Medicare, Plan G

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Medicare Part-G Nursing Home Plan:
Say you're an older senior citizen and can no longer take care of yourself. The government says there's no Nursing Home care available for you. So what do you do? You opt for Part-G.

Our plan gives anyone 65 or older a gun (part-G) and four bullets. You are allowed to shoot four politicians. This means of course that you'll be sent to prison where you'll receive three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating and air conditioning, cable TV, library, and all the Health Care you need. N o problem. Need glasses? that's great. Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart? They're all covered.

As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you at least as often as they do now!

And who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you they can't afford for you to go into a home. can get rid of four useless politicians while you're at it. And now, because you're a prisoner, you don't have to pay any more income taxes.

Is this a great country or what? Now that you've solved your senior financial planning, enjoy your week.
Medicare Part-G Nursing Home Plan:
Say you're an older senior citizen and can no longer take care of yourself. The government says there's no Nursing Home care available for you. So what do you do? You opt for Part-G.

Our plan gives anyone 65 or older a gun (part-G) and four bullets. You are allowed to shoot four politicians. This means of course that you'll be sent to prison where you'll receive three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating and air conditioning, cable TV, library, and all the Health Care you need. N o problem. Need glasses? that's great. Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart? They're all covered.

As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you at least as often as they do now!

And who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you they can't afford for you to go into a home. can get rid of four useless politicians while you're at it. And now, because you're a prisoner, you don't have to pay any more income taxes.

Is this a great country or what? Now that you've solved your senior financial planning, enjoy your week.
That's a great solution for the working poor too

I like it
My mother has alzheimers. She paid into medicare all her life. Medicare will cover medical expenses but they won't cover nursing homes. Neither will any of the so called supplemental plans. They only cover what medicare covers and will pay the residual after medicare pays their portion. I looked everywhere for a policy that would cover nursing homes but I couldn't find one.

When my mom needs it the most, she's abandoned by medicare. So every penny she ever saved and all her assets had to be sold or taken out of her name to pay for nursing care. When she's out of money medicaid will pay for nursing home but not all nursing homes will take medicaid. The thing is, a person can't have any assets for at least 5 years prior to getting medicaid. So we are hoping that her money lasts long enough for her to be able to get medicaid when her money does run out.

So we, her kids will not inherit anything from her because everything she has, has to go to pay for the group home she's now in. She was in a large facility because we couldn't find a group home that will take medicaid that had any openings. We had her name put on lists for when there was an opening. She had to go through a year of hell at that nursing home until a group home had an opening.

This isn't the right way to treat seniors. She was a taxpaying citizen of our nation all her adult life and she didn't deserve to endure what she's gone through.

She wanted one of us kids to have the house we grew up in but it had to be sold.

I wish that we had a congress and government who would see what an injustice this is to seniors but our congress is run by republicans and the last thing they're going to do is help Americans who aren't filthy rich.
My mother has alzheimers. She paid into medicare all her life. Medicare will cover medical expenses but they won't cover nursing homes. Neither will any of the so called supplemental plans. They only cover what medicare covers and will pay the residual after medicare pays their portion. I looked everywhere for a policy that would cover nursing homes but I couldn't find one.

When my mom needs it the most, she's abandoned by medicare. So every penny she ever saved and all her assets had to be sold or taken out of her name to pay for nursing care. When she's out of money medicaid will pay for nursing home but not all nursing homes will take medicaid. The thing is, a person can't have any assets for at least 5 years prior to getting medicaid. So we are hoping that her money lasts long enough for her to be able to get medicaid when her money does run out.

So we, her kids will not inherit anything from her because everything she has, has to go to pay for the group home she's now in. She was in a large facility because we couldn't find a group home that will take medicaid that had any openings. We had her name put on lists for when there was an opening. She had to go through a year of hell at that nursing home until a group home had an opening.

This isn't the right way to treat seniors. She was a taxpaying citizen of our nation all her adult life and she didn't deserve to endure what she's gone through.

She wanted one of us kids to have the house we grew up in but it had to be sold.

I wish that we had a congress and government who would see what an injustice this is to seniors but our congress is run by republicans and the last thing they're going to do is help Americans who aren't filthy rich.

Awwwwwwwww you crying because it's unjust how she had to pay for her own care?
My mother has alzheimers. She paid into medicare all her life. Medicare will cover medical expenses but they won't cover nursing homes. Neither will any of the so called supplemental plans. They only cover what medicare covers and will pay the residual after medicare pays their portion. I looked everywhere for a policy that would cover nursing homes but I couldn't find one.

When my mom needs it the most, she's abandoned by medicare. So every penny she ever saved and all her assets had to be sold or taken out of her name to pay for nursing care. When she's out of money medicaid will pay for nursing home but not all nursing homes will take medicaid. The thing is, a person can't have any assets for at least 5 years prior to getting medicaid. So we are hoping that her money lasts long enough for her to be able to get medicaid when her money does run out.

So we, her kids will not inherit anything from her because everything she has, has to go to pay for the group home she's now in. She was in a large facility because we couldn't find a group home that will take medicaid that had any openings. We had her name put on lists for when there was an opening. She had to go through a year of hell at that nursing home until a group home had an opening.

This isn't the right way to treat seniors. She was a taxpaying citizen of our nation all her adult life and she didn't deserve to endure what she's gone through.

She wanted one of us kids to have the house we grew up in but it had to be sold.

I wish that we had a congress and government who would see what an injustice this is to seniors but our congress is run by republicans and the last thing they're going to do is help Americans who aren't filthy rich.

Awwwwwwwww you crying because it's unjust how she had to pay for her own care?
That's pretty fucking cold to say. Her taxes went to paying for care of others. Welfare, schools, etc.

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