Mediacracy: Why the Media is the Greatest Threat to the Political Process


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Mediacracy: Why the Media is the Greatest Threat to the Integrity of the Political Process

October 17, 2012 By Daniel Greenfield

Candy Crowley’s deeply unethical behavior in yesterday’s debate was yet another reminder that the media no longer feels bound by any ethical standards and that their involvement in the political process is not informative, but conformative. They are not interested in creating a forum for a national conversation, but in controlling the conversation in order to control its outcome.

We have three branches of government in the United States. The Fourth Estate is not one of them. Journalists are human beings and they have opinions. So do people in all professions. Professionalism means doing your job, no matter what your opinions are, not turning your opinions into the goal of your job.

The media is no longer interested in reporting on government, it wants to be the government. In a debate between two candidates running for political office, biased commentators like Candy Crowley attempt to insert themselves as third candidates. And Candy Crowley’s behavior was not just the ethical lapse of one woman, it’s the symptom of a profession where “ethical” means doing whatever it takes to help the side that they favor win.

We are no longer dealing with media bias, but the end of the media’s role as reporters and the beginning of their attempt to act as arbiters.


Mediacracy: Why the Media is the Greatest Threat to the Integrity of the Political Process

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