Mike Rowe: Classic Facebook reply to Liberal Rant by Jim Green


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Dirty Jobs Mike Rowe Takes On Liberal Attack on Republicans - Yahoo TV

A commenter named Jim Green said:
"Why on Earth would ANYONE vote Republican? A reptile has more decency than the Republicans in Congress! Only an odious toad would pass Ryan’s budget or gut Food Stamps—and these depraved snakes made them THEIR HIGHEST PRIORITY! If only one child in America goes hungry because of the Republican’s War on Children it explains why---IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A CHRISTIAN, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN.'

That's not all of Green's screed. said:
"A CHALLENGE....will you PLEASE explain to the American people why you vote/are a Republican—because for the life of me I cannot understand WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE REPUBLICAN! (NO trashing the Prez as a reason—it may make our RACISTS happy—but it is an idiotic explanation/justification.)" Green wrote. "See: 'IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A CHRISTIAN, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN.'"

I thought Rowe's response was classy and cool:

Rowe, who's back on air with a new CNN series Somebody’s Gotta Do It, showed there's nothing dirty about a polite smackdown. He responded with an eloquent post: "Some Unsolicited Marketing Advice From Mike Rowe at 37,000 Feet."

Greetings, from somewhere over Colorado. It appears you’re still trying to sell some books on my Facebook page. Personally, I haven’t read them, and based on your marketing strategy, I suspect I’m probably not alone. Since part of your approach seems to involve me, I thought perhaps I might offer you some unsolicited marketing advice. I hope it’s not too presumptuous, but these tips have served me well over the years, and I can’t help but think you and your marketing team might benefit from their immediate implementation.

1. Consider starting off each blurb with a friendly salutation. In my experience, a little cordiality goes a long way, especially when you’re trying to persuade someone to give you money.

2. Think about addressing your audience as something other than “racists,” “reptiles,” and “toads.” I get that you want to be provocative, but if your goal is to sell your book, a number of well-known studies have proven it’s best not to insult your potential customers.

3. Reconsider your commitment to caps and exclamation points. These are excellent choices when warning people about a fire, a volcanic eruption, an ebola outbreak, or a looming tsunami. But I’m afraid their use in the context of a book sale implies a level of urgency that may exist only in your mind. If you really want to persuade thoughtful people that Christians can’t vote for Republicans and remain Christian, you’ll need to appear credible - not hysterical. Lower case should work just fine.

4. Consider limiting each blurb to a single entry. When you post the identical screed four times in a row, it looks very much like a broken record sounds. This will lead people to conclude that you’re either a) inept at posting, or b) deliberately obnoxious. Neither conclusion is likely to lead to a sale. Remember, most people see posts like yours as small piles of vomit that they can quickly step around. But when the same vomitus post appears multiple times, you force my friends here to slosh through a virtual lake of spew. Ironically, this will not only make more people like you even less, it will decrease the odds that someone who might actually share your world view will feel inclined to purchase your book. (I’ve deleted all of your redundant posts from this morning, but left the original. You’re welcome.)

5. Regarding your overall claim, I’m not an authority on Republicans or Christians, but last I checked, America is still populated by plenty of both. Unless you wish to alienate a majority of the country, you might consider something a tad more conciliatory. Something like - “There is no "R" in Jesus - But There’s G-O-P in Gospel!” Finally, with respect to your "challenge," I’m not a registered Republican, but from time to time, I have voted like one. If you really want to know why, ask me in a fashion that incorporates the aforementioned steps, and I’ll try to explain it to you.

In the meantime, GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS. As you can see, the captain has given me some plastic wings. So clearly, I know what I'm talking about.

And that's how the job gets done.
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

He seemed to leave the discussion open to asking him directly more politely without all the yelling.

I believe the conversation varies for each person who asks and each person who answers.

There is nothing contradictory about Republicans wanting all the charity to stay private and not micromanaged by Govt.
Last I checked it was the liberals and Democrats yelling about separation of church and state.

So if you don't want Christianity imposed by govt, don't turn around and ask for charity to go through govt.
If you want Christianity to remain private, that's what Republicans are SAYING, it should be voluntary and
left to private free sector, not imposed through govt where charity is forced to be funded through taxes.

The equal question is how can liberals and Democrats claim to be prochoice yet push
for govt control of health care including reproductive freedom. Let's have a fireside chat and ask that, too!

Nobody wants the capitalistic cronies of the "other party' manipulating govt and policies to serve corporate interests.
but when it comes to their own party, people are pressured to forgive and look the other way.
if they go against their own party leaders, they get ostracized like a gang or cult bullies its members into submission.

So both parties have problems enabling corruption to go on, it's not just Republicans
but more people will say Democrats are worse.

So Impenitent, do you know one of my friends asks me how can I be Christian and a Democrat.
How can I be Christian and prochoice?

The others are just as puzzled, it's not just Democrats who don't understand Republicans.
What a wonderful world this would be if we could understand where each other is coming from.

We might even prove there is such a thing as evolution! Oh no!
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

I wish you would explain how it is possible to be both an Atheist and a Christian.
He didn't answer anything. Just said some BS like "But there is GOP in Gospel." Implying that the only way to be a Christian is to also be a Republican. Yet, nothing in the Republican platform supports any of Jesus's teachings. They hate the poor, do not want to them to get ahead or to even get food. Instead, they want to line the pockets of the rich with government handouts. Once again, the "Christian" right acting nothing like the man they are suppose to be followers of.
He didn't answer anything. Just said some BS like "But there is GOP in Gospel." Implying that the only way to be a Christian is to also be a Republican. Yet, nothing in the Republican platform supports any of Jesus's teachings. They hate the poor, do not want to them to get ahead or to even get food. Instead, they want to line the pockets of the rich with government handouts. Once again, the "Christian" right acting nothing like the man they are suppose to be followers of.

Is that in the Republican Platform, or are you just high?
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

I wish you would explain how it is possible to be both an Atheist and a Christian.

A. I have a friend who is Atheist but is a neighbor in Christ.
He believes in abundance of free grace that is received and shared by Forgiveness.

So he teaches, believes lives and practices all the same things as a Christian
but just does not believe in a "personified" God and Jesus as Christians see it and say it.

He believe in the process of peace and justice, and this is the same as the spirit of Christ Jesus.
He lives by Restorative Justice which is the secular equivalent of governed under Christ.

But he is a secular gentile under natural laws and does not connect as Christians do with the Christian language and religion for these things. He is like a "nontheistic" denomination of Christianity without the personifications added.
he believes people are transformed and healed with forgiveness, and this is a natural process
but doesn't use religious symbolism to describe it as Christians do. just regular secular terms to explain and share it.

I know Buddhists, Jewish and Muslims who also receive believe in and follow the spirit of Christ
but are not converts or practitioners of the Christian faith.

B. as for Republicans and Christians

If we approach each other as Constitutionalists, then religion should be kept free from govt
and govt free from religion.

All the religious charity should be by free will, free choice, free exercise
without imposition discrimination or interference by govt.

So just because someone wants liberty and free choice in funding or supporting something,
doesn't mean they want to prevent or block access by someone else.

* when liberals push for prochoice and not govt bans of abortion
that does NOT mean they want to push abortion, they just don't want it controlled by govt
* when conservatives want liberty and free market choice of health care
that does NOT mean they want to deny health care to others, they don't want it mandated by govt

Just because I prefer to set up health care through teaching hospitals
and medical education programs to reach more people, instead of going through govt and insurance mandates,
does NOT mean I want to deny access; it means I want the access to be even more free and accessible, not bogged down in govt bureaucracy and politics.

Just because I believe in MICROLENDING and business training instead of welfare handouts by govt, does not mean I want to deprive the poor of help. Both Ben Carson and Obama actually AGREE on microlending and breaking the poverty cycle through sustainable education, but it's only the political rhetoric keeping these men and camps divided when we actually AGREE there is a better way than welfare that isn't sustainable. There are better ways to help the poor, and both conservatives and liberals AGREE if we just connected and quit dividing.

So the whole question is skewed.

There is nothing wrong with defending the faith of Christianity to be practiced freely
in fact, it is more Constitutional to keep this choice to the free will of the people.

Even by the faith of Christians, if you go by scriptures that call believers to respect
Civil Authority and Human Institutions
then if the secular law calls for you to keep religious beliefs out of govt, then you follow the law and keep the religion private and do not impose through govt in violation of religious freedom of others.

I find it ironic that when Liberals don't agree with Christian policies they scream for "separation of church and state"
but when they want to use it for their argument, suddenly they try to blame Republicans for not practicing Christianity?

Yet, nothing in the Republican platform supports any of Jesus's teachings.


Note: when the Texas Republican platform successfully changed the language to remove references
to homosexuality as the cause of social problems and changed it to "sexual sins" I felt this was much more consistent and I applauded this correction to cover more cases of abuse that should be the target of concern.

Note2: when the same platform saw the addition of defending the CHOICE of reparative therapy to be protected from threats of punishment I also thought that was a good, bold move.

However, are you saying you DO or you DON'T want the Republican platform to reflect Christian values?

What about the practice of people healing and changing their orientation?
Many Christians believe this has saved people from suffering and believe in this kind of healing.

Would you be FOR or AGAINST the endorsement of spiritual healing and reparative/conversion therapy
in the Republican platform?

Or are you only for Christian practices if they can be argued to back political agenda? Which way is it?
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

He seemed to leave the discussion open to asking him directly more politely without all the yelling.

I believe the conversation varies for each person who asks and each person who answers.

There is nothing contradictory about Republicans wanting all the charity to stay private and not micromanaged by Govt.
Last I checked it was the liberals and Democrats yelling about separation of church and state.

So if you don't want Christianity imposed by govt, don't turn around and ask for charity to go through govt.
If you want Christianity to remain private, that's what Republicans are SAYING, it should be voluntary and
left to private free sector, not imposed through govt where charity is forced to be funded through taxes.

The equal question is how can liberals and Democrats claim to be prochoice yet push
for govt control of health care including reproductive freedom. Let's have a fireside chat and ask that, too!

Nobody wants the capitalistic cronies of the "other party' manipulating govt and policies to serve corporate interests.
but when it comes to their own party, people are pressured to forgive and look the other way.
if they go against their own party leaders, they get ostracized like a gang or cult bullies its members into submission.

So both parties have problems enabling corruption to go on, it's not just Republicans
but more people will say Democrats are worse.

So Impenitent, do you know one of my friends asks me how can I be Christian and a Democrat.
How can I be Christian and prochoice?

The others are just as puzzled, it's not just Democrats who don't understand Republicans.
What a wonderful world this would be if we could understand where each other is coming from.

We might even prove there is such a thing as evolution! Oh no!
Well, my answer was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but we need only look back at the great depression, before social security and other government programs existed, to see how well private charities performed the function now dominated by government.

According to historians, starvation in New York City alone had increased from 20 in1931 to 110 in 1934. But malnutrition was a larger problem, A 1933 study of 514 children in New York found that more than 1/3 were in very poor health. I think that alone justifies our social democracy, regardless of what you believe the constitution says.

We live in a country that can make many of us very wealthy. Why shouldn't those who have most benefited from the many advantages of being an American, in turn, be partially responsible for those, for whatever reason, who have not become self-sufficient?

Have you been ostracized and bullied for your beliefs that are counter to the mainstream Democratic Party? I haven't experienced the inner-workings of the party, so was unaware of this happening. If your beliefs diverge so sharply from the party, perhaps a 3rd party exists, somewhere for you? :) Or maybe you could start one.

I'm not running away for all the points you brought up - wow, there are so many! I'd be here all night trying to respond to them all! So I just hit a few. I'm sure we'll eventually touch on them, anyway.
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

I wish you would explain how it is possible to be both an Atheist and a Christian.
I think we would agree that it is not possible. But ask that question of Congressman Paul Ryan!
I like Mike Rowe, so does practically everyone with a TV, why this guy chose to attack him is anyone's guess but it was stupid. One should attack wrong ideas with logic rather than (perceived) wrong people with anger. Turning a political agenda into a personal attack against a TV personality is just dumb, the guy is not an elected official and is therefore accountable only to himself.
How is it liberals can claim to the people who are respectful, tolerant,and understanding of other people's views ideas and opinions yet seem to constantly insult,demean, and vilify them for having them? By the way if someone posted something like what this guy did on your facebook page would you waste your time answering them?
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

He seemed to leave the discussion open to asking him directly more politely without all the yelling.

I believe the conversation varies for each person who asks and each person who answers.

There is nothing contradictory about Republicans wanting all the charity to stay private and not micromanaged by Govt.
Last I checked it was the liberals and Democrats yelling about separation of church and state.

So if you don't want Christianity imposed by govt, don't turn around and ask for charity to go through govt.
If you want Christianity to remain private, that's what Republicans are SAYING, it should be voluntary and
left to private free sector, not imposed through govt where charity is forced to be funded through taxes.

The equal question is how can liberals and Democrats claim to be prochoice yet push
for govt control of health care including reproductive freedom. Let's have a fireside chat and ask that, too!

Nobody wants the capitalistic cronies of the "other party' manipulating govt and policies to serve corporate interests.
but when it comes to their own party, people are pressured to forgive and look the other way.
if they go against their own party leaders, they get ostracized like a gang or cult bullies its members into submission.

So both parties have problems enabling corruption to go on, it's not just Republicans
but more people will say Democrats are worse.

So Impenitent, do you know one of my friends asks me how can I be Christian and a Democrat.
How can I be Christian and prochoice?

The others are just as puzzled, it's not just Democrats who don't understand Republicans.
What a wonderful world this would be if we could understand where each other is coming from.

We might even prove there is such a thing as evolution! Oh no!
Well, my answer was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but we need only look back at the great depression, before social security and other government programs existed, to see how well private charities performed the function now dominated by government.

According to historians, starvation in New York City alone had increased from 20 in1931 to 110 in 1934. But malnutrition was a larger problem, A 1933 study of 514 children in New York found that more than 1/3 were in very poor health. I think that alone justifies our social democracy, regardless of what you believe the constitution says.

We live in a country that can make many of us very wealthy. Why shouldn't those who have most benefited from the many advantages of being an American, in turn, be partially responsible for those, for whatever reason, who have not become self-sufficient?

Have you been ostracized and bullied for your beliefs that are counter to the mainstream Democratic Party? I haven't experienced the inner-workings of the party, so was unaware of this happening. If your beliefs diverge so sharply from the party, perhaps a 3rd party exists, somewhere for you? :) Or maybe you could start one.

I'm not running away for all the points you brought up - wow, there are so many! I'd be here all night trying to respond to them all! So I just hit a few. I'm sure we'll eventually touch on them, anyway.


Impenitent I would look forward not backwards.

1. We have the internet now. People can organize resources by microlending, microdonations, crowdfunding.
We can democratize taxation by party and funnel the support to what Represents our values and programs we support.
Look at donations to campaigns that are focused by party and issue.
Why can't we use that system to organize public and private funding of programs and stop fighting over policies?

2. When Jesse Jones organized local investors around Houston
to bail out small banks, the difference between Texas and the rest of the country is that
the business leaders and resources were concentrated and could organize and take charge of doing that themselves.

it wasn't easy and Jones had to convince them to lend.
But it worked, and we can do the same. Why not look at his example?

The only reason the rest of the country relied on Govt was that the
same level of development in Houston was NOT accessible to the general public AT THAT TIME.
But now it IS.

The point of these social programs was SUPPOSED to be temporary.
Jones only agreed to it for the purpose of getting the country going and then RETURN
the responsibility BACK to the private sector. That was the point, but we got DEPENDENT
and got USED to relying on govt which wasn't the original plan.

Impenitent, it was like having 30 year old teenagers still living at home depending on parents;
the point is to get them independent, not hanging around the house.
We overstayed our welcome but the point was ALWAYS to grow up and move on.

So that is where we are SUPPOSED to be today.
And now that we have the internet, and developed party systems,
we CAN organize our own resources and delegate self-government without depending on
the central govt like an overtaxed parent.

3. Ben Carson supports microlending to replace welfare handouts. Obama and his mama also!
the only thing I see stopping us
is the party politics is blinding and dividing people.

If we focus on getting what we want and believe in, we'd all separate the funding
and create our own programs.

The govt would just be reserved for what we all agree on centrally,
and the rest can be organized by party, by localized agenda and leadership and funding,
and keep each other out of it, quit imposing on others, and do what we want by setting it up ourselves.

The solution is there, and people just have to grow up
and decide to move out of the house and run their own households.
How is it liberals can claim to the people who are respectful, tolerant,and understanding of other people's views ideas and opinions yet seem to constantly insult,demean, and vilify them for having them? By the way if someone posted something like what this guy did on your facebook page would you waste your time answering them?

My guess is this generation is still going through the tail end of the "teenage rebellion phase"
of blaming the parents and thinking they know better. I even know a conservative former council member who gets on the radio and lobbies for the right to drink and drive legally, as an expression of civil liberty, and doesn't seem to get this opens the door for negligence that kills people. So it's not just liberals. People are questioning the system, just like teenagers do.

And if you look at how teenagers bully each other through social media, you might see some resemblance.

* You can't be my friend and be friends with so and so
* Look at Miss Thang's hair! Look at her clothes. OMG!
* My daddy can whup your daddy.
* My election posters look better than your handmade crap

Instead of acting like high school gangsters in cribs and cliques,
maybe we all need to go back to Sixth Grade, and go over the rules of the classroom

if we don't agree to the rules, we don't need to be in school, disrupting class for everyone else
trying to challenge the teacher, the principal, the school handbook policies and procedures.

Agree in advance what the rules are and whether we agree to follow them or not.
and if not, then go set up your own school and quit disrupting class for those who agree to the rules.

Quit trying to change the rules for everyone else just because you don't like being told what to do.
or set up your own school, nothing stopping you from doing that.
I like Mike Rowe, so does practically everyone with a TV, why this guy chose to attack him is anyone's guess but it was stupid. One should attack wrong ideas with logic rather than (perceived) wrong people with anger. Turning a political agenda into a personal attack against a TV personality is just dumb, the guy is not an elected official and is therefore accountable only to himself.

I think it's like hit or miss. People who don't get answers or corrections they need will spam from door to door, until someone gives it to them straight. Sometimes it takes a black eye.

Maybe this Jim Green lucked out this time, knocked on the right door, and found gold!
I wish you would explain how it is possible to be both an Atheist and a Christian.[/QUOT
I think we would agree that it is not possible. But ask that question of Congressman Paul Ryan!

Hi Impenitent:
One of the only consistent Liberals I know, Ray Hill, is a Gay Atheist.
And I, for one, will attest he is a child of God or neighbor in Christ
although he doesn't understand that language.

He believes and lives by the same message of Free Grace by Forgiveness
that changes people lives and keep the relations sane healthy and peaceful.

He just uses secular terms because he is a secular nontheist thinker,
and he calls himself an Atheist though he does believe in Grace in Life, the same as Christians believe.
He just doesn't believe, understand or call it by a personified figure like Jesus or God.

But he lives by and shares the spirit of Restorative Justice
as a longtime member and pillar of the Peace and Justice community in Houston.

I have no doubt he is like the Good Samaritan, a natural follower,
but goes by natural laws as a gentile and is not into the Biblical language
though he can speak that language with Christians and is quite comfortable with most of them.

Only the fundies who freak out that he is gay may take exception.

But the ones who Trust God to have created some people to be the way they are
are okay with Ray and see how he does God's work anyway, but in a secular way
to reach those in prisons and in other places that Christians don't always reach
with the message of forgiveness and redemption and love of humanity.

I would say that is the closest you will get to finding an Atheist who is Christian.
There are Buddhists, Pagan, Goths, Muslims and Constitutionalists who are Christian.

Anyone can be of any faith and practice either Buddhism, Christianity or Constitutionalism
IN ADDITION to your affiliation. Only if you are practicing evil, ill will, demonic or occult spiritism
will you clash with natural laws that seek the good for all humanity if you are seeking to destroy with retribution.
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

He seemed to leave the discussion open to asking him directly more politely without all the yelling.

I believe the conversation varies for each person who asks and each person who answers.

There is nothing contradictory about Republicans wanting all the charity to stay private and not micromanaged by Govt.
Last I checked it was the liberals and Democrats yelling about separation of church and state.

So if you don't want Christianity imposed by govt, don't turn around and ask for charity to go through govt.
If you want Christianity to remain private, that's what Republicans are SAYING, it should be voluntary and
left to private free sector, not imposed through govt where charity is forced to be funded through taxes.

The equal question is how can liberals and Democrats claim to be prochoice yet push
for govt control of health care including reproductive freedom. Let's have a fireside chat and ask that, too!

Nobody wants the capitalistic cronies of the "other party' manipulating govt and policies to serve corporate interests.
but when it comes to their own party, people are pressured to forgive and look the other way.
if they go against their own party leaders, they get ostracized like a gang or cult bullies its members into submission.

So both parties have problems enabling corruption to go on, it's not just Republicans
but more people will say Democrats are worse.

So Impenitent, do you know one of my friends asks me how can I be Christian and a Democrat.
How can I be Christian and prochoice?

The others are just as puzzled, it's not just Democrats who don't understand Republicans.
What a wonderful world this would be if we could understand where each other is coming from.

We might even prove there is such a thing as evolution! Oh no!
Well, my answer was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but we need only look back at the great depression, before social security and other government programs existed, to see how well private charities performed the function now dominated by government.

According to historians, starvation in New York City alone had increased from 20 in1931 to 110 in 1934. But malnutrition was a larger problem, A 1933 study of 514 children in New York found that more than 1/3 were in very poor health. I think that alone justifies our social democracy, regardless of what you believe the constitution says.

We live in a country that can make many of us very wealthy. Why shouldn't those who have most benefited from the many advantages of being an American, in turn, be partially responsible for those, for whatever reason, who have not become self-sufficient?

Have you been ostracized and bullied for your beliefs that are counter to the mainstream Democratic Party? I haven't experienced the inner-workings of the party, so was unaware of this happening. If your beliefs diverge so sharply from the party, perhaps a 3rd party exists, somewhere for you? :) Or maybe you could start one.

I'm not running away for all the points you brought up - wow, there are so many! I'd be here all night trying to respond to them all! So I just hit a few. I'm sure we'll eventually touch on them, anyway.


Impenitent I would look forward not backwards.

1. We have the internet now. People can organize resources by microlending, microdonations, crowdfunding.
We can democratize taxation by party and funnel the support to what Represents our values and programs we support.
Look at donations to campaigns that are focused by party and issue.
Why can't we use that system to organize public and private funding of programs and stop fighting over policies?

2. When Jesse Jones organized local investors around Houston
to bail out small banks, the difference between Texas and the rest of the country is that
the business leaders and resources were concentrated and could organize and take charge of doing that themselves.

it wasn't easy and Jones had to convince them to lend.
But it worked, and we can do the same. Why not look at his example?

The only reason the rest of the country relied on Govt was that the
same level of development in Houston was NOT accessible to the general public AT THAT TIME.
But now it IS.

The point of these social programs was SUPPOSED to be temporary.
Jones only agreed to it for the purpose of getting the country going and then RETURN
the responsibility BACK to the private sector. That was the point, but we got DEPENDENT
and got USED to relying on govt which wasn't the original plan.

Impenitent, it was like having 30 year old teenagers still living at home depending on parents;
the point is to get them independent, not hanging around the house.
We overstayed our welcome but the point was ALWAYS to grow up and move on.

So that is where we are SUPPOSED to be today.
And now that we have the internet, and developed party systems,
we CAN organize our own resources and delegate self-government without depending on
the central govt like an overtaxed parent.

3. Ben Carson supports microlending to replace welfare handouts. Obama and his mama also!
the only thing I see stopping us
is the party politics is blinding and dividing people.

If we focus on getting what we want and believe in, we'd all separate the funding
and create our own programs.

The govt would just be reserved for what we all agree on centrally,
and the rest can be organized by party, by localized agenda and leadership and funding,
and keep each other out of it, quit imposing on others, and do what we want by setting it up ourselves.

The solution is there, and people just have to grow up
and decide to move out of the house and run their own households.
Yes , we have the internet, and many modern method of doing things, so how does the private sector stack up now? With their efficiencies, they should be so much better than the Federal Gov at collecting and disbursing, shouldn't they? Then how do you explain this - ?

America s Worst Charities

What you want to do to charity is similar to what's been done to health care. We've privatized a government function, costs have gone up, and are uncontrollable.

Maybe you say, in a libertarian way, that inefficient charities will go out of business, yet they do not now, why would that change?

You seem to have an idea that govt is bad. Well, if you want to see how bad it can get, just wait until you turn it over to the private sector.
Polite response, but fails to address the issues that R's are vulnerable on, those being: that many are, in fact, reptiles, toads, snakes, and racists, while presenting themselves as the Christian Party, though ignoring much of Jesus's teachings.

For example, I wish he would explain how it is possible to be both an Ayn Randian, and a Christian. I like Mike Rowe, but his failing to take those issues head-on isn't going to make them go away.

didn't the left get their ass handed to them quite enough in the mid terms? It takes quite a delusion to now post that somehow it is just a mistake and really everyone loves you. Even though the vote count indicates otherwise.

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