Minnesota Governor calls on Democrat Rep. John Thompson to resign after criminal record of violence against women revealed


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Both parties are demanding his resignation.

Republicans and Democrats including Governor Tim Walz are calling on Rep. John Thompson, DFL-St. Paul to resign after an investigation into his residency revealed multiple criminal acts of violence against women in his past.

Thompson has made headlines recently for falsely accusing the St. Paul police of racially profiling him during a traffic stop. The accusation led to the police releasing footage of the stop and St. Paul Police Chief Axtell demanding an apology for the false accusation.

Local news affiliate KSTP reports that "court records dating back to 2003 show at least three instances in which Thompson was charged with disorderly conduct. Thompson was also charged with obstruction in connection with a 2019 incident at North Memorial Health Hospital."


I don't believe he should, until this low life sob is held responsible for his actions...

I don't believe he should, until this low life sob is held responsible for his actions...

They voted this thug as the states top law enforcement official, and its also a longtime associate of racist Jew hater "Calypso Louie!"
Minnesota Democrats knew this about Keith Ellison too, but they elected him Attorney General anyway.

When he has just moved up three notches in potential for VP candidacy?

Remember, top spot next time around is reserved for a transgendered woman of color specified by The CCP Central Committee. Like Gropey Joey Xiden on anti-steroids.

Degenerate- but appealing to the woke.l
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Minnesota Democrats knew this about Keith Ellison too, but they elected him Attorney General anyway.
And just as with racist terrorist Ilhan Omar they did so in massive landslide.... The democratic party faithful are just as evil and sociopathic as any of the thugs they elect into permanent political power, Blumenthal in CT was outed as a naked valor thief, he literally had been lying for decades, massively so, a complete fabrication, about his military service in Vietnam, which there had been none whatsoever. The democrats of CT chose that animal in landslide too......
Both parties are demanding his resignation.

Republicans and Democrats including Governor Tim Walz are calling on Rep. John Thompson, DFL-St. Paul to resign after an investigation into his residency revealed multiple criminal acts of violence against women in his past.
Thompson has made headlines recently for falsely accusing the St. Paul police of racially profiling him during a traffic stop. The accusation led to the police releasing footage of the stop and St. Paul Police Chief Axtell demanding an apology for the false accusation.
Local news affiliate KSTP reports that "court records dating back to 2003 show at least three instances in which Thompson was charged with disorderly conduct. Thompson was also charged with obstruction in connection with a 2019 incident at North Memorial Health Hospital."

When you lose Tim Jong Walz, you may as well slink your wife beating ass back across the St. Croix...Mebby he'll be welcomed in Milwaukee or Madtown.
I don't believe he should, until this low life sob is held responsible for his actions...

I quoted myself for the sole purpose of passing on something I found interesting... I use Bing out of convenience (laziness) for my search engine and I wasn't able to get any links to substantiate the accusations against Keith Ellison by his former girlfriend... It was like it never happened...

DuckDuckGo — Privacy, simplified. :04:
Both parties are demanding his resignation.

Republicans and Democrats including Governor Tim Walz are calling on Rep. John Thompson, DFL-St. Paul to resign after an investigation into his residency revealed multiple criminal acts of violence against women in his past.
Thompson has made headlines recently for falsely accusing the St. Paul police of racially profiling him during a traffic stop. The accusation led to the police releasing footage of the stop and St. Paul Police Chief Axtell demanding an apology for the false accusation.
Local news affiliate KSTP reports that "court records dating back to 2003 show at least three instances in which Thompson was charged with disorderly conduct. Thompson was also charged with obstruction in connection with a 2019 incident at North Memorial Health Hospital."

Indeed, Thomson should resign, and surely AG Keith Ellison should also be made to resign for his assault on his former girlfriend.
are we suppose to be surprised to see yet another dem who mistreats women? you have joe xiden in office who has creditable criminal complaints against him for rape, dem donors who were protected by Dems like Vance did their sexual predatory crimes for years…these guys think women are their play things
Democrat icon Edward (Ted) Kennedy pleaded guilty in a case where a female staffer was killed in his car. Bill Clinton abused a female page not much older than his daughter. The point is that democrats are (almost) never treated with the outrage that the media heaps on republicans and as such they rarely resign. That's the way it works so get used to it.
Democrat icon Edward (Ted) Kennedy pleaded guilty in a case where a female staffer was killed in his car. Bill Clinton abused a female page not much older than his daughter. The point is that democrats are (almost) never treated with the outrage that the media heaps on republicans and as such they rarely resign. That's the way it works so get used to it.

What you are then saying is that there are two separate laws. Democrats are exempt to the normal laws of America while we plebeians must be punished for the same criminal misadventures Democrats are allowed to do.
Democrat icon Edward (Ted) Kennedy pleaded guilty in a case where a female staffer was killed in his car. Bill Clinton abused a female page not much older than his daughter. The point is that democrats are (almost) never treated with the outrage that the media heaps on republicans and as such they rarely resign. That's the way it works so get used to it.
Its actually worse than even that, somebody had Jeffery Epstein killed in the most secure lock-up in the entire federal system, just as somebody stepped in for him in the Florida case and fixed it heavily in his favor, and somebody clearly had Seth Rich murdered for leaking the DNC thumb drives to Jullian Assange at wikileaks.

Democrats, and their political party, are murderous, Barry Seal told confidantes he was untouchable in the state of AR but never elaborated further, this was when guess who was Governor down there, yep Bill Clinton and his psychopathic wife.

It was also a democrat appointed judge who publicly ordered Seal to show up at a certain county courthouse at a certain time on a certain day each and every week to check in knowing full well that the Median Cartel was actively seeking him out for elimination, which they did do two weeks following this democrat judges order!

Democrats murder people, and they do use elements within the FBI/CIA to get that done for them.....
What you are then saying is that there are two separate laws. Democrats are exempt to the normal laws of America while we plebeians must be punished for the same criminal misadventures Democrats are allowed to do.
not all dems, just those in political office or are big donors to the party

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