Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors

This story is insane... not only do they act like the Chinese Communist Party, they have Chinese Nationalist driving portions of their censorship!!
I was banned for 24 hours first time in my life from Facebook for saying Facebook was following the censorship policies of The Nazis.

I was not initially banned, no, I had a warning and the second I asked to that to be reviewed the ban was instantaneous.

Both the warning, my requesting a review and my ban happened within 3 seconds.

There are no fact checkers. It’s all AI. There was no human response, just a cold ban hammer.
Ive been saying this for a long time.
I believe China is behind so much of the corruption in this country, including but not limited to, teaching institutions, congress, media, hollywood, etc..., such a very long list.
Until Trump, they had a lot of control, and now he has disrupted their foothold.
This story is insane... not only do they act like the Chinese Communist Party, they have Chinese Nationalist driving portions of their censorship!!

Link to article

Kill a commie for mommy!!!

Dead Commies or Valhalla!!!
This is the most outrageous fucking intervention in American politics by a hostile foreign power since we went to war with King George, and just look at how few replies there are to the thread, a dozen or so, before it gets buried by the Orwellian named "Moderators" who are in truth "censors!" So the retards get it, this story details facebook mega-billionaire/US traitor "Mark Zuckerberg" importing specialized communist Chinese censors to specifically censor Americans in America, all are whisked into the nation via H1B's, and they are CCP censorship specialists, and do you know which republicans are in on this, Mike Lee and Mittens Romney senators from Utah, along with Lindsey Graham the Judiciary Chairman.... :mad:
Facebook and Twitter are not worth joining. I have them and quit utilizing them. I told my friends and family if they need to get a hold of me, call or text. I’m not letting corporate America dictate what I can or cannot post.