Mike Rowe slams Dem's call for $30 minimum wage: 'Why not $50?'...Socialist candidate: $15 minimum wage is an antiquated demand. It should be $30/hour

That doesn't work, or we'd be bitching about President Yang and the promise of free money to the vast number of college students and graduate couldn't float Warren.
This thread, primarily on minimum wage and somebody actually proposing $30 Bucks, does begs the question of, "What the hell are they teaching in economics, these days" and "Don't perspective politicians even read the newspaper, anymore"?

I did OK in econ back in the Keynesian days. I look at middle and lower class income mostly stagnant for the last 25-40 years, see the pandemic free money and jump in wages (for the first time this century) to coax people back into the job market, look at the sudden rise in inflation, and say, "Yep." "Figures."
Of course it doesn't work. I never said it would, but for the ill informed, it does sound like a utopia.
The way to square this is recognizing that minimum wage is an insufficient tool alone - a single parent supporting a kid should absolutely have a *social wage* of ~$30/hr - but no reason they should rely entirely on employers for that, also need child allowance, childcare, etc

Why are communist women always so fucking UGLY? For the love of yak ass.

Assholes forgot the Ketchup in my drive thru order again..
Yup, no napkins again either...

Thirty bucks and hour?
They ain't worth ten.
Of course it doesn't work. I never said it would, but for the ill informed, it does sound like a utopia.
I know you and know from your posts you were pointing out the obvious, never thinking you personally a utopian believer.

Here is an economic model you might appreciate.
I have a hard vinyl top on my pool, with a pool pump sitting in the middle during winter and early spring, where the water collects at the lowest level. A sudden rainfall evenly distributed only briefly accumulates at the lower level, but in doing so triggers the motor to pump it to the top faster than ever, until the level at the bottom is invariably level low again. It does it automatically for the most part, though occasionally, I am forced me to hit the reset on the ground fault protected circuit to have it again draining the lowest level automatically.

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