Meirs supoenaed

In other words, they are liberals being liberals

Well of course...

Us knuckling dragging rednecks haven't a clue what's going on...

So....of course we need the higher class to inform us...

Sheeesh.......where ya been all these yrs????:eusa_boohoo:
Read your Constitution girl!

That wish of yours just "ain't" possible! They can't be impeached!



Duh????? Huh?????

sheesh.....Issss thought that is haw that is haw it worked...

Shame on meeeesss...
I’m starting to dislike the Bush’s cabinet but I am getting somewhat tired of this Gonzales investigation. He might have done something unethical – though I think that such is even a stretch. In all practicality, people can basically fire anyone at any time for any reason. Also the attorney general serves under the president. He is going to do what he thinks that the president wants him to do. He is going to serve the president. Okay. Perhaps he behaved too much in a partisan way. Maybe he fired people who were investigating things that made the president look bad. Was the firing illegal – yes or no? If the answer is “No”, then let us say that he still should not have fired them in such a partisan and selective way and MOVE ON. There are certainly more important issues that the congress should be resolving.

It's becoming increasingly clear that this politicization of the DOJ was intended to serve but a single purpose, that being to secure the one party state Karl Rove and the neocons have wet-dreams about. If those policies were left unchecked, you could kiss the Republic good-bye.
It's becoming increasingly clear that this politicization of the DOJ was intended to serve but a single purpose, that being to secure the one party state Karl Rove and the neocons have wet-dreams about. If those policies were left unchecked, you could kiss the Republic good-bye.

Looking at the ever decreasing poll numbers for the Dems - it seems the voters are seeing them as the party as the ones who are guilty of the politicization of the DOJ
Duh????? Huh?????

sheesh.....Issss thought that is haw that is haw it worked...

Shame on meeeesss...

Well, the ELITIST, among other things that YOU SAY I am, I could have just said, "You don't know what you're talking about ...ignorant, arrogant, below me...bitch!"


I said it a tad more eloquent, I thought!???! :eusa_eh:

And a good morning to you also, Stephanie!

Well, the ELITIST, among other things that YOU SAY I am, I could have just said, "You don't know what you're talking about ...ignorant, arrogant, below me...bitch!"


I said it a tad more eloquent, I thought!???! :eusa_eh:

And a good morning to you also, Stephanie!



Could ya break that down into something I could unnnnderstand??

And....a good morning to ya also....:D

Could ya break that down into something I could unnnnderstand??

And....a good morning to ya also....:D

Screecher Belosi in her off hours in SF


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I'm fairly new back on the board...

And...I'm already being called a ignorant, arrogant below me ........bitch...

I didn't know being elitist..
Was being called a nasty name???


I'm off to cry now......:shock:

Could ya break that down into something I could unnnnderstand??

And....a good morning to ya also....:D

first there was this from you on a post.
Arrogrance is just part of it...

Stupidity, traitors, and elitism...sounds more like it...

and then this:

Well of course...

Us knuckling dragging rednecks haven't a clue what's going on...

So....of course we need the higher class to inform us...

Sheeesh.......where ya been all these yrs????

and then this from me:

Originally Posted by Care4all
Read your Constitution girl!

That wish of yours just "ain't" possible! They can't be impeached!


Where you answered:
Duh????? Huh?????

sheesh.....Issss thought that is haw that is haw it worked...

Shame on meeeesss...

Which to me, sounded as though you thought that I was speaking down to you in some manner, the arrogant, elitist, and traitor, that I am, as a "liberal", and according to YOU, with the statements you had made already. :(

Thus, my (smart ass)response back to you. :D

Originally Posted by Care4all
Well, the ELITIST, among other things that YOU SAY I am, I could have just said, "You don't know what you're talking about ...ignorant, arrogant, below me...bitch!"


I said it a tad more eloquent, I thought!???!

And a good morning to you also, Stephanie!


Hope that clears up your "Huh?"!


I'm fairly new back on the board...

And...I'm already being called a ignorant, arrogant below me bitch...

I didn't know being elitist..
Was being called a nasty name???


I'm off to cry now......:shock:

As you can tell Stephanie, libs have not changed much since you left

Welcome back
first there was this from you on a post.

and then this:

and then this from me:

Where you answered:

Which to me, sounded as though you thought that I was speaking down to you in some manner, the arrogant, elitist, and traitor, that I am, as a "liberal", and according to YOU, with the statements you had made already. :(

Thus, my (smart ass)response back to you. :D

Hope that clears up your "Huh?"!


I'm glad you got those off your chest...

Only a few were directed at you, but you seemed to take all of them, as such.....


I'm fairly new back on the board...

And...I'm already being called a ignorant, arrogant below me ........bitch...

I didn't know being elitist..
Was being called a nasty name???


I'm off to cry now......:shock:

ohhhhhhhh, stop! You will make me cry because you're crying! :( (I am absolutely hopeless according to my husband on this kind of stuff, I can cry on a dime, and seeing someone cry makes me tear too, just can't stop it!)

I didn't call you that Stephie, I said I could have....based on YOUR original sarcasm!

Now, chin up girl!

And stop "playing" with my "wimpy" side, you know, the soft, weak, liberal side! ;)


first there was this from you on a post.

and then this:

and then this from me:

Where you answered:

Which to me, sounded as though you thought that I was speaking down to you in some manner, the arrogant, elitist, and traitor, that I am, as a "liberal", and according to YOU, with the statements you had made already. :(

Thus, my (smart ass)response back to you. :D

Hope that clears up your "Huh?"!


So much for the myth of the oh so tolerant and open minded liberal
ahhhh, stop! You will make me cry because you're crying! :( (I am absolutely hopeless according to my husband on this kind of stuff, I can cry on a dime, and seeing someone cry makes me tear too, just can't stop it!)

I didn't call you that Stephie, I said I could have....based on YOUR original sarcasm!

Now, chin up girl!

And stop "playing" with my "wimpy" side, you know, the soft, weak, liberal side! ;)



Ok(sniff, sniff)....

I'll try......:eusa_doh:

no problems my dear..

Well probably meet more in the future.......

Here's too us...:eusa_angel:

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