mittens 18 pt lead in SC


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Wow, I believe Newt was hoping for that kind of lead. Look out for meltdown number 3.
at least with a President Mitt, we wont have to see him make boring dufass speeches that are completely meaningless Every Frickin Week for FOUR YEARS !!!!,,,,

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Ok that's weird del, because Rasmussen only has him ahead by about 3.

Let me get back to you on this.
The GOP needs to warn the USA that the re-election of Obama means another 4 years of the Wall Street Shitters protesting and crapping all over the place, and still have no idea what they are bitchin' about.
Ok right across the board I'm pulling 27 to 24

whats with this 18?

Santorum is surging against Romney.

"Rick Santorum's surge continues, even in the up-for-grabs primary state of South Carolina where he is now in second place behind front-runner Mitt Romney, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is still in the lead, earning 27 percent support from likely GOP primary voters, up from 23 percent in early November. Santorum is at a close 24 percent of the vote. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is in third with 18 percent of the vote, followed by Texas Congressman Ron Paul at 11 percent.

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Ok that's weird del, because Rasmussen only has him ahead by about 3.

Let me get back to you on this.

The Boston Globe is hardly neutral on this topic.

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Ok that's weird del, because Rasmussen only has him ahead by about 3.

Let me get back to you on this.

The Boston Globe is hardly neutral on this topic.

Neither is Rasmussen..

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Ok that's weird del, because Rasmussen only has him ahead by about 3.

Let me get back to you on this.

The Boston Globe is hardly neutral on this topic.

it's a cnn poll and the globe endorsed huntsman

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Ok that's weird del, because Rasmussen only has him ahead by about 3.

Let me get back to you on this.

The Boston Globe is hardly neutral on this topic.

No shit. And when I hit the other poll from Suffolk/7 news out of Boston it was so skewed its like well grab a plate, go anthony quinn and do hopa because it was so freaking out of line.

Total Greek.

I checked the PDF. Holy toledo and back again. Only 10% could be for Ron Paul. I've got no dog in this hunt, but I get really pissed off when I see shit like this.

Sorries, just me. Wait till I have some time up and coming.

Last I got, and I'll try to take some time tomorrow so posters for whoever they are cheering on can get a grip on the real deal, I'll try to get in here.

Cripes, all I see and not that Romney is a bad man, but all I see from up here is the lib establishment really attempting to get him to be Bam Bam's opponent.

Weird. Strange. Bizarro. Doesn't pass the smell test. Not Romney's fault but Axelrod wants Romney.

He's got something. On the other hand. Give me a couple of weeks.

I figure what's good for the goose. Is good for the gander. I think media should come under the same scrutiny as candidates.:D

Mitt Romney soars to top of South Carolina poll - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Mitt Romney has rocketed to an 18-point lead in South Carolina, according to a CNN poll released today.

South Carolina, the first southern state to hold a primary, could prove to be a crossroads for the Republican nomination process. Social conservatives and Tea Party activists hope to erect a roadblock against Romney, seeking to prevent the momentum he gained from his historic eight-vote victory in Iowa and his expected win in New Hampshire next Tuesday from transforming into an election juggernaut.

Rassumussen only shows him with a 3-point lead.

Again, I'm always impressed with the "special Olympics" standard they give Romney. He's running against a bunch of non-entities, and he can barely break 25% in most polls. And he's spent 100 million dollars and has been at this for five years.

He's the weakest GOP nominee since Wendell Wilke.
Last I got, and I'll try to take some time tomorrow so posters for whoever they are cheering on can get a grip on the real deal, I'll try to get in here.

Cripes, all I see and not that Romney is a bad man, but all I see from up here is the lib establishment really attempting to get him to be Bam Bam's opponent.

Weird. Strange. Bizarro. Doesn't pass the smell test. Not Romney's fault but Axelrod wants Romney.

He's got something. On the other hand. Give me a couple of weeks.

I figure what's good for the goose. Is good for the gander. I think media should come under the same scrutiny as candidates.:D

Of course, they want Romney. Romney does something none of the others do.

He gets Evangelicals to finally ask themselves, "Why are we supporting the Republican Party again?"

When you really think about it, there isn't a good reason for them to. They've been supporting the GOP since Reagan. But what do they have to show for it?

Abortion is still legal.
Homosexuals are gaining rights, and can now legally marry in six states.
Kids still can't pray in school.
Those School Vouchers still aren't coming.
Kids are still being taught they evolved from Monkeys.

Meanwhile, the economic conservatives have gotten what they've wanted. Which usually means the working class evangelicals are working for less money with less benefits, and they'd better like it.

And now on top of all of that, the GOP is going to nominate a MORMON! A Mormon most of the base didn't want.

It's the wedge between religious conservatives and economic conservatives that they've been looking to drive for years. Huckabee almost did it 4 years ago, but they cut him off at the pass by rallying around McCain.

I think there are other reasons, too. The Media is starting to finally do stories on how Romney got so rich, screwing over non-Mormons in working class towns. Like that Steel Mill in Kansas that went bankrupt, and Romney and Bain got a pile of Federal bailout money.

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