Mike Huckabee Spends Entire Debate


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Rev Huckleberry fresh off the Kim davis thing

SIMI VALLEY, CA—Reckoning it was dern near hotter on the stage than a $2 pistol, a shirtless Mike Huckabee reportedly spent the entire Republican primary debate Wednesday seated in a rickety rocking chair. “This economy’s been done ruined on account of President Obama getting too big for his britches and making a whole mess of new laws that feared away all them small business owners,” said Huckabee, pausing to take a drink from a ladle in a rusty copper bucket while wiping sweat from his brow with a rag pulled from the back pocket of his filthy blue jeans.

Shirtless Mike Huckabee Spends Entire Debate Seated In Rickety Rocking Chair
He also thinks that blacks should not legally be able to vote, because of the Dread Scott verdict...He thinks it is still a law on the books....Can't get anymore Arkie stupid than that...

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