Mexico allowed to legally assault our Constitution.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

There is no depth leftist sociopaths are willing to sink to in order to undermine our Constitution. Recently a Taxachsettes "court" accepted a lawsuit from a foreign government to sue US Gun Manufacturing Industries. You would think that such a suit would be used for toilet paper by anyone who has passed a bar exam, but in Taxachusettes obviously, you can pass the test and not even be literate. When it comes to leftists though, nothing is surprising. Hopefully by the time this winds it's way through the slow wheels of justice the democrook party will once again be out of power in the WH and congress and there will be less republicrats to interfere with cleaning up the damage they cause.

The sewer that mexico is, can close their border, stop the northbound flow of human and drug smuggling along with the southern flow of of weapons, but no one in the current WH would ever point that out. Nor would they point out the fact that most of the cartel weapons ARE NOT bought from US manufacturers that market semi-auto AK's and such, but from international weapons dealers that supply governments and guerilla groups.

Mexico's Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth
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It's another piece of evidence that global collectivist elites are determined to reduce the US into the sort of third world shit hole that leftists create in every country they gain power in.
I have long thought that we should establish a cordon sanitaire between Mexico and the USA.
I wonder if it's possible to sue Barry Hussein and Eric Holder as well as the ATF for the insanity of shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels in Operation Fast/Furious?
I wonder if it's possible to sue Barry Hussein and Eric Holder as well as the ATF for the insanity of shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels in Operation Fast/Furious?
They didn't ship squat..what they did wrong was trying to track all those straw bought weapons to see which cartel was funding the buy instead of intercepting them...

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