More Economic GOOD NEWS: Stocks log strongest 1st Quarter in 12 years

Like I said, money seeks assets.

The Fed has increased the money supply by an enormous amount in the past few years - that excess money is flowing into stocks and commodities (as housing is pretty much bust for now).

Oil is going up because of an improving economy, enormous amounts of liquidity and speculation. When I talk to guys who know far more than I do about energy, they estimate that $20-$25 in the price of oil is speculation.

This is not a prediction but don't be surprised if oil pushes $200 over the next few years.

The $20-25 figure makes sense. The same things drove the rapid increase two summers ago. We are keeping our used SUVs to a minimum. so as to be priced to market this summer.
It's a bubble.

Interest rates are near Zero for savings and money market accounts. Many seniors who would normally put money into CDs and use the interest to supplement their retirement income, are now taking more risks because they are earning nothing on CDs.

Money seeks assets - as the money markets are ruined for the retail investor, their money is going to stocks. We'll probably have a decent market until near the end of this year when massive amounts will be cashed out to avoid the 2011 expiration of the Bush tax cuts.

The entire Bush presidency was a bubble, yet you seem to want to blame Obama for it's bursting.

And now you want to claim that it's Obama's fault another bubble is forming.

Like I said, money seeks assets.

The Fed has increased the money supply by an enormous amount in the past few years - that excess money is flowing into stocks and commodities (as housing is pretty much bust for now).

Inflation is good for debt.

Most Americans and America itself are in debt. Seems to me we could use a little inflation right about now.

Oil is going up because of an improving economy, enormous amounts of liquidity and speculation. When I talk to guys who know far more than I do about energy, they estimate that $20-$25 in the price of oil is speculation.

This is not a prediction but don't be surprised if oil pushes $200 over the next few years.

The $20-25 figure makes sense. The same things drove the rapid increase two summers ago. We are keeping our used SUVs to a minimum. so as to be priced to market this summer.

Indeed they did drive it. We agree.
The entire Bush presidency was a bubble, yet you seem to want to blame Obama for it's bursting.

And now you want to claim that it's Obama's fault another bubble is forming.


Where did I say that?

You are overly defensive, which is not an attractive quality - it makes people wonder about what you are trying to conceal via your deflections.

We've had a bubble economy for far too long. Dot Com Bubble, Real Estate Bubble, Oil Bubble, and now another Stock Bubble.

This isn't a new phenom - it's reflective of Big Government interference in the economy, the inflationary impact of using increased money supply for political purposes and so on.

Obama is making it worse. He didn't create the problem, but he has demonstrated no interest or competency to resolve it.
Inflation is good for debt.

Most Americans and America itself are in debt. Seems to me we could use a little inflation right about now.

The destruction of earning power and savings will more than offset any benefit in repaying debt with cheaper dollars for most people.

Money which was given to Verizon from the taxpayers pocket through the Republican Medicare part D plan.

Now that money will be paid for by taxpayers instead. The gov't used an incentive to encourage corporations to pay for drug benefits for retirees instead of dumping the cost on medicare. It was a win/win scenario. It cost the corporation less, and medicare less. Now medicare will pay for every retiree's drug plan and the corporations won't pay a dime. Good news? :cuckoo: You probably believe that Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit too.......:lol:
Like I said, money seeks assets.

The Fed has increased the money supply by an enormous amount in the past few years - that excess money is flowing into stocks and commodities (as housing is pretty much bust for now).

Inflation is good for debt.

Most Americans and America itself are in debt. Seems to me we could use a little inflation right about now.

Zimbabweans agree!!
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Oil was at $30 a year ago because there was a decreased demand due to the recession.

Let's not forget oil was up well over $100 dollars a barrel in 2008.

No, it was deflation, not recession that caused Oil (And all markets) to drop. Housing, Stocks, Bonds, Commodities - all dropped at the same time. That is DEFLATION. We still haven't defeated Deflation yet in spite of massive liquidity and easy monetary policies.
Now that money will be paid for by taxpayers instead. The gov't used an incentive to encourage corporations to pay for drug benefits for retirees instead of dumping the cost on medicare. It was a win/win scenario. It cost the corporation less, and medicare less. Now medicare will pay for every retiree's drug plan and the corporations won't pay a dime. Good news? :cuckoo: You probably believe that Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit too.......:lol:

Dumping these retirees into Medicare will cost taxpayers more than twice as much as the tax breaks provided to the companies who covered their benefits.

I doubt that Pelosi and Reid provided such data points for the CBO score.
Stocks log strongest 1st quarter in 12 years -

Don't be lulled by the lazy calm that has settled over Wall Street the past several weeks. The stock market is on a roll.
Stocks are coming off their best first-quarter performance in a dozen years, up 4.9% year-to-date, says Standard & Poor's. It's the fourth consecutive up quarter, the market's best streak since the five-quarter run that ended after the third quarter of 2007, based on the broad Wilshire 5000 index.

The quarter's gains might not seem like much considering the jumps during the past three quarters as stocks roared back from bear market lows. Remember, though, that halfway through this quarter the market was on the verge of its first correction, or drop of 10%, since the bull market began.

The market's strong performance during the first quarter has some investors believing the momentum can last, especially since the first quarter historically hasn't been one of the market's best.

Total bullshit of course. We've been hovering around 10,000 for months. Don't give me this bullshit about how well the market is doing when all it's doing is treading water.

When the S&P 500 starts going up that means people are scared of the market and putting their money in bonds....because it's less volatile.

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