explain how revoking a security clearance prevents Brennan from testifying.
It's not about testifying. I just explained all this.

Then why the wailing about him being silenced?
Wow, you folks can't possibly be this dense. On purpose , maybe?

I've said this so many times before. The Right sees the trees, they just can't see the forest.

Trump's whole premise/tactic is about PR. Getting the most out of public opinion. Trump no longer cares about obstruction, or conspiracies to defraud the country. He knows those two are coming his way. It's why he has denied them for a year and a half. He and Giuliani are focused on public opinion. Even if he has to obstruct all the way to do it. The problem lies in the fact that he should care about obstruction, because this move of his on Brennan, goes straight to motive.

So, since Trump doesn't care about obstruction, he doesn't really know what obstruction really is. He thinks by taking Brennan's clearance away, he thinks in his mind that Brennan is one less witness to this "witch hunt". Except he isn't, and it proves Trump is obstructing in the process because of what again? "Motive"! That's what Mueller is looking for, and he's got it.

In the mean time, Trump's foolish Sheep mount these ridiculous off the wall counter arguments, equal to what a bunch of middle school kids would try and pull off, and are going no where with their arguments. They pretend to not know what is going on, but really do. Just like a bunch of foolish kids.

I agree, but I will add another as aspect to this. Trump hates his job. He is not in control. He wants out. He is coming off a two week vacation. Now he is taking his weekly vacation at one his golf resorts. This is a man who is not enjoying his role as President. His maniacal tweets prove it.

However, he likes being the center of attention. Put all this together and what do you have? You have a President who wants to be impeached. He constantly incriminates himself. Mueller has reams of evidence just from Trump's tweets, statements, and decisions. He gave away the ranch at Singapore and got nothing in return. He was treasonous at Helsinki. Does that sound like a man who wants to be President?

Impeachment is the answer to his problem, and guess what? The impeachment of a sitting President is the ultimate center of attention scenario.

I agree. It was never about this job. But there is this larger picture that directly links to what you are saying. And it comes from Russia, naturally. I'll cut to the chase. Trump's big fish in all this running for president fiasco, turned serious, was the fact that Trump was in it for the money. Trump promised Putin he would lift sanctions as long as he got a cut in the largest oil deal in world history. It involves Exxon and Rosneft. There's a half a trillion dollars worth of oil in the north Kara sea, and Trump would have wiped all his debt clean, and stood to be a multi-billionaire. And by the way, that oil deal is coming from just one well out there. And so yes, he hates his job, and he only ran for his own enrichment, through Putin. And since the sanctions have put that deal on hold, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump just walked off the job tomorrow. But he won't, because he's still holding out hope, despite all the legal incrimination against him. This is when the story first broke out, how the dots of everything Trump/Russia fit in; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list The video is long, but worth every minute. It put to bed for me, this entire Trump scandal. Everything explains itself through this video.
Trump revoking the security clearance in this case is a political tool to suppress dissent.

It can be indictable in impeachment charges.

Please explain how revoking a security clearance prevents Brennan from testifying.
It's not about testifying. I just explained all this.

Then why the wailing about him being silenced?
Wow, you folks can't possibly be this dense. On purpose , maybe?

I've said this so many times before. The Right sees the trees, they just can't see the forest.

Trump's whole premise/tactic is about PR. Getting the most out of public opinion. Trump no longer cares about obstruction, or conspiracies to defraud the country. He knows those two are coming his way. It's why he has denied them for a year and a half. He and Giuliani are focused on public opinion. Even if he has to obstruct all the way to do it. The problem lies in the fact that he should care about obstruction, because this move of his on Brennan, goes straight to motive.

So, since Trump doesn't care about obstruction, he doesn't really know what obstruction really is. He thinks by taking Brennan's clearance away, he thinks in his mind that Brennan is one less witness to this "witch hunt". Except he isn't, and it proves Trump is obstructing in the process because of what again? "Motive"! That's what Mueller is looking for, and he's got it.

In the mean time, Trump's foolish Sheep mount these ridiculous off the wall counter arguments, equal to what a bunch of middle school kids would try and pull off, and are going no where with their arguments. They pretend to not know what is going on, but really do. Just like a bunch of foolish kids.

I agree, but I will add another as aspect to this. Trump hates his job. He is not in control. He wants out. He is coming off a two week vacation. Now he is taking his weekly vacation at one his golf resorts. This is a man who is not enjoying his role as President. His maniacal tweets prove it.

However, he likes being the center of attention. Put all this together and what do you have? You have a President who wants to be impeached. He constantly incriminates himself. Mueller has reams of evidence just from Trump's tweets, statements, and decisions. He gave away the ranch at Singapore and got nothing in return. He was treasonous at Helsinki. Does that sound like a man who wants to be President?

Impeachment is the answer to his problem, and guess what? The impeachment of a sitting President is the ultimate center of attention scenario.


Time after time, Trump makes some really stupid statements, really dumb decisions, and he spends hours coming up with moronic, infantile, vindictive tweets that feed his many obsessions. It does no good for the media to focus on these. Actually, it does a great deal of harm.

How many times have we heard the media say Trump has "doubled down" on some foolish decision, some foolish tweet? That's because, if he has something that really pisses off the media, he will "double down" making it even more foolish. He does this because all the media attention feeds his monster super ego and he is enjoying it.

You can tell he is enjoying himself because of his facial expressions and his demeanor. He loves the attention.

It is incomprehensible that a President would offer his opinion of an ongoing trial. What does Trump do? He tells a national television audience that Manafort is a really nice guy and his trial is a disgrace. Trump loves the attention that one got.

He got a tremendous amount of attention when he revoked Brennan's security clearance, nearly all of it negative. What does Trump do? He says he will probably do the same with nine other critics of his administration. Trump absolutely loves all the attention he got with that announcement.

Mueller really does not care if Trump refuses to present his side of the Russian probe, and no way will he get involved in litigation concerning a subpoena that will last until Christmas, Christmas of '19. Trump and his lawyer, Giuliani, have been making hay of this non-controversy for months. They argue against themselves and change their stories much to the delight of an American audience. And much to the delight of an audience of one in the Oval Office. Trump absolutely loves it.

I could go on all day, but the reader gets my point. When Trump issues a statement, makes a decision, writes a tweet, the more un-Presidential it is, the more controversial it is, the more anal-retentive it is, the more ill-advised it is the better. The longer the controversy goes on the better.

That is because, if the media is talking about something he did or said that was incomprehensibly stupid, then they are not talking about his collaboration with Russia during the 2016 election.
Please explain how revoking a security clearance prevents Brennan from testifying.
It's not about testifying. I just explained all this.

Then why the wailing about him being silenced?
Wow, you folks can't possibly be this dense. On purpose , maybe?

I've said this so many times before. The Right sees the trees, they just can't see the forest.

Trump's whole premise/tactic is about PR. Getting the most out of public opinion. Trump no longer cares about obstruction, or conspiracies to defraud the country. He knows those two are coming his way. It's why he has denied them for a year and a half. He and Giuliani are focused on public opinion. Even if he has to obstruct all the way to do it. The problem lies in the fact that he should care about obstruction, because this move of his on Brennan, goes straight to motive.

So, since Trump doesn't care about obstruction, he doesn't really know what obstruction really is. He thinks by taking Brennan's clearance away, he thinks in his mind that Brennan is one less witness to this "witch hunt". Except he isn't, and it proves Trump is obstructing in the process because of what again? "Motive"! That's what Mueller is looking for, and he's got it.

In the mean time, Trump's foolish Sheep mount these ridiculous off the wall counter arguments, equal to what a bunch of middle school kids would try and pull off, and are going no where with their arguments. They pretend to not know what is going on, but really do. Just like a bunch of foolish kids.

I agree, but I will add another as aspect to this. Trump hates his job. He is not in control. He wants out. He is coming off a two week vacation. Now he is taking his weekly vacation at one his golf resorts. This is a man who is not enjoying his role as President. His maniacal tweets prove it.

However, he likes being the center of attention. Put all this together and what do you have? You have a President who wants to be impeached. He constantly incriminates himself. Mueller has reams of evidence just from Trump's tweets, statements, and decisions. He gave away the ranch at Singapore and got nothing in return. He was treasonous at Helsinki. Does that sound like a man who wants to be President?

Impeachment is the answer to his problem, and guess what? The impeachment of a sitting President is the ultimate center of attention scenario.

I agree. It was never about this job. But there is this larger picture that directly links to what you are saying. And it comes from Russia, naturally. I'll cut to the chase. Trump's big fish in all this running for president fiasco, turned serious, was the fact that Trump was in it for the money. Trump promised Putin he would lift sanctions as long as he got a cut in the largest oil deal in world history. It involves Exxon and Rosneft. There's a half a trillion dollars worth of oil in the north Kara sea, and Trump would have wiped all his debt clean, and stood to be a multi-billionaire. And by the way, that oil deal is coming from just one well out there. And so yes, he hates his job, and he only ran for his own enrichment, through Putin. And since the sanctions have put that deal on hold, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump just walked off the job tomorrow. But he won't, because he's still holding out hope, despite all the legal incrimination against him. This is when the story first broke out, how the dots of everything Trump/Russia fit in; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list The video is long, but worth every minute. It put to bed for me, this entire Trump scandal. Everything explains itself through this video.

Very interesting story. Of course, I am not willing to accept the veracity of your scenario, but I have long held the belief that Putin has some kind of hold on Trump. There is no other way to explain Trump's treasonous behavior.

I think Trump has another problem. He is absolutely nuts.

Far right wing extremists gambled on Trump and they lost. The country lost, too.

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