Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs (54 Fired Last Night)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs (54 Fired Last Night)
WSIL - ABC TV NEWS ^ | 11/9/12


GALATIA -- A local coal mine is cutting jobs and blaming it on politics. American Coal in Galatia laid off 54 miners on Wednesday, saying President Barack Obama's re-election is bad news for the coal industry.

Layoffs are never easy for those losing their jobs, but for a region already economically depressed, the loss of 54 jobs cuts deeply. The sting is made all the more worse knowing the move could be politically motivated.

"There is no question that the United States coal industry is being destroyed by the actions of Barack H. Obama," said Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, during the Old King Coal Festival in September.

Murray authorized the pink slips at American Coal, a subsidiary company, just hours after the re-election of President Obama. In a news release, Murray Energy blamed the Obama Administration's "War on Coal", stating the layoffs were more severe in anticipation that the coal industry will get worse in the next four years.

Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.
Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.

Are you kidding? What part of how many business owners aren't going to bail now?

Hey when you the voters go I want all your money from the other half don't you understand Atlas Shrugs?

My Prime Minister has warned him repeatedly. You are broke. You are a financial train wreck. My Finance Minister has begged you to get some solvency.

But apparently you want bread lines.
Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.

Do you know what is like to fire someone? It's the worst day of your life. I remember sitting upstairs freaking out that I had to do this.

I loved this kid. I could see a lot of potential But I had to fire her.

I went to the Keg . Asked all my beer girls to line up the shots and drank myself into oblivion.

I had to fire her. It was awful. I puked in a toilet.

happy ending to a bad story.

They found me. I'd hit 50,000 in sales in a month and here they come down. We are talking Yorkdale.

She comes down. The kid I fired became a lawyer coming down to thank me. Apparently I taught her a lesson.

And she learned from it. She's top notch now.....Not me. She's wonderful on her own.
I dont see the big deal. Businessmen try to put each other out of business all the time. They're heartless vultures who would cheer the bankruptcy of their competition. And now they're pissed that someone is doing it back to them? Karma sucks.
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I dont see the big deal. Businessmen try to put each other out of business all the time. They're heartless vultures who would cheer the bankruptcy of their competition. And now they're pissed that someone is doing it back to them? Karma sucks.

Can you imagine a world where there's no businessmen? Would look worse than North Korea.

You wonder why I fight you?:eusa_eh:
Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.

They cannot afford obamacare turdblossom. they tried to tell him that as he was ramming it down their throats. try again.
You live in Australia so you a moron regarding matters in the USA.

You are also an idiot in the first place, so you really don't know what the hell is going on here.

Guess what...idiot, we don't go around Aussie boards telling them what is going on there.....

After looking at your avatar, it's clear you stare at clouds the majority of each day. Someone has to bring you into the house when it is time to eat, sleep, etc.

Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.
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Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.

Do you know what is like to fire someone? It's the worst day of your life. I remember sitting upstairs freaking out that I had to do this.

I loved this kid. I could see a lot of potential But I had to fire her.

I went to the Keg . Asked all my beer girls to line up the shots and drank myself into oblivion.

I had to fire her. It was awful. I puked in a toilet.

happy ending to a bad story.

They found me. I'd hit 50,000 in sales in a month and here they come down. We are talking Yorkdale.

She comes down. The kid I fired became a lawyer coming down to thank me. Apparently I taught her a lesson.

And she learned from it. She's top notch now.....Not me. She's wonderful on her own.

50,000 what? :eusa_eh: Canadian dollars?
Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.

what part of Australia do you live in?

I lived in Perth
Mildura and
Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs (54 Fired Last Night)
WSIL - ABC TV NEWS ^ | 11/9/12

Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs | WSILTV | Local News

GALATIA -- A local coal mine is cutting jobs and blaming it on politics. American Coal in Galatia laid off 54 miners on Wednesday, saying President Barack Obama's re-election is bad news for the coal industry.

Layoffs are never easy for those losing their jobs, but for a region already economically depressed, the loss of 54 jobs cuts deeply. The sting is made all the more worse knowing the move could be politically motivated.

"There is no question that the United States coal industry is being destroyed by the actions of Barack H. Obama," said Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, during the Old King Coal Festival in September.

Murray authorized the pink slips at American Coal, a subsidiary company, just hours after the re-election of President Obama. In a news release, Murray Energy blamed the Obama Administration's "War on Coal", stating the layoffs were more severe in anticipation that the coal industry will get worse in the next four years.


that murray guy is kind of a hack anywhoo. When those miners of his got killed I thought he ran away from the situation.
Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs (54 Fired Last Night)
WSIL - ABC TV NEWS ^ | 11/9/12

Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs | WSILTV | Local News

GALATIA -- A local coal mine is cutting jobs and blaming it on politics. American Coal in Galatia laid off 54 miners on Wednesday, saying President Barack Obama's re-election is bad news for the coal industry.

Layoffs are never easy for those losing their jobs, but for a region already economically depressed, the loss of 54 jobs cuts deeply. The sting is made all the more worse knowing the move could be politically motivated.

"There is no question that the United States coal industry is being destroyed by the actions of Barack H. Obama," said Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, during the Old King Coal Festival in September.

Murray authorized the pink slips at American Coal, a subsidiary company, just hours after the re-election of President Obama. In a news release, Murray Energy blamed the Obama Administration's "War on Coal", stating the layoffs were more severe in anticipation that the coal industry will get worse in the next four years.


Matthew, we haven't stop using coal. Obama didn't say we couldn't burn coal anymore. This is all political crying because some people didn't get their way. They don't know that things will get worse in the next four years; they just assume it, so they lay people off before they even know if they need to? You see how stupid that is?
Of course, there will be a lot of Republicans firing their workers and blaming Obama. Obama is not the problem, they should just admit that they need an excuse to fire someone.

what part of Australia do you live in?

Clearly the part where ignorance blossoms 365 days a year.
Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs (54 Fired Last Night)
WSIL - ABC TV NEWS ^ | 11/9/12

Mine Owner Blames Obama Administration for Layoffs | WSILTV | Local News

GALATIA -- A local coal mine is cutting jobs and blaming it on politics. American Coal in Galatia laid off 54 miners on Wednesday, saying President Barack Obama's re-election is bad news for the coal industry.

Layoffs are never easy for those losing their jobs, but for a region already economically depressed, the loss of 54 jobs cuts deeply. The sting is made all the more worse knowing the move could be politically motivated.

"There is no question that the United States coal industry is being destroyed by the actions of Barack H. Obama," said Bob Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, during the Old King Coal Festival in September.

Murray authorized the pink slips at American Coal, a subsidiary company, just hours after the re-election of President Obama. In a news release, Murray Energy blamed the Obama Administration's "War on Coal", stating the layoffs were more severe in anticipation that the coal industry will get worse in the next four years.

Matthew, we haven't stop using coal. Obama didn't say we couldn't burn coal anymore. This is all political crying because some people didn't get their way.

He said, "If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them," and electricity rates will "necessarily skyrocket."

Because gee, there's nothing wrong with that, right? It's all just political crying because some won't get their way, like every single American who ends up with higher energy bills because of the president's misguided energy policies.
This is the kind of people we would have with a real say in the government had Romney won...

Robert L. Borosage: The Utah Mine Disaster: Don't Call It an Accident

Murray, a self-made millionaire, owns companies producing more than 20 million tons of coal annually. He's known as a hard-driving executive who pushes the limits in his mines, seeking to extract the last dime from the coal.

At Crandall Canyon, the miners were working at depths that test the limits of safety. Although Murray denies it, federal regulatory officials say that retreat mining was being practiced. Retreat mining is a perilous technique in which pillars of coal hold up portions of the roof, and when the area is mined, the pillars are pulled down, capturing the useful coal and collapsing the roof.

Even hard-driving mine owners aren't allowed to run amok. There are federal and state laws and regulations that help protect worker safety in the mines. But the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration isn't exactly a bulldog. The mine safety czar, Richard Stickler, a former coal company executive with a lousy safety record, was deemed so unfit for the post by Republican and Democratic senators alike that they wouldn't confirm him. So Bush appointed him on October 2006 when the Congress was in recess.

And Murray, the owner of the Utah mine, is infamous for routinely opposing safety regulations. "Anything that will cost Bob Murray any extra money, he will find reason to find fault with it," said Phil Smith, communications director of the United Mine Workers, which doesn't represent the workers in Utah.

Murray also knows how to buy influence. He is a big-time donor to the Republican Party, personally donating over $115,000 to Republican candidate over the past three election cycles and another $724,500 to the GOP over 10 years through political action committees connected to his businesses. He brandished that clout in 2003, threatening the job of MSHA district manager Tim Thompson, who ordered him to shut down one of his Ohio operations. "I will have your jobs," he said. And in fact, Thompson was transferred to another office and retired in 2006.

This is your hero, Wingnuts. A guy who runs dangerous mines, who gets his employees killed on a regular basis, and spends millions trying to get politicians in office to let him get away with it.

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