More busloads of migrants arrived in Tijuana Tuesday. All shelters at over capacity.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Time for Mexico to feel some pain...............Karma sucks Mexico.
It's the Mexican Government doing it to their own people. But yeah maybe this is what it will take to slap Mexico into line. The new Mexican President AMLO hasn't said much, has he?
It's Back fired on them this time..............They were used to Catch and Release..........Now the Migrants are stuck and Tijuana is paying the price for it.
this is good to see . I just hope that TRUMP doesn't go squishy because of his wife or Daughters tears .
There are 10,000 still on the way. Organizers are still active in the originating countries putting together more invasions.
And they are going to stack up at the border..............They aren't getting in...............LOL

Betcha they miss Obama
Fearmongering, bigotry, and hate from the right – conservatives are deserving of contempt.
There is nothing "funny" about the border situation. Not for us, not for the migrants, not for the Mexicans. What is your solution? Throw open the gates and let them all into America? Since you are so noble and loving and unbigoted I assume you would welcome them into your hometown right?
There are 10,000 still on the way. Organizers are still active in the originating countries putting together more invasions.
Time to focus on the "organizers" and start letting THEM feel some squeeze.

Seems like they've got a lot of people under a lot of pressure, and they've been getting off scott free here.
Fearmongering, bigotry, and hate from the right – conservatives are deserving of contempt.
Reality on the border when we decide to close the doors............poor things can't make it to you and your Sanctuary.

We don't have an obligation to take the entire world in. And finally we have someone willing to enforce the laws and secure the border............which is why your side so desperately don't want to fund the wall and increased security.

Your side wants open borders Period. We don't.

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