Me Internet status update


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
is being rerouted and under consideration.WHY ? I dunno.Probably
because it can.Like how certain American Presidents can deem all kinds
of stuff { even Traditional American holidays } and specifically are
southern border and Recession as if No biggie.
I mean,talk about waking up Christmas morn to a sock hanging
from the Fireplace mantel chock full of Coal.Not even nice coal.
But the cheaper stuff.The stuff even Charles Dickens would prefer
not to be used in Old London storytelling.
Such is Life.Knowing er not ...
No one gets out of life ... Alive.

Put down the crack pipe and seek help!!!!
Boring ... not even relegated to ... same old ... same old.
At least for the " heck " of it try and be a slight bit original.
Whats with somes yuz Message Bored ers.
I mean,Francis the Talking Mule seems like Laurence Oliver
in - Hamlet " compared to guys like you.
Or how to Not
Be or not be like yuz.
I could assume that like most thing ... there is a shelf life.
But that wouldn't hold water.Never worked out that-a-way with TV
or even the telephone.The TV is still around now as big as Jumbo
in some cases.The telephone replaced by a cell phone.
There are still phone books,but no Public pay phones.
I guess eventually they'll be no need for shoes.
I mean,leather dress shoes.We're already half way there.
Men { in white collar professions } going to the office
in tennis shoes or sneakers.I mean,imagine someone like
James Stewart doing movie roles in tennis shoes.
Besides the Vacation comedy - Mr.Hobbs Takes a Vacation - { 1962 }
A neat movie.
So Status is not the correct word.There is no Internet Status.
Static ... of course.Internet Bias ... Definately.Internet protocols ?
For long Microsoft { mere days } is set to shut off Windows
8 and earlier.Kinda like the way Broadcast TV mandated some form of
hook-up.No more rabbit ears.If no Cable box or Satellite Dish then
you will need some box.Netflix is already getting cocky by insisting
Broadcast TV will end by 2030.Same predictions were made of Video
Rental stores.I had stock in a few major Video chains.
What's next ... Grocery chains.The end of paper currency.
We've already seen the end of sanity as a viable resource.
The end of Journalism.The end of Marriage as an Institution.
The end of the Nuclear Family ... nearing.
Maybe when the Martians arrive they might insist on old
TV from the 50's.Like - Leave it to Beaver - and - Father knows Best -.
or Howdy Dowdy.That'd be one way to make certain most politicians end
up in some funny farm.

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