Miami- Gone In 60 Seconds.....errr..... Years

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Thanks deniers. :thup: Harbinger of what it will be like down there permanently in Jesusland/Heaven's Waiting Room.
Miami Beach in race to control flood ahead of annual King Tide

The event, caused by the alignment of the sun, moon and Earth, provides a taste of the potential impact of a longer-term two-foot sea level rise predicted for south Florida by 2060, according to the United States Geological Survey.

The low-lying greater Miami area, with a population of 5.7 million, is one of the world's most at-risk urban communities, scientists told a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing in April.
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What load of crap...

3mm sea rise in 22 years... tidal, normal, rise fall is 18-20 inches. Now they are crying that magnetic pull will increase that rise by 4-6 inches..

The whole premise is crap!

And then to blame natural variation on others without any evidence whatsoever..
Billy, do you really not understand the difference between "3mm" and "3mm /year"? And "magnetic pull"? Just what are you babbling about? I have never heard anyone speak of "magnetic pull" in regards to tides, until you just brought it up. I'm guessing it's another example of the "crazy shit you pulled out of your ass" science that you're so well-known for.

With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?
Billy, do you really not understand the difference between "3mm" and "3mm /year"? And "magnetic pull"? Just what are you babbling about? I have never heard anyone speak of "magnetic pull" in regards to tides, until you just brought it up. I'm guessing it's another example of the "crazy shit you pulled out of your ass" science that you're so well-known for.

With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?

Poor little troll...

You have no concept of that it would take about 150-200 years to rise 6 inches @ 3mm/yr. Nor do you have a clue about why the moon creates tidal changes. Yet being a completely clueless moron you preach about global warming.. With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?
Billy, do you really not understand the difference between "3mm" and "3mm /year"? And "magnetic pull"? Just what are you babbling about? I have never heard anyone speak of "magnetic pull" in regards to tides, until you just brought it up. I'm guessing it's another example of the "crazy shit you pulled out of your ass" science that you're so well-known for.

With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?
never seems to stop him from posting in our threads for some reason. Lucky us :doubt:
Billy, do you really not understand the difference between "3mm" and "3mm /year"? And "magnetic pull"? Just what are you babbling about? I have never heard anyone speak of "magnetic pull" in regards to tides, until you just brought it up. I'm guessing it's another example of the "crazy shit you pulled out of your ass" science that you're so well-known for.

With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?
never seems to stop him from posting in our threads for some reason. Lucky us :doubt:

Dispelling disinformation and lies is necessary to keep low information people from being duped. The crap smell should tell the story but they have been feed so much crap from you guys they now need it pointed out for what it is...
illy, do you really not understand the difference between "3mm" and "3mm /year"? And "magnetin c pull"? Juin t what are you babbling about? I have never heard anyone speak of "magnetic pull" in regards to tides, until you just brought it up. I'm guessing it's another example of the "crazy shit you pulled out of your ass" science that you're so well-known for.

With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?
never seems to stop him from posting in our threads for some reason. Lucky us :doubt:

Didnt realize this was a private affair for believers only Dottie. You DO need to check the math. Scary article says 2 feet by 2060.. WHO exactly Iis projecting that? You have any idea where that came from? Do you CARE?

Stay with me here. 2 ft is 24 inches which is about 600mm. Thats an AVERAGE rate of over 12mm/year. Since thats not gonna happen anytime soon. Not for decades at least, the final rate in 2060 would have to exceed 20mm/yr or about 7 TIMES todays rate.

Thats not happening dudette. I dont even think the IPCC believes that. As far as Miami goes, this problem with tides needs to be solved. Especially since the town is buiilt on a giant sandy sponge in a swamp.
Billy, do you really not understand the difference between "3mm" and "3mm /year"? And "magnetic pull"? Just what are you babbling about? I have never heard anyone speak of "magnetic pull" in regards to tides, until you just brought it up. I'm guessing it's another example of the "crazy shit you pulled out of your ass" science that you're so well-known for.

With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?
never seems to stop him from posting in our threads for some reason. Lucky us :doubt:

Dispelling disinformation and lies is necessary to keep low information people from being duped. The crap smell should tell the story but they have been feed so much crap from you guys they now need it pointed out for what it is...

Low information people? Good lord, and you cannot differentiate between gravity and magnetism? You are about the dumbest poster on this board, and there is some real strong competition for that title.
Heres what I want to know?

For the past 25 years, the climate crusaders have insisted on sticking to Plan A = throwing bombs with 1001 predictions of doom ALL of which fall flat on their face.

What has it yielded them?

Nothing.......absolutely nothing except maybe for creating a new internet hobby. In the real world, they have netted nothing and in fact, lost the attention of the policy makers ( see backwards slide of green energy in Britain, Germany, Spain and Australia )

Shit.....even leading climate scientist Judith Curry has recently stated that these people need to send out a message that appears less arrogant and more reasonable.

When your message is shit like THIS all the time >>>>


the people tune you out.......which all the polls clearly show ( I can post them up at a moments notice upon request :2up:)
illy, do you really not understand the difference between "3mm" and "3mm /year"? And "magnetin c pull"? Juin t what are you babbling about? I have never heard anyone speak of "magnetic pull" in regards to tides, until you just brought it up. I'm guessing it's another example of the "crazy shit you pulled out of your ass" science that you're so well-known for.

With every post, you get dumber. Should we blame substance abuse, senility, or the brain-destroying effects of your cult?
never seems to stop him from posting in our threads for some reason. Lucky us :doubt:

Didnt realize this was a private affair for believers only Dottie. You DO need to check the math. Scary article says 2 feet by 2060.. WHO exactly Iis projecting that? You have any idea where that came from? Do you CARE?

Stay with me here. 2 ft is 24 inches which is about 600mm. Thats an AVERAGE rate of over 12mm/year. Since thats not gonna happen anytime soon. Not for decades at least, the final rate in 2060 would have to exceed 20mm/yr or about 7 TIMES todays rate.

Thats not happening dudette. I dont even think the IPCC believes that. As far as Miami goes, this problem with tides needs to be solved. Especially since the town is buiilt on a giant sandy sponge in a swamp.

6 inches = 152.039mm 48 inches = 1219.2mm

Even at 3mm a year it would take 610mm/3mm = 230 years for just two feet of rise. Now this doesn't even consider the fact that the porous land they have placed billions of tons upon is not suffering subsidence due to the massive weight applied. (even ice weight causes whole continents to be suppressed)

Tidal surge is not uncommon or out of what has been seen historically. we will have entered the next glacial cycle long before this level of rise can be seen.

This is nothing more than lies and fear mongering for the low information voter.. This is being used by the democrats in big city regions that they fear they are going to loose senatorial seats if they do not drum up voters who are not using their brains. The voters using their brains out number the mindless drones at the moment but fear not, the fear mongers will create lies to incite their base.. ITS OUR JOB TO ENLIGHTEN THOSE PEOPLE TO THE TRUTH!
Billy, you'll only be able to convince those not capable of understanding "acceleration". And those who think "magnetic pull" causes tides.

I'm certain you can't tell me why the earth has tides twice a day. Don't feel too bad. Almost everyone fails that question. The grade school explanation we all learned concerning tides is simply wrong.
Billy, you'll only be able to convince those not capable of understanding "acceleration". And those who think "magnetic pull" causes tides.

I'm certain you can't tell me why the earth has tides twice a day. Don't feel too bad. Almost everyone fails that question. The grade school explanation we all learned concerning tides is simply wrong.

WE know you are incapable of basic math skills... Along with basic mechanisms of gravity and magnetism. Knowing your a troll wasn't hard to figure out...
Dont feed the troll.JPG
Billy, you're falling back on a common denier tactic. Whenever someone points out how jaw-droppingly stupid your science is, you shout "Troll!", piss yourself and run. The way to deal with gutless wonders such as you is to simply ignore your deflections, and then drag you back to the questions that sent you running.

Explain to us your theory of how magnetism affects tides.

Describe the physical mechanism that causes tides to occur twice a day.
New Study Suggests Storm Surges More Common

The American Geophysical Union released new observations earlier this week that could suggest storm surges are more common in NorthwestFlorida than originally thought.

Northwest Florida was thought to get a 16 foot storm surge every 400 years, but new paleohurricane records suggest that number is closer to 40.

They also stated that in the study they had found evidence of storms surges as high as 37 feet.
Thanks deniers. :thup: Harbinger of what it will be like down there permanently in Jesusland/Heaven's Waiting Room.
Miami Beach in race to control flood ahead of annual King Tide

The event, caused by the alignment of the sun, moon and Earth, provides a taste of the potential impact of a longer-term two-foot sea level rise predicted for south Florida by 2060, according to the United States Geological Survey.

The low-lying greater Miami area, with a population of 5.7 million, is one of the world's most at-risk urban communities, scientists told a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing in April.

Funny how the "experts" ignore the fact that Miami's problems go all the way back to when they dammed up all the rivers. They stopped the flow of sand and voila Miami Beach disappeared. In other words. It's a well known problem that existed long before the newest group of global warming frauds decided to elevate it to a "climate change" issue.

Congrats you're stupid.
Well, my, my, two stupid things that we are doing are working together to create a problem. Now that has never happened before, right, Walleyes.
Well, my, my, two stupid things that we are doing are working together to create a problem. Now that has never happened before, right, Walleyes.

18 years of no temp increase olfraud. Live with it.

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