MEMORIAL DAY-bipartisan unity, just maybe


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Just this once, could the invented "liberal/conservative " divide be put aside on this one issue? Many died for this nation, and none wore tags identifying themselves as "liberal or conservative". These tags are in fact meaningless as most Americans are moderate on at least some political issues.

I am grateful for each & every man, and woman who died so that we may bicker here about minor political differences. Most important, I am grateful those who sacrificed to allow me to live in this great nation.

Thank you to all those who gave their lives for this nation, whatever race, creed, color, political or personal attributes.
Sorry Peach, it's all about media hype and voter access. I fly the Stars and Stripes every day of my life and I don't have to rely on a "bipartisan" political committee to tell me how much they care for the Troops during a democrat administration and how they would disrupt the funerals of American heroes during republican administrations.
Sorry Peach, it's all about media hype and voter access. I fly the Stars and Stripes every day of my life and I don't have to rely on a "bipartisan" political committee to tell me how much they care for the Troops during a democrat administration and how they would disrupt the funerals of American heroes during republican administrations.

Then you seem to have the inner respect I admire. Thank you.

I couldn't agree more. Politics is like a drug, while you sit and abuse it(partisanship) everything(the gov't) falls apart around you. That's why you'll usually find me in the flame zone, where the political talk is minimal, usually.

I wanted to post this pic somewhere, so I'll stick it here for no real reason...from WWI. I thought it was cool.


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