medicare for all?


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
Life Liberty & Levin is on right now. They are talking about how Canada's system sucks because it can take months to get simple procedures done because it is rationed care. The Rich have to wait just like the Poor and everyone gets shitty medical. The reason being is we don't have enough supply to meet demand.

Anyhow, I was thinking. Having a pay as you go medical service means rich people get what they want or need when they want or need it. But it means the poor have no medical.

Looking at it from the poors point of view, crappy medical is better than no medical and they don't care that the Rich gets the same crappy service.

Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.
Life Liberty & Levin is on right now. They are talking about how Canada's system sucks because it can take months to get simple procedures done because it is rationed care. The Rich have to wait just like the Poor and everyone gets shitty medical. The reason being is we don't have enough supply to meet demand.

Anyhow, I was thinking. Having a pay as you go medical service means rich people get what they want or need when they want or need it. But it means the poor have no medical.

Looking at it from the poors point of view, crappy medical is better than no medical and they don't care that the Rich gets the same crappy service.

Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.

The poor always had medical care through charity clinics and county hospitals. The Federal "Family Health Center" program provided both care for medicaid recipient and other indigent types- as well as providing training for residents and interns who have just graduated medical school.

I suppose the programs we have already could be expanded if they needed to be- but there was never a reason for a universal socialized system where everyone gets poverty level medical care
Life Liberty & Levin is on right now. They are talking about how Canada's system sucks because it can take months to get simple procedures done because it is rationed care. The Rich have to wait just like the Poor and everyone gets shitty medical. The reason being is we don't have enough supply to meet demand.

Anyhow, I was thinking. Having a pay as you go medical service means rich people get what they want or need when they want or need it. But it means the poor have no medical.

Looking at it from the poors point of view, crappy medical is better than no medical and they don't care that the Rich gets the same crappy service.

Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.

The poor always had medical care through charity clinics and county hospitals. The Federal "Family Health Center" program provided both care for medicaid recipient and other indigent types- as well as providing training for residents and interns who have just graduated medical school.

I suppose the programs we have already could be expanded if they needed to be- but there was never a reason for a universal socialized system where everyone gets poverty level medical care
I have VA. So I have crappy medical. Better than nothing medical.

But, I have rotting teeth in my mouth and I hear if you don't get them taken care of they can poison you and kill you. I do without Dental Healthcare. I have a hole in one tooth that leads to the bone and I'm worried the bone will get infected. I lost my job so I can't save up money to get the tooth pulled. I'm forced to eat soft food only or to swallow food whole without chewing. How about Dental for all.

On another note I recognize the fact that we can bankrupt our country if we tried to give medical to everyone.
medicare is still a health insurance system that people pay premiums into, so "medicare for all" doesn't fundamentally change anything.
medicare is still a health insurance system that people pay premiums into, so "medicare for all" doesn't fundamentally change anything.

If "medicare for all" becomes the only legal health insurance, it changes things dramatically. You won't be able to get your own plan, so whatever the bureaucrats said, you'd be stuck with unless you wanted to and were able to pony up your own cash for service. And some "medicare for all" schemes outlaw private medical care completely.

If "medicare for all" becomes merely a "public option", that means that only those who have no medical problems or don't want to pay more will go for it. Private companies will not be able to compete on price with the government, so they will compete on Quality. Get the best doctors, the Harvey Cushings and Ben Carsons on exclusive contract and leave the Vinnie Boombatz type doctors in the Public Option.
medicare is still a health insurance system that people pay premiums into, so "medicare for all" doesn't fundamentally change anything.

If "medicare for all" becomes the only legal health insurance, it changes things dramatically. You won't be able to get your own plan, so whatever the bureaucrats said, you'd be stuck with unless you wanted to and were able to pony up your own cash for service. And some "medicare for all" schemes outlaw private medical care completely.

If "medicare for all" becomes merely a "public option", that means that only those who have no medical problems or don't want to pay more will go for it. Private companies will not be able to compete on price with the government, so they will compete on Quality. Get the best doctors, the Harvey Cushings and Ben Carsons on exclusive contract and leave the Vinnie Boombatz type doctors in the Public Option.

The only way you can outlaw private medical care is for the government to buy up all the hospitals, labs, etc. Not going to happen.
There’s a shortage of doctors, nurses and facilities as it stands we can’t adequately meet demand
But, I have rotting teeth in my mouth and I hear if you don't get them taken care of they can poison you and kill you. I do without Dental Healthcare. I have a hole in one tooth that leads to the bone and I'm worried the bone will get infected. I lost my job so I can't save up money to get the tooth pulled. I'm forced to eat soft food only or to swallow food whole without chewing. How about Dental for all.

I don't think there are enough dentists out there to provide all the dental work that people want.

My family always went to the dentist, but that wasn't the case with all families back in the day. When I was a boy, dental offices were really packed. I learned later on when I was shooting the shit with an old time dentist friend the reason. The 2 biggest events he saw in dental history was the invention of the high speed drill and the introduction of dental insurance. When all those guys in the steel mills started getting the dental benefit, they crowded the nation's dental offices while before then, they could never see spending the money. And the high speed drill reduced dramatically the chair time dental services took.

Having universal dental coverage would jam the dental offices with cheapskates.
If you just search-
Florida Free Dental Care and Clinics -
Life Liberty & Levin is on right now. They are talking about how Canada's system sucks because it can take months to get simple procedures done because it is rationed care. The Rich have to wait just like the Poor and everyone gets shitty medical. The reason being is we don't have enough supply to meet demand.

Anyhow, I was thinking. Having a pay as you go medical service means rich people get what they want or need when they want or need it. But it means the poor have no medical.

Looking at it from the poors point of view, crappy medical is better than no medical and they don't care that the Rich gets the same crappy service.

Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.

The poor always had medical care through charity clinics and county hospitals. The Federal "Family Health Center" program provided both care for medicaid recipient and other indigent types- as well as providing training for residents and interns who have just graduated medical school.

I suppose the programs we have already could be expanded if they needed to be- but there was never a reason for a universal socialized system where everyone gets poverty level medical care
I have VA. So I have crappy medical. Better than nothing medical.

But, I have rotting teeth in my mouth and I hear if you don't get them taken care of they can poison you and kill you. I do without Dental Healthcare. I have a hole in one tooth that leads to the bone and I'm worried the bone will get infected. I lost my job so I can't save up money to get the tooth pulled. I'm forced to eat soft food only or to swallow food whole without chewing. How about Dental for all.

On another note I recognize the fact that we can bankrupt our country if we tried to give medical to everyone.
Life Liberty & Levin is on right now. They are talking about how Canada's system sucks because it can take months to get simple procedures done because it is rationed care. The Rich have to wait just like the Poor and everyone gets shitty medical. The reason being is we don't have enough supply to meet demand.

Anyhow, I was thinking. Having a pay as you go medical service means rich people get what they want or need when they want or need it. But it means the poor have no medical.

Looking at it from the poors point of view, crappy medical is better than no medical and they don't care that the Rich gets the same crappy service.

Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.

In this country, Everyone gets medical when they need it now.The poor don’t pay for it, the rich can afford it, and the dwindling middle hopes they have enough insurance to cover what they can’t afford.
Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.

Life Liberty & Levin is on right now. They are talking about how Canada's system sucks because it can take months to get simple procedures done because it is rationed care. The Rich have to wait just like the Poor and everyone gets shitty medical. The reason being is we don't have enough supply to meet demand.

Anyhow, I was thinking. Having a pay as you go medical service means rich people get what they want or need when they want or need it. But it means the poor have no medical.

Looking at it from the poors point of view, crappy medical is better than no medical and they don't care that the Rich gets the same crappy service.

Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.

The poor always had medical care through charity clinics and county hospitals. The Federal "Family Health Center" program provided both care for medicaid recipient and other indigent types- as well as providing training for residents and interns who have just graduated medical school.

I suppose the programs we have already could be expanded if they needed to be- but there was never a reason for a universal socialized system where everyone gets poverty level medical care
I have VA. So I have crappy medical. Better than nothing medical.

But, I have rotting teeth in my mouth and I hear if you don't get them taken care of they can poison you and kill you. I do without Dental Healthcare. I have a hole in one tooth that leads to the bone and I'm worried the bone will get infected. I lost my job so I can't save up money to get the tooth pulled. I'm forced to eat soft food only or to swallow food whole without chewing. How about Dental for all.

On another note I recognize the fact that we can bankrupt our country if we tried to give medical to everyone.

The VA I believe is going to start providing dental treatment to all vets receiving their health care from them starting I think next year with priority 1 and 2 groups and then expanding later.
Life Liberty & Levin is on right now. They are talking about how Canada's system sucks because it can take months to get simple procedures done because it is rationed care. The Rich have to wait just like the Poor and everyone gets shitty medical. The reason being is we don't have enough supply to meet demand.

Anyhow, I was thinking. Having a pay as you go medical service means rich people get what they want or need when they want or need it. But it means the poor have no medical.

Looking at it from the poors point of view, crappy medical is better than no medical and they don't care that the Rich gets the same crappy service.

Are we a country for the people? in which case everyone should have medical. Or are we a people for the country, where we do what is best for the country at large even if it means not providing for everyone.

The poor always had medical care through charity clinics and county hospitals. The Federal "Family Health Center" program provided both care for medicaid recipient and other indigent types- as well as providing training for residents and interns who have just graduated medical school.

I suppose the programs we have already could be expanded if they needed to be- but there was never a reason for a universal socialized system where everyone gets poverty level medical care
I have VA. So I have crappy medical. Better than nothing medical.

But, I have rotting teeth in my mouth and I hear if you don't get them taken care of they can poison you and kill you. I do without Dental Healthcare. I have a hole in one tooth that leads to the bone and I'm worried the bone will get infected. I lost my job so I can't save up money to get the tooth pulled. I'm forced to eat soft food only or to swallow food whole without chewing. How about Dental for all.

On another note I recognize the fact that we can bankrupt our country if we tried to give medical to everyone.

The VA I believe is going to start providing dental treatment to all vets receiving their health care from them starting I think next year with priority 1 and 2 groups and then expanding later.
I'm priority 8 :(
Watching the same thing the OP is.....I am honestly amazed at how much Canadians pay (through taxes for healthcare) $1,300 per month!! And then, you have wait times for weeks and weeks and some government bureaucrat deciding IF you are young enough to receive treatment. In America you might just pay that much for multiple family coverage but, you will receive timely, good treatment...why? Because if you don't you can drop your insurance and go with a better company. No such choice in Canada.

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