Mike rowe campaign for obama


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
While on the road with Romney.
Everything Rowe stand for is what Romney is against and Obama is for. Jobs training programs that don't require a four year college, that was done away with, with tax cuts and cuts in Government spending. Rowe was speaking about the same things Obama has been speaking about. Obama save the auto industry jobs in Ohio which Romney was speaking and romney was against.
WTF was Romney thinking when he ask Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) on the show. Right. He don’t think.:confused:
While on the road with Romney.
Everything Rowe stand for is what Romney is against and Obama is for. Jobs training programs that don't require a four year college, that was done away with, with tax cuts and cuts in Government spending. Rowe was speaking about the same things Obama has been speaking about. Obama save the auto industry jobs in Ohio which Romney was speaking and romney was against.
WTF was Romney thinking when he ask Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) on the show. Right. He don’t think.:confused:

Lie much? Romney advocated the auto companies go directly into bankruptsey sooner rather than later. Both GM and Chrysler went bankrupt anyway after taking 20 billion of taxpayer money which accomplished nothing but making the unions happy. Romne knew the companies would survive bankruptsey and they did, but Maobama violated normal bankruptsey procedures and screwed the bond holders and gave the unions almost half the companies. Really, lies don't become you.
Remember its LOL Lady and liberals dont know much about poliitcs, which is why it's so easy to own them on so many issues....but this is LOL Lady, and I think she's senile or something.....
Mike says he would meet with Obama to discuss jobs, but oddly enough, Obama hasn't had him. Romney on the other hand, fully supports the message Mikes been saying. Something I've likewise been saying for years.

Formal education is not the only way to train oneself for a career. We dont all have to spend thousands of dollars going to school to learn things that provide us no real skills. We can use apprenticeships or other such methods of learning skills, like people did for centuries before we somehow concluded we have to go through school for every little thing.

Part of self government involves learning to teach oneself. Republicans believe in that. Democrats, on the other hand, tell people they have to wait around for the government to fix the problems in their life.

Stop falling for the lie.

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