Mike Huckabee: Is He In Or Out?


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
I do hope he is out and at least one person close to him, thinks so.*** His successful TV program tonight should receive a huge ratings bump.[/I] :lol:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee looks like he’ll give the 2012 White House campaign a pass, says Mr. Huckabee’s top political operative.

Mr. Huckabee has told followers to tune in to his Saturday evening show on Fox News for what he calls a major announcement. But Ed Rollins, who directed his 2008 campaign and has been organizing his 2012 campaign-in-waiting, said he has not been consulted.

“I’ve heard nothing, which indicates to me he’s not running,” Mr. Rollins said in an interview.

If Mr. Huckabee formally says he’s a no-go, his absence will reshape the still-chaotic campaign for the Republican nomination. He leads or is near the top of virtually every poll of Republican primary voters, and would have been the presumptive front runner in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa, which he won in 2008. Without him, a large Evangelical contingent – plus voters drawn to his easy-going personality – will be up for grabs in the Hawkeye State and beyond.

More: Does the Huck Stop Here? - Washington Wire - WSJ
Actually Huckabee is one of the Republicans that I think could defeat Obama. If he does decide to run, he and Romney are the immediate front runners. The only other Republican 'thinking about it" that seems to be someone that appears to have what it takes is Mitch Daniels, who hasn't announced yet, also. Without Huckabee, Romney looks to be the guy, right now.
Actually Huckabee is one of the Republicans that I think could defeat Obama. If he does decide to run, he and Romney are the immediate front runners. The only other Republican 'thinking about it" that seems to be someone that appears to have what it takes is Mitch Daniels, who hasn't announced yet, also. Without Huckabee, Romney looks to be the guy, right now.

I think Huck and Palin attract the same demographic. Midwestern and southern voters, mainly. I think Daniels has an impressive record but lacks charisma, or that electric, likeabilty factor which he would need one or both, to sweep Obama. I have long been a Romney supporter but his refusal in the past two days to say publicly that Romneycare was a costly mistake for his state of MA, has turned me off to him. He expalined it away by saying basically that he doesn't need to address it. I thought that a bit arrogant. He would have much more acceptance if he would just come out and tell the truth about the failure of his state healthcare efforts. Almost everyone understands an honest explanation of a mistake and will forgive. "To understand is to forgive?"
No Huckabee, no Palin, no Newt, no Paul, no Trump <--- srsly, wtf??.

Who's left?

Mittens. Maybe Cain and Daniels.


Slim pickens.
I'm going to go without.

He makes a lot of money as an infotainer. That, plus the prospect of giving up his family's privacy will tip him towards staying in the private sector.
I think there was a vote for Moe Howard in an eariler poll, but I am pretty sure he is dead.
No Huckabee, no Palin, no Newt, no Paul, no Trump <--- srsly, wtf??.

Who's left?

Mittens. Maybe Cain and Daniels.


Slim pickens.

Tim Pawlenty is favored by many political conservatives. Obama's favorability record is back in the 40's according to Rasmussen Reports.

"President Obama received a bounce in the polls following the bin Laden news, but over this past week, the bounce has largely faded. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows that the president's ratings have slipped back into the high 40s, right where they've been for most of the past year-and-a-half. The number who Strongly Disapprove of the president remains a bit lower than it was before the big news and enthusiasm for the president is up among his base voters."

Obama's National Security Positives Fall Slightly From Last Week's High - Rasmussen Reports&#8482;
Mike is a great guy, but a bad potential candidate. The Republican party has to find someone who isn't so in your face about social issues or Obama the clown in a shoo in for reelection.

To the person who compared Huck to Palin. Whatever, he's a serious person, she's a clown. No comparison.
Without him, a large Evangelical contingent – plus voters drawn to his easy-going personality – will be up for grabs in the Hawkeye State and beyond.

Indeed – and if the Old Bush Base doesn’t have one of the faithful as the nominee, their support may be problematic – see the McCain campaign, 2008.

…the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa…

However much voters may not like it – republicans in particular – but the Iowa caucuses are only about seven months away. This isn’t like the UK where campaigning starts a few weeks before the election; the fact is republicans will be forced to decide soon.
No Huckabee, no Palin, no Newt, no Paul, no Trump <--- srsly, wtf??.

Who's left?

Mittens. Maybe Cain and Daniels.


Slim pickens.

Tim Pawlenty is favored by many political conservatives. Obama's favorability record is back in the 40's according to Rasmussen Reports.

"President Obama received a bounce in the polls following the bin Laden news, but over this past week, the bounce has largely faded. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows that the president's ratings have slipped back into the high 40s, right where they've been for most of the past year-and-a-half. The number who Strongly Disapprove of the president remains a bit lower than it was before the big news and enthusiasm for the president is up among his base voters."

Obama's National Security Positives Fall Slightly From Last Week's High - Rasmussen Reports™

Oh I forgot about him. Who nixed running already? I was thinking it was Pawlenty . . . oh, it was Barbour. My bad . . .hey, I've been busy! lol
Hickabee is a closet 90s Democrat, so he needs to be stopped by real conservatives.
I do hope he is out and at least one person close to him, thinks so.*** His successful TV program tonight should receive a huge ratings bump.[/I] :lol:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee looks like he’ll give the 2012 White House campaign a pass, says Mr. Huckabee’s top political operative.

Mr. Huckabee has told followers to tune in to his Saturday evening show on Fox News for what he calls a major announcement. But Ed Rollins, who directed his 2008 campaign and has been organizing his 2012 campaign-in-waiting, said he has not been consulted.

“I’ve heard nothing, which indicates to me he’s not running,” Mr. Rollins said in an interview.

If Mr. Huckabee formally says he’s a no-go, his absence will reshape the still-chaotic campaign for the Republican nomination. He leads or is near the top of virtually every poll of Republican primary voters, and would have been the presumptive front runner in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa, which he won in 2008. Without him, a large Evangelical contingent – plus voters drawn to his easy-going personality – will be up for grabs in the Hawkeye State and beyond.

More: Does the Huck Stop Here? - Washington Wire - WSJ

He is .....****NOT!**** :clap2: :clap2:
I was kind of hoping he'd hop in. Oh well. I wouldn't vote for him.. Because obviously, we disagree on most everything.. but he really does seem like a genuinely nice guy.. I had the chance to meet and talk to him for about 10 minutes in 2008.. I liked the fact that he actually took time to talk to you, without rushing off.

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