Meanwhile, Republicans hard at work trying to steal the election

its a simple yes or no answer,,
should he concede if there is clear proof of fraud or improper procedure???

Who determines the proof? Public opinion?

I think I hear the sound of shifting goal posts...

How about the duly-elected or -appointed authorities whose job it is to monitor and maintain fair elections?
Sure. But I think it ultimately gets decided by the courts.

Well, I guess that depends on how it goes. But you asked who determines the proof, and that's the answer.
One is a deep red state.

Which one is that?
Meanwhile, what utterly bypasses your radar is we have a president and Republican hacks who have been discounting the election as "rigged" from day one, should the president lose and a president who won't even commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Mail balloting is only the tip of the iceberg in this election mess.

He's commited to the accepting the results of a free and fair election.. That's fine by me.. Ought to be EVERYONES' expectations of EVERY election.. But we're infested with busybodies engineering work arounds to the Constitution.. Like binding state electors to the NAtional pop vote and IGNORING THE WILL OF THEIR OWN VOTERS...

Consider that attempt.. Think about it.. Now how is NY, Cali, Illinois and other dozen states that signed that stupid deal gonna look if Trump wins the Popular vote and those states turn RED on the election map????

Can you think of anymore juvenile, crackpot plans with no DESIGN, no fault analysis that twist this country's election process more whompus than that???

He has not committed to "accepting the results of a free and fair election" because he has already STATED THAT THE ONLY WAY BIDEN COULD WIN WAS BY A RIGGED ELECTION. For God's sake.
do you lie all the time or just when youre on this forum,,,

hes said he will if its free and fair, its just that dems are trying to change the rules and procedures at the last minute and are claiming they are going it to draw it out,,,


"Well, we're going to have to see what happens. You know that. I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots. And the ballots are a disaster. ... We want to have -- get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very trans- -- we'll have a very peaceful -- there won't be a transfer, frankly; there'll be a continuation. The ballots are out of control. You know it."

You realize that what he is saying is the only way he will accept it is if he wins.
thanks for you opinion,, and you non relevant quote,,,
youre selective view of the many comments he has made on the subject,,, it is noted and mocked for the TDS that led up to it,,,

tell me would you concede if there were signs of fraud or improper procedures???

Tell me, is the only valid election one in which you win?
One is a deep red state.

Which one is that?
Meanwhile, what utterly bypasses your radar is we have a president and Republican hacks who have been discounting the election as "rigged" from day one, should the president lose and a president who won't even commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Mail balloting is only the tip of the iceberg in this election mess.

He's commited to the accepting the results of a free and fair election.. That's fine by me.. Ought to be EVERYONES' expectations of EVERY election.. But we're infested with busybodies engineering work arounds to the Constitution.. Like binding state electors to the NAtional pop vote and IGNORING THE WILL OF THEIR OWN VOTERS...

Consider that attempt.. Think about it.. Now how is NY, Cali, Illinois and other dozen states that signed that stupid deal gonna look if Trump wins the Popular vote and those states turn RED on the election map????

Can you think of anymore juvenile, crackpot plans with no DESIGN, no fault analysis that twist this country's election process more whompus than that???

He has not committed to "accepting the results of a free and fair election" because he has already STATED THAT THE ONLY WAY BIDEN COULD WIN WAS BY A RIGGED ELECTION. For God's sake.
do you lie all the time or just when youre on this forum,,,

hes said he will if its free and fair, its just that dems are trying to change the rules and procedures at the last minute and are claiming they are going it to draw it out,,,


"Well, we're going to have to see what happens. You know that. I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots. And the ballots are a disaster. ... We want to have -- get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very trans- -- we'll have a very peaceful -- there won't be a transfer, frankly; there'll be a continuation. The ballots are out of control. You know it."

You realize that what he is saying is the only way he will accept it is if he wins.
thanks for you opinion,, and you non relevant quote,,,
youre selective view of the many comments he has made on the subject,,, it is noted and mocked for the TDS that led up to it,,,

tell me would you concede if there were signs of fraud or improper procedures???

Tell me, is the only valid election one in which you win?

now you answer my question,,,


Perhaps you can let Mr. Trump know this because he also talked about rigged elections in 2012...

If he he feels there improprieties he can utilize the courts, demand recounts, etc the same as any other candidate. The question that remains however is will he accept the results of that process or dismiss it as "fake news"?

At that point...if he doesn't concede to a peaceful transfer of power (which has not said he would) - what then?
Again, the only party I know that didn't concede election results peacefully was your party of wackos.


1. Gore (who I'm guessing you are referring to) - contested a very close election in Florida. He followed the appropriate procedures and then conceded. At NO TIME was it not peaceful.

2. McCrory - NC's former Republican Mayor, would not concede and contested an election that was far less close than Gore's Florida case.

As a matter of fact, Gore did NOT follow appropriate procedures. That was the ruling of the Supreme Court, in fact: that the type of selective recount Gore was demanding was Unconstitutional.

He went through the right channels, correct?

I suppose you could say the channels were correct, but what he he asked them for was not, and what they decided was blatantly not "appropriate procedures".

Truthfully, the appropriate procedure for him would have been to accept that he lost when the legal recounts said he did.
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?
I know one thing,'s going to be a cluster you know what and will lead to this election's results being challenged by whoever it is that loses. We should have never gone this route. Mail in votes should have had to been cast early so that they could all be counted by election day. Not doing so has left the door open for total chaos. Remember the Democratic primary in Iowa? They STILL don't know who really won that!
We didn't. I am in Tennessee. How they hold a vote is up to the states, not me, you, or donnie. It will sort itself out or we will see what we will see. You can bet trump will make moves to stop counting the mail in ballots, at least all but his mail in ballot. It is very important to cut out or cut down the vote for him to have a chance at winning. I think he is history.

I bet nothing of the sort. I think he will demand that the legally-mandated procedures and deadlines be adhered to. Maybe as a leftist, you think following the law is "cheating".
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?
I know one thing,'s going to be a cluster you know what and will lead to this election's results being challenged by whoever it is that loses. We should have never gone this route. Mail in votes should have had to been cast early so that they could all be counted by election day. Not doing so has left the door open for total chaos. Remember the Democratic primary in Iowa? They STILL don't know who really won that!
We didn't. I am in Tennessee. How they hold a vote is up to the states, not me, you, or donnie. It will sort itself out or we will see what we will see. You can bet trump will make moves to stop counting the mail in ballots, at least all but his mail in ballot. It is very important to cut out or cut down the vote for him to have a chance at winning. I think he is history.
I think this whole mail in ballot thing is going to be a cluster fuck of epic proportions, White! I think it's going to be weeks if not months before we know who won the election. I think we're going to see violent demonstrations in the streets by the left as soon as the election happens trying to force a regime change. I think it's going to affect the economy adversely. I think people are going to die because of it!
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?
I know one thing,'s going to be a cluster you know what and will lead to this election's results being challenged by whoever it is that loses. We should have never gone this route. Mail in votes should have had to been cast early so that they could all be counted by election day. Not doing so has left the door open for total chaos. Remember the Democratic primary in Iowa? They STILL don't know who really won that!
We didn't. I am in Tennessee. How they hold a vote is up to the states, not me, you, or donnie. It will sort itself out or we will see what we will see. You can bet trump will make moves to stop counting the mail in ballots, at least all but his mail in ballot. It is very important to cut out or cut down the vote for him to have a chance at winning. I think he is history.
I think this whole mail in ballot thing is going to be a cluster fuck of epic proportions, White! I think it's going to be weeks if not months before we know who won the election. I think we're going to see violent demonstrations in the streets by the left as soon as the election happens trying to force a regime change. I think it's going to affect the economy adversely. I think people are going to die because of it!
Worst case scenario is by the constitution: Presidential elections occur quadrennially with registered voters casting their ballots on Election Day, which since 1845 has been the first Tuesday after November 1.[2][3][4] This date coincides with the general elections of various other federal, state, and local races; since local governments are responsible for managing elections, these races typically all appear on one ballot. The Electoral College electors then formally cast their electoral votes on the first Monday after December 12 at their state's capital. Congress then certifies the results in early January, and the presidential term begins on Inauguration Day, which since the passage of the Twentieth Amendment has been set at January 20. United States presidential election - Wikipedia

I suspect actual result will be known before December 12. I do not see either side going against the Constitution.
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?
I know one thing,'s going to be a cluster you know what and will lead to this election's results being challenged by whoever it is that loses. We should have never gone this route. Mail in votes should have had to been cast early so that they could all be counted by election day. Not doing so has left the door open for total chaos. Remember the Democratic primary in Iowa? They STILL don't know who really won that!
We didn't. I am in Tennessee. How they hold a vote is up to the states, not me, you, or donnie. It will sort itself out or we will see what we will see. You can bet trump will make moves to stop counting the mail in ballots, at least all but his mail in ballot. It is very important to cut out or cut down the vote for him to have a chance at winning. I think he is history.
I think this whole mail in ballot thing is going to be a cluster fuck of epic proportions, White! I think it's going to be weeks if not months before we know who won the election. I think we're going to see violent demonstrations in the streets by the left as soon as the election happens trying to force a regime change. I think it's going to affect the economy adversely. I think people are going to die because of it!
Worst case scenario is by the constitution: Presidential elections occur quadrennially with registered voters casting their ballots on Election Day, which since 1845 has been the first Tuesday after November 1.[2][3][4] This date coincides with the general elections of various other federal, state, and local races; since local governments are responsible for managing elections, these races typically all appear on one ballot. The Electoral College electors then formally cast their electoral votes on the first Monday after December 12 at their state's capital. Congress then certifies the results in early January, and the presidential term begins on Inauguration Day, which since the passage of the Twentieth Amendment has been set at January 20. United States presidential election - Wikipedia

I suspect actual result will be known before December 12. I do not see either side going against the Constitution.

I think the problems are going to arise first when the legally-set dates for certifying the votes come up, and either all the mail-in ballots haven't been counted yet, or someone is demanding endless recounts (see 2000). If the fights over that go on long enough, then it becomes an issue of states having a certified slate of electors for December 12. There is historical precedent for a state's electors being disqualified and the EC vote going on without them, but that would cause a political explosion.

I personally think we should absolutely follow all applicable laws as written. Your state decided to go to mail-in ballots two months before the election, and now they aren't prepared to get them all counted by the legal deadline for certification? Not our problem. Either certify what you have, or fall back to whatever remedy your laws dictate for non-certification. Your state wasn't able to get a certified slate of electors in time? Too damned bad. Guess your state sits this election out, and knows better than to fuck up like that the next time.
voting is a privilege, not a right, my friends
If you are over 18 in America, not serving a felony conviction and you registered to vote, IT IS YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE AND HAVE IT COUNTED.
it's more likely than an American will be struck by lightning than for him to participate in voter fraud, according to data cited by Crazy Bernie in this speech


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