Michelle Obama's Condescending Words About American People


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
She seems to view the American public as ignorant little children. If a Republican had uttered these words, they would be rightfully tarred and feathered but most libs nod in agreement no matter what liberal leaders say. I don't think it's possible for a Dem to insult a supporter despite the snowflakes being triggered by every other word these days. If you're liberal, you can bash your supporters all you want by insinuating that they are helpless beings who would just sit in a corner and drool on themselves if not for the left telling them what to do.

While it may be true that a large number of liberals need constant reassurance and someone to protect them every step of the way, many voted against this nanny government that was breathing down our backs. Maybe they will build some permanent safe spaces to aid the fragile little children in getting through the next 4 or 8 years. I do hope that therapists are provided for the snowflakes because it's going to be a rough road as people with dissenting views take the lead.

"The first lady seems bitter that the voters, like rebellious teens, aren’t taking the Obamas’ advice anymore. Last month, Michelle Obama sat down with Oprah Winfrey for what many assumed would be one of those feel-good, lighthearted interviews. Past first ladies have provided similar end-of-term interviews, in which they tend to display both astonishment and relief that it’s all over, coupled with the proper magnanimity and graciousness toward the next family to reside in the White House. Yet, this time was different. Far from feel-good, Mrs. Obama seemed more like a frustrated mother lamenting the rebelliousness of her growing child. The biggest headline maker in the interview was her response to Oprah’s question about whether she felt that the administration had achieved its goal of “hope and change.” Mrs. Obama responded, “Yes, I do, because we feel the difference now. . . . Now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like.” Critics rebuked the first lady for suggesting, in narcissistic fashion, that the people feel hope only when the Obamas reside in the White House.

But Mrs. Obama’s next statement was equally revealing. She said: Our children respond to crises the way they see us respond. You know, it’s like the toddler that bumps his head on the table, and they look up at you to figure out whether it hurts, and if you’re, like, “Oh, my God,” they’re crying. But if you’re, like, “You know what, Babe, it’s okay, it’s okay.” And I feel that way about the nation. I feel that Barack has been that for the nation. . . . Having a grown-up in the White House who can say to you in times of crisis and turmoil, “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” This quote betrays the disturbing way in which Mrs. Obama seems to view the American public — as children in need of constant minding and confidence-building. And yet it’s also notable because she and her liberal allies have taken the opposite tack with this election: Rather than reassuring the American public that the country will indeed be okay under a Trump presidency, they look panicked and despairing.

Of course, the overheated nature of their reaction is only riling up the toddler in this scenario:

Obama’s liberal followers. And note that Michelle Obama seems not to grasp that not all Americans share her feelings. Some are indeed feeling hopeless, particularly those who supported Hillary Clinton. But others — such as the millions who supported the incoming president — are feeling more hopeful. Some are even ebullient. In fact, it was precisely that desire to rekindle hope, and the feeling of hopelessness that they had throughout the past eight years, that propelled many to vote for Donald Trump."

Read more at: Mrs. Obama, We Are Not Your Kids
As if they were the only grown ups for the last 8 years. Funny how she talks about how reassuring grown ups are when children are hurt or scared, yet they weren't concerned about real fears people had when it came to open borders and the flood of radical Muslim refugees. We've had many attacks on our soil and the "grown ups" in Washington told us that our concerns were unfounded. No reassurance, just talked down to and ridiculed for pointing out the obvious.

"She said: Our children respond to crises the way they see us respond. You know, it’s like the toddler that bumps his head on the table, and they look up at you to figure out whether it hurts, and if you’re, like, “Oh, my God,” they’re crying. But if you’re, like, “You know what, Babe, it’s okay, it’s okay.” And I feel that way about the nation. I feel that Barack has been that for the nation. . . . Having a grown-up in the White House who can say to you in times of crisis and turmoil, “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”

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