Merkel crawls around with anti-Russian rhetoric


Nov 14, 2012
The "occupation" of the Crimea cannot be accepted, Merkel said and compared it to a scenario featuring the Soviets occupying the GDR in response of the re-unification. Merkel totally ignores that the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russians and voted for the Anschluß after murderous fascists took over the Ukraine in Uncle Sam´s and his puppets´ name.
With that nonsense, Merkels reacts to a FDP demand to accept the development and even invite Russia to a G8.

Russland: Merkel kritisiert Lindners Haltung zur Krim-Annexion
It makes one wonder if the leadership in the West, is purposely trying to instigate war with Russia. Their persistent actions against Russia, seem to indicate war is the goal.

Sanctions do nothing, but further inflame the situation. History clearly indicates this.

If the German people re-elect that crazy woman, it will be most unfortunate.
It makes one wonder if the leadership in the West, is purposely trying to instigate war with Russia. Their persistent actions against Russia, seem to indicate war is the goal.

Sanctions do nothing, but further inflame the situation. History clearly indicates this.

If the German people re-elect that crazy woman, it will be most unfortunate.
I don´t think war is the goal. They don´t start wars that they can´t win. It is about to make the EU and Russia weakening each other.
It makes one wonder if the leadership in the West, is purposely trying to instigate war with Russia. Their persistent actions against Russia, seem to indicate war is the goal.

Sanctions do nothing, but further inflame the situation. History clearly indicates this.

If the German people re-elect that crazy woman, it will be most unfortunate.
It looks like almost all the EU "leaders" are in Soros pocket and that's why it's so important for Soros to keep Merkel, the traitor.

Also, look: the main EU "leaders" (Merkel, Macron, Teresa May, Jean Claud Junker) don't have kids and that means they don't give a sh*t to what will happen with this world when they are gone.
The "occupation" of the Crimea cannot be accepted, Merkel said and compared it to a scenario featuring the Soviets occupying the GDR in response of the re-unification. Merkel totally ignores that the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russians and voted for the Anschluß after murderous fascists took over the Ukraine in Uncle Sam´s and his puppets´ name.
With that nonsense, Merkels reacts to a FDP demand to accept the development and even invite Russia to a G8.

Russland: Merkel kritisiert Lindners Haltung zur Krim-Annexion
You can repeat countless times about fascists, Nazis and other similar stuff but it doesn’t change the fact that all that happened in Crimea can be called by only one word – annexation. The so-called coup didn’t give a right to Russia or some another country to join lands forcibly. The voting process and vote counting in the referendum wasn’t monitored by any international organization, so one can trust only Russian officials about its results. If one thinks that Crimea was given to Ukraine illegally, then this issue should be examined in some international organization (the UN, for example). Russia recognized the borders of Ukraine when signed so-called Great Treaty in 1997. You can prefer to not pay attention to these things but not everyone is like you in this case.
The "occupation" of the Crimea cannot be accepted, Merkel said and compared it to a scenario featuring the Soviets occupying the GDR in response of the re-unification. Merkel totally ignores that the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russians and voted for the Anschluß after murderous fascists took over the Ukraine in Uncle Sam´s and his puppets´ name.
With that nonsense, Merkels reacts to a FDP demand to accept the development and even invite Russia to a G8.

Russland: Merkel kritisiert Lindners Haltung zur Krim-Annexion
You can repeat countless times about fascists, Nazis and other similar stuff but it doesn’t change the fact that all that happened in Crimea can be called by only one word – annexation. The so-called coup didn’t give a right to Russia or some another country to join lands forcibly. The voting process and vote counting in the referendum wasn’t monitored by any international organization, so one can trust only Russian officials about its results. If one thinks that Crimea was given to Ukraine illegally, then this issue should be examined in some international organization (the UN, for example). Russia recognized the borders of Ukraine when signed so-called Great Treaty in 1997. You can prefer to not pay attention to these things but not everyone is like you in this case.
The people of the Crimea was saved from neonazi forces that violently overthrew the democratically elected government. What sovereignty was left to violate? The annexation was welcomed by the population. Also, there were international observers. The OSCE was invited but refused.

You can repeat countless times about fascists, Nazis and other similar stuff but it doesn’t change the fact that all that happened in Crimea can be called by only one word – annexation. The so-called coup didn’t give a right to Russia or some another country to join lands forcibly. The voting process and vote counting in the referendum wasn’t monitored by any international organization, so one can trust only Russian officials about its results. If one thinks that Crimea was given to Ukraine illegally, then this issue should be examined in some international organization (the UN, for example). Russia recognized the borders of Ukraine when signed so-called Great Treaty in 1997. You can prefer to not pay attention to these things but not everyone is like you in this case.

The referendum was monitored, you liar. The OECD had sent observers, and the referendum was less critisized than the Bush election, remember that?
This was definetely NOT an annexion. You want to examine Cruschtschovs Coup from the 50's?
What the fuck, you nazi.
The "occupation" of the Crimea cannot be accepted, Merkel said and compared it to a scenario featuring the Soviets occupying the GDR in response of the re-unification. Merkel totally ignores that the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russians and voted for the Anschluß after murderous fascists took over the Ukraine in Uncle Sam´s and his puppets´ name.
With that nonsense, Merkels reacts to a FDP demand to accept the development and even invite Russia to a G8.

Russland: Merkel kritisiert Lindners Haltung zur Krim-Annexion

Fat hag Merkel created DDR 2.0 where any 'wrong' post by Facebook can be punished by 5m fine and many years behind bar.
She imported millions of IQ 60 illiterate Muslims to destroy Germany for ever.
The meaning of Merkel can be interesting only for dimwits, but not for sane folks and shall be flashed down the toilet.
The "occupation" of the Crimea cannot be accepted, Merkel said and compared it to a scenario featuring the Soviets occupying the GDR in response of the re-unification. Merkel totally ignores that the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russians and voted for the Anschluß after murderous fascists took over the Ukraine in Uncle Sam´s and his puppets´ name.
With that nonsense, Merkels reacts to a FDP demand to accept the development and even invite Russia to a G8.

Russland: Merkel kritisiert Lindners Haltung zur Krim-Annexion
She is 100% right and German citizens agree with her as do other European leaders. This is a non-issue.
The "occupation" of the Crimea cannot be accepted, Merkel said and compared it to a scenario featuring the Soviets occupying the GDR in response of the re-unification. Merkel totally ignores that the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russians and voted for the Anschluß after murderous fascists took over the Ukraine in Uncle Sam´s and his puppets´ name.
With that nonsense, Merkels reacts to a FDP demand to accept the development and even invite Russia to a G8.

Russland: Merkel kritisiert Lindners Haltung zur Krim-Annexion
She is 100% right and German citizens agree with her as do other European leaders. This is a non-issue.
It is because the citizens are manipulated and misinformed by the politicians and their so called "free press". If they´d know Merkel and the other "leaders" backed those in the Ukraine, Merkel´s statement would be met with fire and fury:


Obama-Nazis with ISIS bringing democracy to Ukraine
The "occupation" of the Crimea cannot be accepted, Merkel said and compared it to a scenario featuring the Soviets occupying the GDR in response of the re-unification. Merkel totally ignores that the people of the Crimea welcomed the Russians and voted for the Anschluß after murderous fascists took over the Ukraine in Uncle Sam´s and his puppets´ name.
With that nonsense, Merkels reacts to a FDP demand to accept the development and even invite Russia to a G8.

Russland: Merkel kritisiert Lindners Haltung zur Krim-Annexion
She is 100% right and German citizens agree with her as do other European leaders. This is a non-issue.

Are you working for German MSM Presstitutes ( Lugenpresse )?
Anything you write is wrong.



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