Mix It Up Day and the homosexual menace


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220


Mix It Up Day and the homosexual menace

By Alexandra Petri

I mention this because it barely compares to the leap that the American Family Associationrecently made when it comes to the tolerance-building program called Mix-It-Up Day.

“Mix It Up” day is an entry-level “diversity” program designed specifically by [the Southern Poverty Law Center] to establish the acceptance of homosexuality into public schools, including elementary and junior high schools. ... Take Action. See if your child's school is on the list.
The New York Times reports that numerous parents had complained and almost 200 schools had canceled its participation in the program.

“No!” they wail. “We can’t let our kids be made to sit with people who are DIFFERENT! They might suddenly develop tolerance. Or cooties.”

“That’s how it happens. Spreads like ebola. My understanding of medicine is also somewhat limited.”

Look, I am all in favor of tolerance, but as most people who were forced at some point in their scholastic career to sit through a Swap-Lunch-Tables-With-People-You-Never-Fraternize-With luncheon will tell you, this panic vastly, vastly overestimates the possible effectiveness of this lunch.

Here are two scenarios that have never happened:

Mix It Up Day and the homosexual menace - ComPost - The Washington Post



Schools respond to 'Mix It Up' day, SPLC exposed
Schools respond to 'Mix It Up' day, SPLC exposed
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Hell with having to eat lunch with a gay

Imagine the cool kids having to eat with the nerds

Mix It Up Day and the homosexual menace

By Alexandra Petri

I mention this because it barely compares to the leap that the American Family Associationrecently made when it comes to the tolerance-building program called Mix-It-Up Day.

“Mix It Up” day is an entry-level “diversity” program designed specifically by [the Southern Poverty Law Center] to establish the acceptance of homosexuality into public schools, including elementary and junior high schools. ... Take Action. See if your child's school is on the list.
The New York Times reports that numerous parents had complained and almost 200 schools had canceled its participation in the program.

“No!” they wail. “We can’t let our kids be made to sit with people who are DIFFERENT! They might suddenly develop tolerance. Or cooties.”

“That’s how it happens. Spreads like ebola. My understanding of medicine is also somewhat limited.”

Look, I am all in favor of tolerance, but as most people who were forced at some point in their scholastic career to sit through a Swap-Lunch-Tables-With-People-You-Never-Fraternize-With luncheon will tell you, this panic vastly, vastly overestimates the possible effectiveness of this lunch.

Here are two scenarios that have never happened:

Mix It Up Day and the homosexual menace - ComPost - The Washington Post



Schools respond to 'Mix It Up' day, SPLC exposed
Schools respond to 'Mix It Up' day, SPLC exposed

We don't need to brainwash our young impressionable children into acceptting Homosexuals , and lesbians. Thats the last thing we need.!
The homosexual agenda people have gone to far now, we must stop them now.!!
It's got nothing to do with the "gay agenda" and the POS OP should be shot for using two little girls as propaganda tools.
It's got nothing to do with the "gay agenda" and the POS OP should be shot for using two little girls as propaganda tools.

We don't need to tell children that it is ok to accept homosexuality as an alternative lifstyle.
Its just wrong, unwholesome, absurd.!!
There's also the unintended consequence, they sit with a gay classmate and find out that although they didn't like them before, they really can't stand them now.
Phew, good, that whole article and pics of the kids was creepy.

Its not about knowing if you are homosexual at 6, they are trying to start homosexual
indoctrination at very young ages, thats the issue here.


So that as the population matures, they will be more accepting of homosexual issues,
and their homosexual agenda. Expose children at a young age, and get them on your side
as they grow into adults. This is the plan.

The Latest Sexual Tyranny from the Southern Poverty Law Center

Robert Oscar Lopez

This just came in off the wire at Advocate: the Southern Poverty Law Center is financing a lawsuit against JONAH, an organization that offers Jews "new alternatives to homosexuality." Here is how the Advocate reports it:

SPLC, along with two law firms, filed the suit on behalf of four young men who had used the service and two of their parents.

This is the first time a "conversion therapy" practitioner has been directly sued for deceptive practices, SPLC officials said.

"JONAH profits off of shameful and dangerous attempts to fix something that isn't broken," said SPLC deputy legal director Christine P. Sun. "Despite the consensus of mainstream professional organizations that conversion therapy doesn't work, this racket continues to scam vulnerable gay men and lesbians out of thousands of dollars and inflicts significant harm on them."

On its website, the Southern Poverty Law Center says, "Conversion therapy is a dangerous practice based on the premise that people can change their sexual orientation."

The witch hunt against "ex-gay therapy" must be explained with some context. First, it makes sense to speak in terms of "ex-gays" only if you begin with the false assumption that bisexuality does not exist.


Read more: Blog: The Latest Sexual Tyranny from the Southern Poverty Law Center


The Latest Sexual Tyranny from the Southern Poverty Law Center

Robert Oscar Lopez

This just came in off the wire at Advocate: the Southern Poverty Law Center is financing a lawsuit against JONAH, an organization that offers Jews "new alternatives to homosexuality." Here is how the Advocate reports it:

SPLC, along with two law firms, filed the suit on behalf of four young men who had used the service and two of their parents.

This is the first time a "conversion therapy" practitioner has been directly sued for deceptive practices, SPLC officials said.

"JONAH profits off of shameful and dangerous attempts to fix something that isn't broken," said SPLC deputy legal director Christine P. Sun. "Despite the consensus of mainstream professional organizations that conversion therapy doesn't work, this racket continues to scam vulnerable gay men and lesbians out of thousands of dollars and inflicts significant harm on them."

On its website, the Southern Poverty Law Center says, "Conversion therapy is a dangerous practice based on the premise that people can change their sexual orientation."

The witch hunt against "ex-gay therapy" must be explained with some context. First, it makes sense to speak in terms of "ex-gays" only if you begin with the false assumption that bisexuality does not exist.


Read more: Blog: The Latest Sexual Tyranny from the Southern Poverty Law Center


These homos and tranies should all be locked up. We need not poision the minds of young
impressionable children.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is using this project to bully-push its gay agenda, and intimidate and silence students who have differing views.

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