Michelle Obama: OK to talk politics from the church pulpit


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

[this pic not part of article]

Michelle Obama: There‘s ’No Place Better’ Than Church to Talk About Political Issues

7/2/12 By Billy Hallowell

There is no better place than church to talk about political issues because they are ultimately moral issues, First Lady Michelle Obama told a church gathering on Thursday.

“To anyone who says that church is no place to talk about these issues, you tell them there is no place better – no place better,” Obama told the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s 49th general conference, held in in Nashville, Tenn.


This is particularly noteworthy, because liberals have traditionally lamented the Christian right’s hand in electoral politics. While the president has faltered many times with people of faith, it seems his wife, at least, is helping to ramp up support for his re-election among the faithful. The speech comes as some Democrats fear that Obama may be struggling among religious voters.

Michelle Obama: ‘No Place Better’ Than Church to Talk Political Issues | Video | TheBlaze.com
Why are you surprised?

Her and her Husband spent a long ass time in a church that Mixed Politics in all the time. Far left, Racial Politics, but Politics none the less.
Churches prohibited

Moore: "Really? Well, how about this comment? Once in a sermon I said that I would never vote for any candidate who didn't oppose abortion."

Instructor: "Oh, my. The propriety of that statement is more than questionable.

"Again let me quote the code. Churches are 'absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in ... any political campaign ... in opposition to any candidate for elective public office.'

"Your statement could definitely be construed as advocating that listeners should not vote for any candidate who doesn't agree with your view of abortion."

Moore begins to squirm.

Do you preach politics from the pulpit?


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