Michael Savage: Partisan Loudmouth or Dangerous Hatemonger?

Michael Savage: Partisan Loudmouth or Dangerous Hatemonger?
Like all other radio ratchet jaws, Savage is a mixed bag.

His stories about growing up in Brooklyn, food and wine, and the Old Testament are entertaining, informative, and things that you won't hear anywhere else...A welcome relief when every other host has beaten the given political topic do jour to death.

It's when he starts bellering at the top of his lungs, to the point that you'd think that he's going to eat his microphone, that he's pretty tough to take.
Michael Savage: Partisan Loudmouth or Dangerous Hatemonger?
Like all other radio ratchet jaws, Savage is a mixed bag.

His stories about growing up in Brooklyn, food and wine, and the Old Testament are entertaining, informative, and things that you won't hear anywhere else...A welcome relief when every other host has beaten the given political topic do jour to death.

It's when he starts bellering at the top of his lungs, to the point that you'd think that he's going to eat his microphone, that he's pretty tough to take.

And not to mention like the other ratchet jaws, he can be wrong much of the time and downright lying when he thinks it will serve his purpose.

I've grown very tired of radio talk and I don't even listen to very much cable either. I've gravitated back to news in print and some network news. Online news as well.
I've gravitated to Jason Lewis for my radio fix. The Jason Lewis Show

He's very well educated in market economics and doesn't make shit up to try and prove his political points.

You can generally get all the news you want, from whichever slant you want, from Drudge's link-o-rama.

Well, the CNBC link is one that my work computer will actually allow. Thanks, Dude.
I'm still amused that Wiener/Savage asked Hillary Clinton to intervene. In the past he's called her Communist, Fascist, Socialist, murderer, and everything but a child of God.

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