Modern Climate Change?


Gold Supporting Member
Oct 18, 2012
Heaven and Hell
Is that what it is being called now?

Scientists uncover ‘God’s bathtub’

Imagine a lake that's never been affected by climate change or any other man-made influences. Australian scientists say they have found just that—a remote lake whose crystal-clear waters seem to be in the same chemical state as they were about 7,500 years ago.

No where in this short article does it mention 'Global Warming' ...why is that?

Scientists uncover ?God?s bathtub?
Perhaps for the same reason you failed third grade reading.

Scientists uncover ?God?s bathtub?

Several other nearby former lakes have dried up over the past 40 years due to climate change, Barr noted. In fact, Barr's team was on North Stradbroke to study the effects of those former bodies of water when his team stumbled across the anomaly that is Blue Lake.

The lake’s water has remained unchanged, said Barr, because its waters drain into a nearby swamp and are replaced by an aquifer every 35 days or so.

"Because it's constantly being updated it doesn't suffer from the vagaries of the climate in so far as it doesn't evaporate and become more saline," Barr told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "It doesn't fill up and become fresher. It just remains constant."
Gods Bathtub.........

Nobody cares!!

Seriously........most people in the United States have been freezing their asses off for the last 7 months or so. "Global Warming" is so far down the list of their concerns. Think of it like this......years ago, people always read the "Obituaries" in the newspaper. Nobody reads the obituaries anymore and most people dont even know what they are in 2013.

The only people all angst about "global warming" in 2013 are the obsessed on the internet because thats the only place to find people of like minded interest.

When is the last time you remember being at work and hearing anybody ranting about "global warming". Nobody talks about it anymore because the whole landscape on this stuff has morphed. What is funny is, the same phenomenon that allowed the global warming crusaders to gain foothold in the consciousness of people is the same phenomenon that now causes them to yawn = the natural change of weather cycles. People have figured out that, "Wait a minute......the damn weather forecasters cant tell me dick about 48 hours from Im suppossed to believe their predictions for 20......50.....100 years from now?!!!!:lmao:

The internet OC's will state "weather is different from climate change dummy!!" but it just makes me laugh harder because it is classic failure to connect the dots.

Its like I siad........THE ONLY thing that is going to get peoples attention in terms of "global warming" or "climate change" is if a place like Alaska or Siberia experience 3 or 4 weeks STRAIGHT of temperatures 30- 40 degrees above normal in mid-January...........AND THATS IT!!!:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance:

Anybody who thinks this research data from "peer reviewed" scientists is going to make a smidge of difference is a bit of a k00k at best and beyond gone at worst. Too.....anybody who thinks CLIMATEGATE was a blip is also sadly mistaken.

And clearly, the watershed THAT 100% supports my assertions is that in the USA, climate legislation to battle climate change is COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DEAD........and will continue that way until at least 2020 because redistricting by GOP governors ensures that The House will stay red until 7 years from now.

Sorry s0ns.........time for Plan B.:2up::2up::2up::2up:
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