Mitt thinks a minor should be able to get permission for an abortion from a judge ...


Feb 14, 2011
... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.
I agree with Mitt Romney.

(Assuming he said this of course. No link is provided)
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... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.

You and I, it seems, are the only ones in the thread who realize the importance of the family over the state...

...but what do we say about Newt's unfavorables?

Fox News, 1/12-1/14: Obama, fav/unfav, 51%/46%, +5 Romney, fav/unfav, 45%/38%, +7 Gingrich, fav/unfav, 27%/56%, -29
... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.

You and I, it seems, are the only ones in the thread who realize the importance of the family over the state...

...but what do we say about Newt's unfavorables?

Fox News, 1/12-1/14: Obama, fav/unfav, 51%/46%, +5 Romney, fav/unfav, 45%/38%, +7 Gingrich, fav/unfav, 27%/56%, -29

Not the only ones. I agree with Mitt.
... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.

I agree with Mitt. You do not understand the law, which is entirely reasonable. If there is a reason why a girl cannot get permission from her parents, she can go to a judge as an alternative and bypass the parents entirely.

In the event that a girl is impregnanted by her father while her mother looked the other way there are worse problems than an incestuous pregnancy. There's why the girl didn't go to the police in the first place. I fully agree, her parents should not have a say at all what she does with her life. Which doesn't mean that no one should.
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... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.

I agree with Mitt. You do not understand the law, which is entirely reasonable. If there is a reason why a girl cannot get permission from her parents, she can go to a judge as an alternative and bypass the parents entirely.

In the event that a girl is impregnanted by her father while her mother looked the other way there are worse problems than an incestuous pregnancy. There's why the girl didn't go to the police in the first place. I fully agree, her parents should not have a say at all what she does with her life. Which doesn't mean that no one should.

Why do you say I do not understand the law?

That's kind of a weird thing to say in a post where you are basically saying that you agree with me.

... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.

They took Mitt's position completely out of the context it was being stated in. He was actually arguing that the age of consent for abortion should not be LOWERED to age 16.
But that’s misleading and ignores the context of Romney’s comment. Leading up to it, Romney’s Democratic opponent, O’Brien, had just laid out her position in favor of lowering the age needed for parental consent from 18 to 16. She argued that the age of consent for sexual activity is 16, and that girls of that age ought to be allowed to make their own decisions about whether to get an abortion. She noted that under Massachusetts law, 16-year-old girls either needed one parent’s consent for an abortion, or — in cases of child abuse or family sexual abuse in which a child did not feel comfortable going to her parents — they could seek to go around the consent requirement if they got the approval of a judge. O’Brien argued girls at least 16 years old ought to be able to make that decision on their own, without the need for parental consent or a judge’s permission.

Romney disagreed.
Romney, 2002: I will not change any provisions of Massachusetts’ pro-choice laws. And with regards to this issue of age of consent, it is currently 18-years-old. If one wants to have an abortion younger than that, one must have the permission of one parent and if a parent doesn’t go along, one can go to a judge or justice to get that permission. And so far in Massachusetts history when a young woman has gone to a judge, not one single time has there been a denial of that permission. And so I am in favor of retaining our current law which is the age of consent remaining at 18 : The Gingrich Counterattack in Florida
This is just not an issue to me right now..... We have MUCH bigger fish to be trying to fry at the moment.

We have a Marxist in The White House people.....

He needs to be destroyed politically and all the bickering about an issue that effects such a small amount of the populace is stupid.
Dont get me wrong... I see where you all are coming from.
I am pro life, but right now.... its a non issue if ya ask me.
... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.

I agree with Mitt. You do not understand the law, which is entirely reasonable. If there is a reason why a girl cannot get permission from her parents, she can go to a judge as an alternative and bypass the parents entirely.

In the event that a girl is impregnanted by her father while her mother looked the other way there are worse problems than an incestuous pregnancy. There's why the girl didn't go to the police in the first place. I fully agree, her parents should not have a say at all what she does with her life. Which doesn't mean that no one should.

"In incest, is pregnancy common?

No. "Considering the prevalence of teenage pregnancies in general, incest treatment programs marvel at the low incidence of pregnancy from incest." Several reports agree at 1% or less. G. Maloof, "The Consequences of Incest," The Psychological Aspects of Abortion, University Publications of Amer., 1979, p. 74 245"
Why Can't We Love Them Both? On Line Book by Dr. and Mrs. Willke.

In the light of the above, shouldn't one question the necessity of wholesale judicial review, rather than specifically naming the above condition?

To me, investing judges indicates a preference for the state, the progressive view, rather than a more rational reading of the situation.

Have you seen this from Woodrow Wilson, informing the apotheosis of the statist view of the family: "I have often said that the use of a university is to make young gentlemen as unlike their fathers as possible."
melvin_udall: Woodrow Wilson and a telling speech

The idea of allowing judges to usurp the power of the family is redolent of the progressives' inspiration.
... over the objections of a parent.

There's an ad out now calling that a bad thing on Mitt's part.

I'm sorry, but if you think that someone who was impregnated by her father while her mother looked the other way should have to have her parents' permission for an abortion or ANYTHING at all to do with her life, then you are a sick puppy.

That is all.

They took Mitt's position completely out of the context it was being stated in. He was actually arguing that the age of consent for abortion should not be LOWERED to age 16.
But that’s misleading and ignores the context of Romney’s comment. Leading up to it, Romney’s Democratic opponent, O’Brien, had just laid out her position in favor of lowering the age needed for parental consent from 18 to 16. She argued that the age of consent for sexual activity is 16, and that girls of that age ought to be allowed to make their own decisions about whether to get an abortion. She noted that under Massachusetts law, 16-year-old girls either needed one parent’s consent for an abortion, or — in cases of child abuse or family sexual abuse in which a child did not feel comfortable going to her parents — they could seek to go around the consent requirement if they got the approval of a judge. O’Brien argued girls at least 16 years old ought to be able to make that decision on their own, without the need for parental consent or a judge’s permission.

Romney disagreed.
Romney, 2002: I will not change any provisions of Massachusetts’ pro-choice laws. And with regards to this issue of age of consent, it is currently 18-years-old. If one wants to have an abortion younger than that, one must have the permission of one parent and if a parent doesn’t go along, one can go to a judge or justice to get that permission. And so far in Massachusetts history when a young woman has gone to a judge, not one single time has there been a denial of that permission. And so I am in favor of retaining our current law which is the age of consent remaining at 18 : The Gingrich Counterattack in Florida


The ad stinks on many levels.

I'm never happy when our side seems determined to give the opposition material to use against our nominee in the general, but I'm very glad that their distortions are not likely to be rewarded during the primaries.

They're giving Romney one more platform to show that he's the sane one in this race.

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