Mitt Romney Week From Hell Prompts Republican Freak-Out


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Joe Ward

WASHINGTON -– Republicans could use a bit of advice from an unlikely source right now: Obama adviser David Plouffe, who in 2010 told Democrats worried about the mid-term elections, "No bed-wetting."

Now it's Republicans who are frightened. Mitt Romney's recent troubles have created a sense of gloom, and a good dose of doom, in the Grand Old Party.

"I think there is a broad and growing feeling now, among Republicans, that this thing is slipping out of Romney’s hands," wrote the Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan, in a "come to Jesus," in-your-face column posted on Tuesday night.​

Noonan is correct.

More: Mitt Romney Week From Hell Prompts Republican Freak-Out
Romney is circling the drain...

Actually, the Dems have saved this little secretly recorded comment for the right time and I guess they figured now was good since Obama fell 7 points in the polls and no good news on jobs. Someone hit the panic button and the left went into action with their diversion tactics.

The only ones who will be offended by Romney's words as those who have been made to believe they are victims and that society owes them. The elderly on social security and those on unemployment know they are receiving benefits they paid for and the reality is that they'll never receive all that is owed them. Only welfare recipients, who somehow feel they are entitled to other peoples' money, will have a cow over this.
Actually, the Dems have saved this little secretly recorded comment for the right time and I guess they figured now was good since Obama fell 7 points in the polls and no good news on jobs. Someone hit the panic button and the left went into action with their diversion tactics.

The only ones who will be offended by Romney's words as those who have been made to believe they are victims and that society owes them. The elderly on social security and those on unemployment know they are receiving benefits they paid for and the reality is that they'll never receive all that is owed them. Only welfare recipients, who somehow feel they are entitled to other peoples' money, will have a cow over this.

I'm offended by Romney's words, and I'm not a victim. I'm offended on 2 fronts: (1) that he thinks nearly half of all Americans are freeloaders and (2) that he has it so wrong.

On both these fronts, it makes him a very frightening candidate because if he were elected, he'd be coming from a place of incorrect facts and ideas which in turn would create more incorrect policies.
Actually, the Dems have saved this little secretly recorded comment for the right time and I guess they figured now was good since Obama fell 7 points in the polls and no good news on jobs. Someone hit the panic button and the left went into action with their diversion tactics.

The only ones who will be offended by Romney's words as those who have been made to believe they are victims and that society owes them. The elderly on social security and those on unemployment know they are receiving benefits they paid for and the reality is that they'll never receive all that is owed them. Only welfare recipients, who somehow feel they are entitled to other peoples' money, will have a cow over this.

I'm offended by Romney's words, and I'm not a victim. I'm offended on 2 fronts: (1) that he thinks nearly half of all Americans are freeloaders and (2) that he has it so wrong.

On both these fronts, it makes him a very frightening candidate because if he were elected, he'd be coming from a place of incorrect facts and ideas which in turn would create more incorrect policies.

I see your swallowing the cool aid and the entire commie party line. You might want to become better informed before you vote.
Actually, the Dems have saved this little secretly recorded comment for the right time and I guess they figured now was good since Obama fell 7 points in the polls and no good news on jobs. Someone hit the panic button and the left went into action with their diversion tactics.

The only ones who will be offended by Romney's words as those who have been made to believe they are victims and that society owes them. The elderly on social security and those on unemployment know they are receiving benefits they paid for and the reality is that they'll never receive all that is owed them. Only welfare recipients, who somehow feel they are entitled to other peoples' money, will have a cow over this.

I'm offended by Romney's words, and I'm not a victim. I'm offended on 2 fronts: (1) that he thinks nearly half of all Americans are freeloaders and (2) that he has it so wrong.

On both these fronts, it makes him a very frightening candidate because if he were elected, he'd be coming from a place of incorrect facts and ideas which in turn would create more incorrect policies.

My guess is that the majority of Americans will agree with Romney's comments and he will get an even bigger boost as a result
Obama is unpardonable, Rmoney is unthinkable.

What can a 'poor boy' do when he's too old to sing in a rock 'n roll band, and in sleepy America there's just no place for street fighting?
Romney has nothing to recover with. He just keeps shooting himself in the foot. Bring on the debates!

True, Romney’s in a hole he can’t get out of.

There’s nothing Romney can say or do to mitigate the 47 percent speech. It completely undermines every campaign ad, every speech Romney might make, and every attack on Obama.
Actually, the Dems have saved this little secretly recorded comment for the right time and I guess they figured now was good since Obama fell 7 points in the polls and no good news on jobs. Someone hit the panic button and the left went into action with their diversion tactics.

The only ones who will be offended by Romney's words as those who have been made to believe they are victims and that society owes them. The elderly on social security and those on unemployment know they are receiving benefits they paid for and the reality is that they'll never receive all that is owed them. Only welfare recipients, who somehow feel they are entitled to other peoples' money, will have a cow over this.

I'm offended by Romney's words, and I'm not a victim. I'm offended on 2 fronts: (1) that he thinks nearly half of all Americans are freeloaders and (2) that he has it so wrong.

On both these fronts, it makes him a very frightening candidate because if he were elected, he'd be coming from a place of incorrect facts and ideas which in turn would create more incorrect policies.

My guess is that the majority of Americans will agree with Romney's comments and he will get an even bigger boost as a result

This is called being delusional. There are some dummies who are inadequately informed and will consider these comments to be a plus for Romney. But that number is nowhere near a majority.

Please be so kind as to post the polls that show this boost over the next several days.
You can only laugh at these types of wishful thinking threads..

but it was started by the wishful I laugh anyway
Romney appears to be blowing up his campaign by speaking his true mind about Americans.

His comtempt for the working class is obvious, and his plans to punish them are so stupid it boggles the mind.

Romney's handlers need to shut him the hell up.
The lefty k00ks on this board, which by the way, in relation to the way the whole country thinks = <20%......dont quite get the dynamc.
In the last weeks, expect Romney to now up the ante on attack the socialist ideologue who doesnt give a rats ass about the other 50+% of real Americans. Most of the other 50% spend their lives hating on their own country. Indeed, Mittt Romney should not give a flying shit about their sorry asses and will not..........he doesnt need them for dick. He has the simple task of speaking to about 5-7% of the middle who just need to know that life will be better under a Romney administration. He will be painting Obama for what he is..........a fraud who loaths American tradition and seeks a permanent welfare state. Expect to hear alot about Obama's flip of the success of the 90's bipartisan effort at workfare, the narrative being, for Romney, "This guy is all about buying votes with giveaways. Is that the America you want?".

The lefty k00ks on this board dont understand that this 7% or so in the middle do think things suck now in the country. Painting Obama, the enemy of the American middle class, as a big talker and a non-doer will receive its final touches in the debates. Class warfare politics has never worked int he history of the general election, nor has a hard core lefty ever even won a primary campaign in the country.

No worries here..................

Election model with 100% success rate for past 30 years predicts Romney victory | The Raw Story

In the end, incumbents under 50% in a crappy economy ALWAYS lose and usually lose BIG:2up:
Romney has nothing to recover with. He just keeps shooting himself in the foot. Bring on the debates!

True, Romney’s in a hole he can’t get out of.

There’s nothing Romney can say or do to mitigate the 47 percent speech. It completely undermines every campaign ad, every speech Romney might make, and every attack on Obama.

Only in the minds of people who were voting against him anyway, which is basically his point.

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