Moral cliff


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Moral cliff

Furthermore, we have allowed the government to undermine the institutions that instill good character – marriage, the family, communities, schools, our churches.

no, the gov't has freed "the institutions that instill good character" to flourish without bias - and to become inclusive for everyone.
.....................And the B%%%ds almost destroyed Christmas with their Mayan prophecy crap!!:tongue:
by Fr. John Malloy, SDB at A Shepherd's Voice blog sends this:

An article sent to me by a good friend --
A picture to ponder.

Written by
Louara Hollis, Univ of Notre Dame The entire thought-provoking article @ A Shepherd's Voice: What did win? "Sex. Drugs. Bad language. Bad manners. Vulgarity. Lies. Cheating. Name-calling. Finger-pointing. Blaming. And irresponsible spending."

Again, most thought-provoking about what this country is changing in to.

This thing is written by Laura Hollis. Why the fake-out with "Fr. John Malloy"?? Who the hell is he?

In any case there's already been a rebuttal:
I'm unclear if you're saying that the McCain coalition was just smaller than the Romney coalition, or if you're saying that more Catholics went for Romney than they did for McCain in 2008, more married men went for Romney than McCain, etc.. If the latter is your argument, then that's erroneous, because Romney ran against Obama, not McCain. Who cares if Romney did better with Catholics than McCain? Why? Because the President won the Catholic vote 51 to 48. You lost the Catholic vote.

If your argument is the former, then basically what you've said is that the election didn't go your way twice in a row since neither the McCain coalition or the Romney coalition won. Well, duh.

... You were steamrolled with minorities. Talk of "blah" people, intimating that all Black people are on food stamps when the number of people who use food stamps is predominantly White, and not at the very least explaining why your vision is of importance to all Americans is why you will continue to lose these constituencies.

...2. Your candidate was pathetic. I am saying this objectively. He has no political acumen. He couldn't even learn it, which is sad, given how long he has been in politics. That's really telling: practice doesn't make perfect for Romney. Compare Romney's flop with Elizabeth Warren, a woman who has absolutely no experience running for politics. She learned the ropes as she went and overcame several of her own personal shortcomings to win her election. She out debated Brown and won in a Democratic state that threw aside Coakley.

... 4. All aboard the ad hominem express! You lost the election because Americans are not mature, well, mature according to your definition. I have no idea where you get this image of the petulant Obama. One minute he's childish, the next he's the nefarious usurper of all things American, then a bungler, to a socialist mastermind. You have to pick one. Really, if not just for consistencies' sake. Romney is the one that broad brushed 47% of the American electorate as shiftless moochers. He is the one that wanted Latinos to self deport. He is the one that wanted to veto the DREAM act. He wanted to repeal Obamacare, which was his brainchild. And then he went back on most of his issues when the general election started. If you want to talk about insulting, it is insulting to think that the American public is so stupid it won't remember what you said three months ago on live national television, in the age of YouTube no less!

(end quote)
Full article is here.

This thread belongs in Politics -- not Religion.
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