Michael Brown Story Unraveling


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
but don't let that stop you race-baiters. How much longer are we going to put up with this crap? :whip:
Why do we celebrate the demise of White criminals but mourn the demise of Black criminals as if they were national heroes?
Meanwhile in Chicago...more deaths of young black men the Race Baiters are ignoring.

Aug. 12 – Julio Perkins, a 30 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Pullman.

Aug. 12 – Devonte Carthan, a 17 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Burnside.

Aug. 11 – Dearies Arnold, a 26 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Englewood.

Aug. 10 – Jabari Scurlock, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Englewood.

I was a witness in a accident in which some black boys made a horrible accident into be a race crime. All the demagogues with their histrionics now, with the HANDS UP don't SHOOT crap, reminds me so much of that incident I saw. I am sorry to say, some people, who just happen to be black, LIE...and the press gives these rabble rousers credence. In my case, these kids were brought before a judge for PURGERY. But, they ran away like little cowards. They where so big in front of the cameras though. And most people never knew how big a bunch of frauds they where. So, when I hear an old black man say these latest riots had nothing to do with this Mike kid, I am not looking at the Black community with much esteem.
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Meanwhile in Chicago...more deaths of young black men the Race Baiters are ignoring.

Aug. 12 – Julio Perkins, a 30 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Pullman.

Aug. 12 – Devonte Carthan, a 17 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Burnside.

Aug. 11 – Dearies Arnold, a 26 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Englewood.

Aug. 10 – Jabari Scurlock, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Englewood.

Tracking homicides in Chicago - Tracking homicides in Chicago | RedeyeChicago.com

I have raised the issue with Chicago a number of times only to be told by Libs here
that what's happening in Chicago is not all that bad.That violence and murder are down to all time lows and that righties like me are racist for making too big a deal of what's going on there.

If Sharpton truly cared about the blacks in this country as he claims he would be in
Chicago protesting left and right about what's happening there.
But there isn't any sizzle there.No big media spotlight for Sharpton...
If the situation doesn't help Sharpton get major media coverage he could care less.
Generally if Sharpton's involved - or other usual suspects - one can guarantee the racial narrative being pushed early on tends to fall apart as time goes by and the true facts come to light. Frankly, the rev Al's track record is so abysmal only the truly ignorant buy any of the disingenuous lying racial bullshit he shovels by the ton.
I have raised the issue with Chicago a number of times only to be told by Libs here
that what's happening in Chicago is not all that bad.That violence and murder are down to all time lows and that righties like me are racist for making too big a deal of what's going on there.

If Sharpton truly cared about the blacks in this country as he claims he would be in
Chicago protesting left and right about what's happening there.
But there isn't any sizzle there.No big media spotlight for Sharpton...
If the situation doesn't help Sharpton get major media coverage he could care less.

after noticing your avatar

reminded me of the footage

of hayes being stoned by the protesters


WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Throw Rocks at Chris Hayes’ Head | Mediaite
Anyone with half a brain has a pretty good idea of what happened: Brown and his buddy were stopped by a police officer, whereupon they attacked the officer who then pulled his gun to arrest them. Brown then charged the officer, and was shot several times, leading to his death.

Some people ignore this obvious scenario in favor of one that has the police officer cruising around looking for a black man to murder. Is this due to:

A. Gullibility
B. Emotional Disorder
C. Stupidity
D. All of the above

I pick D.
Why do we celebrate the demise of White criminals but mourn the demise of Black criminals as if they were national heroes?

Dunno if that's true. Just watched some docs yesterday called "Mafia's Greatest Hits" pretty much glorifying the Mafia.
Like I keep on saying: if the press had any balls, they'd shine a light on the efforts of David Carroll on YouTube. Look him up and get back to me. In the meantime, here's sample of his work.

Anyone with half a brain has a pretty good idea of what happened: Brown and his buddy were stopped by a police officer, whereupon they attacked the officer who then pulled his gun to arrest them. Brown then charged the officer, and was shot several times, leading to his death.

Some people ignore this obvious scenario in favor of one that has the police officer cruising around looking for a black man to murder. Is this due to:

A. Gullibility
B. Emotional Disorder
C. Stupidity
D. All of the above

I pick D.

you forgot racist

A. Gullibility
B. Emotional Disorder
C. Racist
D. Stupidity
E. All of the above

they only seem to have a problem if white on black

not a word about the daily black on black shootings in Chicago

hell not even a peep about the white kid shot dead by the police

with 16 of the 22 rounds hitting him

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