Minority Births on Track to Outnumber White Births


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Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Ay ai ai*

Associated Press

Wednesday March 10, 2010

WASHINGTON — This year could be the "tipping point" when the number of babies born to minorities will outnumber that of babies born to whites, demographers said Wednesday.

Minorities make up nearly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which minorities are expected to become the U.S. majority over the next 40 years.

The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years. Minorities made up 48 percent of U.S. children born in 2008, the latest census estimates available, compared to 37 percent in 1990.

"Census projections suggest America may become a minority-majority country by the middle of the century. For America's children, the future is now," said Kenneth Johnson, a sociology professor at the University of New Hampshire who researched many of the racial trends in a paper being released Wednesday.

Johnson explained there are now more Hispanic women of prime childbearing age who tend to have more children than women of other races. More white women are waiting until they are older to have children, but it is not yet known whether that will have a noticeable effect on the current trend of increasing minority newborns.

Much more: Minority Births on Track to Outnumber White Births - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
This is not surprising at all. Minorities generally start breeding at a much younger age than whites. And less educated, lower income people of all races start young as well. Marriage is not a pre-requisite.

Hold on to your wallets folks. Idiocracy is a comin'...
This is not surprising at all. Minorities generally start breeding at a much younger age than whites. And less educated, lower income people of all races start young as well. Marriage is not a pre-requisite.

Hold on to your wallets folks. Idiocracy is a comin'...
Like rabbits?
Hell ... maybe the "white minority" can take advantage of all the "freebies" and "perks" that other minorities have enjoyed for so many years. Hell, we may even be able to get special exceptions for kids to get college educations.
'Absolutely. Brown people can never be real Americans.'

Yep, 'real' americans such as you. What they CAN'T be is educated 'real' americans! So you can kiss the america you have known good-bye.
Kinda funny how the time span matches the Great Recession...
After years of decline, US births leveling off?
7 Sept.`13 — After falling four years in a row, U.S. births may finally be leveling off. The number of babies born last year — a little shy of 4 million — is only a few hundred less than the number in 2011, according to a government report released Friday.
That suggests that lately, fewer couples may be scared away from having children because of the economy or other factors, some experts say. Among the signs of a possible turning point: The birth rate for women in their early 30s inched up for the first time since 2007. "We may be on level course or potentially even see a rise" in birth trends in the near future, said Brady Hamilton, a statistician with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Some are a bit more pessimistic. "The decline has slowed down, but it's still a decline," said Carol Hogue, an Emory University expert on birth trends. Falling births is a relatively new phenomenon in this country. Births were on the rise since the late 1990s and hit an all-time high of more than 4.3 million in 2007. The drop that followed was widely attributed to the nation's flagging economy. Experts believed that many women or couples who were out of work or had other money problems felt they couldn't afford to start or add to their family.

The economy officially was in a recession from December 2007 until June 2009. But well into 2011, polls showed most Americans remained gloomy, citing anemic hiring, a depressed housing market and other factors. The new CDC report is a first glimpse at 2012 birth certificate data from state health departments, but the numbers aren't expected to change much.

Highlights of the report include:

— The birth rate for all women of childbearing age — 63 births per 1,000 women — was essentially flat from the year before.

— Rates dropped for Hispanic women, 2 percent, and blacks, 1 percent, but less than the previous year. The rate continued to stay the same for whites, rose 4 percent for Asian-American and Pacific Islanders, and fell slightly for American Indians and Alaska Natives.

— Rates fell again for women in their early 20s, down 3 percent from 2011. That's the lowest mark for women in that age group since 1940, when comprehensive national birth records were first compiled.

More After years of decline, US births leveling off?
Look at all the non-White-majority places in the world.
Not one of them would I, as an 'ordinary person', like to live in.

Mexico, Asia, Africa, South America, India/Pakistan, Middle East, Muslim countries?
No thank you!
Well now. I know just the thing to cure this problem. Native Americans consider that if you have any native blood, you are native. Now, were we to adapt the same attitude concerning caucasian ancestory, if you have some caucasian blood, you are caucasian, the nation would be 'white' for the foreseeable future. LOL.

People, the future of the world is 'mixed'. And, within three generations, such trash talk will be looked at the same way we look at the talk a century ago concerning the vast differance between the 'Irish' and the civilized peoples.
Look at all the non-White-majority places in the world.
Not one of them would I, as an 'ordinary person', like to live in.

Mexico, Asia, Africa, South America, India/Pakistan, Middle East, Muslim countries?
No thank you!

Had you lived in the period from the 900 to about 1300, the civilized portions of the world were Asian and Moslem. Europe was a shithole.

A couple of thousand years ealier, it was the Middle East and North Africa.

In a couple of hundred years, who knows what culture or group will be considered the culteral and technical leaders.
Ay ai ai*

Associated Press

Wednesday March 10, 2010

WASHINGTON — This year could be the "tipping point" when the number of babies born to minorities will outnumber that of babies born to whites, demographers said Wednesday.

So, did people stop panicking about this yet? Or have there just been enough distractions to get people worried about other things?
Look at all the non-White-majority places in the world.
Not one of them would I, as an 'ordinary person', like to live in.

Mexico, Asia, Africa, South America, India/Pakistan, Middle East, Muslim countries?
No thank you!

Just as well. I can't imagine any country in any of those places that would want you.

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