Missouri...Gov signs 2A Sanctuary bill into law...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008

Missouri Republican governor Mike Parson on Saturday officially signed into law a bill that bans local police from enforcing federal laws that inhibit people’s Second Amendment rights, and even punishes the police departments for doing so with $50,000 in fines every time an officer acts like an anti-gun tyrant.​

Take note... this is how it's done. Now encourage your state governments to follow our lead.
Missouri...Gov signs 2A Sanctuary bill into law...
No, he didn’t.

What he signed into ‘law’ was political theater, meaningless nonsense devoid of authority and merit, nothing but pandering to the ignorant, gullible rightwing base.

As is the case with any state, Missouri is subject to all and any Federal firearm laws – including, should they be enacted in the future, a Federal AWB, magazine capacity restrictions, and UBCs.

These laws would be followed by gun dealers licensed by the Federal government, and enforced in the state by Federal authorities, as codified by Article VI of the Constitution and Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

Consequently, there is no such thing as a ‘sanctuary’ state, Second Amendment or otherwise.
As is the case with any state, Missouri is subject to all and any Federal firearm laws – including, should they be enacted in the future, a Federal AWB, magazine capacity restrictions, and UBCs.
You obviously either cannot read or comprehend the English language.

No law is being nullified.

The state of Missouri has every right under the 10th amendment to determine how IT'S state and local law enforcement officers and employees resources are managed.

The federal agents can enforce any federal gun laws they wish within the state and no state agency will hinder them in any way... but there is no law implicit or implied that mandates local or state law enforcement is required to assist federal law enforcement to enforce federal law.

I know this because several leftist blue states have done the same in the lack of enforcement of federal immigration law.

Have those states suffered penalties for withdrawing their cooperation?

If it is acceptable for them... It is equally acceptable for us.

You reap what you sow.
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Missouri...Gov signs 2A Sanctuary bill into law...
No, he didn’t.

What he signed into ‘law’ was political theater, meaningless nonsense devoid of authority and merit, nothing but pandering to the ignorant, gullible rightwing base.

As is the case with any state, Missouri is subject to all and any Federal firearm laws – including, should they be enacted in the future, a Federal AWB, magazine capacity restrictions, and UBCs.

These laws would be followed by gun dealers licensed by the Federal government, and enforced in the state by Federal authorities, as codified by Article VI of the Constitution and Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

Consequently, there is no such thing as a ‘sanctuary’ state, Second Amendment or otherwise.
your premise is a lie,,
Governor Parsons makes Merrick and the Biden DOJ look like hypocritical imbeciles by articulating the same argument as started above...

“President Biden and the Department of Justice have decided to reward states and cities that refuse to cooperate with enforcing constitutional immigration laws that protect our citizens against foreign threats, but now they attack Missouri for refusing to cooperate with enforcing unconstitutional gun confiscation laws that put our citizens in danger and degrade their rights. You cannot have it both ways,” said Missouri Governor Mike Parsons.
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Little off the subject matter of the OP, but it did happen in the same state...

Missouri...Gov signs 2A Sanctuary bill into law...
No, he didn’t.

What he signed into ‘law’ was political theater, meaningless nonsense devoid of authority and merit, nothing but pandering to the ignorant, gullible rightwing base.

As is the case with any state, Missouri is subject to all and any Federal firearm laws – including, should they be enacted in the future, a Federal AWB, magazine capacity restrictions, and UBCs.

These laws would be followed by gun dealers licensed by the Federal government, and enforced in the state by Federal authorities, as codified by Article VI of the Constitution and Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

Consequently, there is no such thing as a ‘sanctuary’ state, Second Amendment or otherwise.
You clearly do not know the meaning of "sanctuary" as it is used here.

The law prevents state cooperation. The feds don't have NEARLY the resources or manpower required to enforce federal gun laws, and rely heavily on state and local action. See marijuana laws.

Missouri Republican governor Mike Parson on Saturday officially signed into law a bill that bans local police from enforcing federal laws that inhibit people’s Second Amendment rights, and even punishes the police departments for doing so with $50,000 in fines every time an officer acts like an anti-gun tyrant.​

Take note... this is how it's done. Now encourage your state governments to follow our lead.

I don't understand. In one thread you're praising gun control and in another you pretend to defend the 2nd Amendment.
Federal laws are usually consistent with state laws but federal agencies derive so much power from the administration that they create their own standards. The ATF entrapped a U.S. Veteran way back during the George H.W. Bush administration. Federal agents killed Randy Weaver's teen age son and shot his wife in the head while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms. The same agents went on during the Clinton administration to use tanks and poison gas to incinerate about 80 men women and children in Waco, Texas when they could have arrested Koresch at the local 7-11 or called him in for a chat about ludicrous charges that didn't make any sense either before or after the carnage. The bottom line is that the federal government is capable of incredible atrocities and violations of Constitutional law if the media justifies it and the media always justifies it during democrat administrations. Prepare for the worst during the next four years.
Federal laws are usually consistent with state laws but federal agencies derive so much power from the administration that they create their own standards. The ATF entrapped a U.S. Veteran way back during the George H.W. Bush administration. Federal agents killed Randy Weaver's teen age son and shot his wife in the head while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms. The same agents went on during the Clinton administration to use tanks and poison gas to incinerate about 80 men women and children in Waco, Texas when they could have arrested Koresch at the local 7-11 or called him in for a chat about ludicrous charges that didn't make any sense either before or after the carnage. The bottom line is that the federal government is capable of incredible atrocities and violations of Constitutional law if the media justifies it and the media always justifies it during democrat administrations. Prepare for the worst during the next four years.
I predict there will be a Waco/Ruby Ridge type or similar incident in the next three and a half years.

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