Meeting Oprah


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
One of those reality TV shows had a lady come across a Street named in honor of Oprah.
This lady was do stupid and obsessed that she was adamantly gonna stay and walk throughout the street to find and see Oprah. Her friend tried to warn her that she was not gonna find Oprah there, but the stuborn lady insisted she'd see Oprah.

Where is this any different then people waiting and expecting to see Jesus just because they honor the character in their book and churches? At least Oprah exists.

The lady's friend never did explain to the overly zealous fan why a street named after her is not gonna be where she lives or is. SHE PROBABLY THOUGHT WHY BOTHER as her friend is gonna do what she is obsessed to do?
Unlike her friend there are those who do take the time, patience and backlash to explain to the zealots of the reasons behind the false expectations and failed reasoning. It goes unappreciated and many times ignored, but it's the right and decent thing to do.
-keeps of the unpopular truth
Equating a woman who is famous for being on TV and the Son of God is not just stupid, it's rude.
Ahhhhh.... No vacarious attonement the father does not take the sins of the son and the son does not take the sins of the father in ezekiel 18 among other places but I digress..... Oprah is a famous women but it is not well known that her company is named Harpo which is Oprah backwards which is ironic as christians seem to have everything backwards as to how remission of sins is acheived and to who really are gds sons and not the false one they worship and hold up so high...
Equating a woman who is famous for being on TV and the Son of God is not just stupid, it's rude.

1) you confused the premise, this is not about Oprah, this is about confusing dedicated landmarks with real residence. This is exactly why you actually think Jesus resided on earth when even a Pope more recently admited Jesus was just an expectation -image of a man.
2)it's outright ignorant to declare someone
"son of God" without knowing the culture & Biblical era usage of the word and what it actually means from what you perceive it to mean through usage by other ignorant people. Worse is the fact they never name this holy Father because they were selling Baal under a new mask and name but same birthdaye celebration day and sun symbols.
Research: the dying god mythology of Canaanites the Morning Star is the son of Baal, through dying he surpasses his father on the throne -Rev 22:16 Jesus calls himself Baal's son =Lucifer.
3)the scrolls warn of the arrogant proclamation of the son of God title and the followers.
A Moses Apocryphon" 4 Q375 of the scrolls undeniably states in
Fragment 1: "And the prophet who will arise and speak defection in your midst, turning you away from God, shall be put to death. BUt if the tribe from which he originates stands up for him and says let him not be put to death, for he is righteous; he is a trustworthy prophet..."

An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people
(THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
That would be called an Atheistic Jew not just a Jew, and if I am that which I am and you call me an atheist without knowing me and merely over hurt affiliation pride, then you guys proved just about all my previous points about social and group behavior. That "your gang against my gang" is why Christianity did the Jihaadist like acts before even Radical Muslims learned how to.
It didn't work for Christianity, it doesn't work for Islam, ans it doesn't work for political parties, street gangs, or prison yards.
That would be called an Atheistic Jew not just a Jew, and if I am that which I am and you call me an atheist without knowing me and merely over hurt affiliation pride, then you guys proved just about all my previous points about social and group behavior. That "your gang against my gang" is why Christianity did the Jihaadist like acts before even Radical Muslims learned how to.
It didn't work for Christianity, it doesn't work for Islam, ans it doesn't work for political parties, street gangs, or prison yards.

I take it back. You apparently are a knowledgeable Jew and I misread your denigration of Jesus as the son of God.
That would be called an Atheistic Jew not just a Jew, and if I am that which I am and you call me an atheist without knowing me and merely over hurt affiliation pride, then you guys proved just about all my previous points about social and group behavior. That "your gang against my gang" is why Christianity did the Jihaadist like acts before even Radical Muslims learned how to.
It didn't work for Christianity, it doesn't work for Islam, ans it doesn't work for political parties, street gangs, or prison yards.

Give us an example of "your gang against my gang" of Christianity before the 7th century.
Equating a woman who is famous for being on TV and the Son of God is not just stupid, it's rude.

1) you confused the premise, this is not about Oprah, this is about confusing dedicated landmarks with real residence. This is exactly why you actually think Jesus resided on earth when even a Pope more recently admited Jesus was just an expectation -image of a man.
2)it's outright ignorant to declare someone
"son of God" without knowing the culture & Biblical era usage of the word and what it actually means from what you perceive it to mean through usage by other ignorant people. Worse is the fact they never name this holy Father because they were selling Baal under a new mask and name but same birthdaye celebration day and sun symbols.
Research: the dying god mythology of Canaanites the Morning Star is the son of Baal, through dying he surpasses his father on the throne -Rev 22:16 Jesus calls himself Baal's son =Lucifer.
3)the scrolls warn of the arrogant proclamation of the son of God title and the followers.
A Moses Apocryphon" 4 Q375 of the scrolls undeniably states in
Fragment 1: "And the prophet who will arise and speak defection in your midst, turning you away from God, shall be put to death. BUt if the tribe from which he originates stands up for him and says let him not be put to death, for he is righteous; he is a trustworthy prophet..."

An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people
(THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
I am not confused by what you are attempting to do, nor am I theologically ignorant. How very empty you must feel to spew such twaddle.
Equating a woman who is famous for being on TV and the Son of God is not just stupid, it's rude.

1) you confused the premise, this is not about Oprah, this is about confusing dedicated landmarks with real residence. This is exactly why you actually think Jesus resided on earth when even a Pope more recently admited Jesus was just an expectation -image of a man.
2)it's outright ignorant to declare someone
"son of God" without knowing the culture & Biblical era usage of the word and what it actually means from what you perceive it to mean through usage by other ignorant people. Worse is the fact they never name this holy Father because they were selling Baal under a new mask and name but same birthdaye celebration day and sun symbols.
Research: the dying god mythology of Canaanites the Morning Star is the son of Baal, through dying he surpasses his father on the throne -Rev 22:16 Jesus calls himself Baal's son =Lucifer.
3)the scrolls warn of the arrogant proclamation of the son of God title and the followers.
A Moses Apocryphon" 4 Q375 of the scrolls undeniably states in
Fragment 1: "And the prophet who will arise and speak defection in your midst, turning you away from God, shall be put to death. BUt if the tribe from which he originates stands up for him and says let him not be put to death, for he is righteous; he is a trustworthy prophet..."

An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people
(THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
I am not confused by what you are attempting to do, nor am I theologically ignorant. How very empty you must feel to spew such twaddle.

1)You are the one who chose those words mirrored back at you, thus your words here are really a displacement behavior chastising yourself.
2) you never told us what your precept of "Son of God" means, so you are using Ad Hominom smokescreen tactics to avoid revealing what I already called you out on.
When you tell us, or make a humble admission, then I will share what it meant in that era to the Hebrews not the Pagans whom Rome was Appeasing and borrowing concepts from.
Equating a woman who is famous for being on TV and the Son of God is not just stupid, it's rude.

1) you confused the premise, this is not about Oprah, this is about confusing dedicated landmarks with real residence. This is exactly why you actually think Jesus resided on earth when even a Pope more recently admited Jesus was just an expectation -image of a man.
2)it's outright ignorant to declare someone
"son of God" without knowing the culture & Biblical era usage of the word and what it actually means from what you perceive it to mean through usage by other ignorant people. Worse is the fact they never name this holy Father because they were selling Baal under a new mask and name but same birthdaye celebration day and sun symbols.
Research: the dying god mythology of Canaanites the Morning Star is the son of Baal, through dying he surpasses his father on the throne -Rev 22:16 Jesus calls himself Baal's son =Lucifer.
3)the scrolls warn of the arrogant proclamation of the son of God title and the followers.
A Moses Apocryphon" 4 Q375 of the scrolls undeniably states in
Fragment 1: "And the prophet who will arise and speak defection in your midst, turning you away from God, shall be put to death. BUt if the tribe from which he originates stands up for him and says let him not be put to death, for he is righteous; he is a trustworthy prophet..."

An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people
(THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
I am not confused by what you are attempting to do, nor am I theologically ignorant. How very empty you must feel to spew such twaddle.

1)You are the one who chose those words mirrored back at you, thus your words here are really a displacement behavior chastising yourself.
2) you never told us what your precept of "Son of God" means, so you are using Ad Hominom smokescreen tactics to avoid revealing what I already called you out on.
When you tell us, or make a humble admission, then I will share what it meant in that era to the Hebrews not the Pagans whom Rome was Appeasing and borrowing concepts from.
I don't waste my time explaining my beliefs to someone like you who is only looking to ridicule. As Matthew advises: do not cast your pearls to pigs..
That would be called an Atheistic Jew not just a Jew, and if I am that which I am and you call me an atheist without knowing me and merely over hurt affiliation pride, then you guys proved just about all my previous points about social and group behavior. That "your gang against my gang" is why Christianity did the Jihaadist like acts before even Radical Muslims learned how to.
It didn't work for Christianity, it doesn't work for Islam, ans it doesn't work for political parties, street gangs, or prison yards.

Give us an example of "your gang against my gang" of Christianity before the 7th century.

Roman Authority and all the cults who had a christ figure had conflicts (revolts).
As the Roman Empire experienced the Crisis of the Third Century , the emperor Decius enacted measures intended to restore stability and unity, including a requirement that Roman citizens affirm their loyalty through religious ceremonies pertaining to Imperial cult . This most likely helped in forming one compiled world religion through Constantines vast mix of cultural belief and texts.
Including decisions to make messianic figures both savior and God,
both son of man and son of God, Covers all grounds even though it's insanely indecisive.

Persian Christian conflicts in 5xx ad

The Byzantine-Muslim Wars before the crusades.

These are just a few of the many, church's east west fighting count too.
Equating a woman who is famous for being on TV and the Son of God is not just stupid, it's rude.

1) you confused the premise, this is not about Oprah, this is about confusing dedicated landmarks with real residence. This is exactly why you actually think Jesus resided on earth when even a Pope more recently admited Jesus was just an expectation -image of a man.
2)it's outright ignorant to declare someone
"son of God" without knowing the culture & Biblical era usage of the word and what it actually means from what you perceive it to mean through usage by other ignorant people. Worse is the fact they never name this holy Father because they were selling Baal under a new mask and name but same birthdaye celebration day and sun symbols.
Research: the dying god mythology of Canaanites the Morning Star is the son of Baal, through dying he surpasses his father on the throne -Rev 22:16 Jesus calls himself Baal's son =Lucifer.
3)the scrolls warn of the arrogant proclamation of the son of God title and the followers.
A Moses Apocryphon" 4 Q375 of the scrolls undeniably states in
Fragment 1: "And the prophet who will arise and speak defection in your midst, turning you away from God, shall be put to death. BUt if the tribe from which he originates stands up for him and says let him not be put to death, for he is righteous; he is a trustworthy prophet..."

An Aramaic Apocalypse" 4Q246 part2
"The Son of God he will be proclaimed (or proclaim himself) and the son of the most high they will call him....They will reign for years on the earth & they will trample all. People will trample people
(THIS has Happened in the Name of the Church)
I am not confused by what you are attempting to do, nor am I theologically ignorant. How very empty you must feel to spew such twaddle.

1)You are the one who chose those words mirrored back at you, thus your words here are really a displacement behavior chastising yourself.
2) you never told us what your precept of "Son of God" means, so you are using Ad Hominom smokescreen tactics to avoid revealing what I already called you out on.
When you tell us, or make a humble admission, then I will share what it meant in that era to the Hebrews not the Pagans whom Rome was Appeasing and borrowing concepts from.
I don't waste my time explaining my beliefs to someone like you who is only looking to ridicule. As Matthew advises: do not cast your pearls to pigs..

Calling Jews pigs, classic!
But then again you call your king of the Jews IeSous(the swine) =king pig according to your method of devotion.
But calling The king of the pigs a son of God means you are calling your god Baal.

Note you refused to answer because you don't know and human ego+affiliation pride = smokescreen and excuses.
I would say that one can know them by their fruits and a paul( apple) taught them very well yes very well indeed....It was a rotten fruit and it has spoiled many a plant in the garden indeed.....
One of those reality TV shows had a lady come across a Street named in honor of Oprah.
This lady was do stupid and obsessed that she was adamantly gonna stay and walk throughout the street to find and see Oprah. Her friend tried to warn her that she was not gonna find Oprah there, but the stuborn lady insisted she'd see Oprah.

Where is this any different then people waiting and expecting to see Jesus just because they honor the character in their book and churches? At least Oprah exists.

The lady's friend never did explain to the overly zealous fan why a street named after her is not gonna be where she lives or is. SHE PROBABLY THOUGHT WHY BOTHER as her friend is gonna do what she is obsessed to do?
Unlike her friend there are those who do take the time, patience and backlash to explain to the zealots of the reasons behind the false expectations and failed reasoning. It goes unappreciated and many times ignored, but it's the right and decent thing to do.
-keeps of the unpopular truth

Says a people who have been waiting for some Messiah to pop up and magically fix everything for how many millennia now?
Take the Moses expressway to the corner of Yahweh and Messiah Mall Rd..........

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